Today’s News - Monday, July 5, 2021
Monday, July 5, 2021
With great sadness, we announce that ANN’s creator and founder, my greatly beloved wife, Kristen Richards, passed away July 1, 2021 from cancer.
The outpouring of sympathy from so very many people has been awesomely wonderful.
A very special thank you for Tami Hausman, Janet Strong, Linda Miller and Claire Wilson for the enormous support they have provided to me in this most difficult time.
To celebrate Kristen’s life we have:
● ArchNewsNow Tami Hausman PhD,
President of Hausman LLC - Kristen Richards, 1952-2021
● Architectural Record
Fred Bernstein - Tribute: Kristen Richards (1952–2021)
● The Architect's Newpaper Newpaper Jonathan Hilburg - Kristen Richards, who founded ArchNewsNow, passes away at 69
● Architect
The journal of the American Institute of Architects Paul Makovsky - Editor and Co-Founder of ArchNewsNow Kristen Richards Dies at 69
● Architecture Here and There
and There David Brussat - Kristen Richards, R.I.P.
● AIA New York - Kristen Richards, Hon. AIA, Hon. ASLA (1952-2021)
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