Today’s News - Wednesday, December 16, 2020
● Mark Wilson talks to experts from MIT, Parsons, OCAD, Twitter, etc. re: "10 new rules of design. Think of it as a new manifesto to overhaul the framework the industry is using to create a more equitable future for everyone. #2: End the idea of 'cultural fit' - it's racist."
● Nicolas Valencia parses "the megatrends reshaping the architecture and construction industry - and the globe": Architectural Challenges in Emerging Countries; Urbanization and Smart Cities: Managing Cities Bigger than Countries; etc.
● Chris Teale reports on experts who say: "Green buildings 'unheralded hero' in emissions fight" - Joe Biden's Clean Energy Plan includes a national building strategy "to create 1 million jobs to upgrade 4 million buildings and weatherize 2 million homes, all within four years."
● Borland parses studies re: how the multifamily industry is prepping for permanent remote work that "will trigger several new trends - one recommended being vigilant about reacting too quickly to new trends, because there remains market uncertainty."
● Nellie Peyton offers one of the most in-depth takes on the proposed $6 billion mega-Akon City of "shiny, pinkish buildings that would look at home in any sci-fi movie" powered by cryptocurrency in Senegal that "has been met with suspicion and bemusement - locals are wondering whether the promised benefits will ever come."
● Three 6-story heritage buildings will form the base of SHoP Architects' 79-story mixed-use supertall tower in Toronto that includes "expanding civic activity" beyond the atrium.
● Jared Green reports on a reVISION ASLA 2020 session with three Black women landscape architects and students who explained how Black cultural landscapes "are often made invisible and disrespected" - but "can form the basis of more affirming, inclusive, and resonant place-making today, which in turn can help heal the scars of the past."
● King cheers two projects in San Francisco's Presidio that, put together with Crissy Field (2001), "add up to the unmatched environmental resurrection of the backside of an Army post."
● Gamolina's great Q&A with Martha Thorne re: architectural education, the role of the Pritzker, and advice to young architects: "Always question what are considered 'truths.' We need to challenge assumptions in order to find new and better ways of doing things."
● Q&A with Eric Höweler re: how "uncovering the half-hidden clues and themes embedded in the Harvard Yard gates informed his design" for the newest gate outside Houghton Library (Kamin's "The Gates of Harvard" helped).
● Two we couldn't resist: Bacchi reports on the EU-funded initiative to "nurture" the well-being of the residents of Lucca, Italy, by making the city "Europe's first 'Human-animal smart city'" that "puts pooches first with a pet-friendly planning scheme."
● Not much to do with architecture but … Paris city hall fined €90,000 "for putting too many women in senior roles - mocked as absurd by Mayor Anne Hidalgo: 'I am happy to announce that we have been fined.'"
● ICYMI: ANN feature: Turan Duda & Jeffrey Paine: Predicting the Unpredictable - 2021 Workplace Trends: Several emerging trends will improve our ability to navigate the future with employee health and wellness in mind.

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Mark Wilson: 10 new rules of design: The design industry has been caught up in Eurocentric ideas for too long. We talked to leading experts from MIT, Twitter, and more, who want to help break the spell: ...what should you be doing to embrace BIPOC designers as a baseline rather than an exception...Think of it as a new manifesto...to overhaul the framework the industry is using to create a more equitable future for everyone. #2: End the idea of "cultural fit" - it's racist. -- Forest Young/Wolff Olins; Ceasar McDowell/MIT; Kimberly Dowdell/HOK/NOMA; Durell Coleman/DC Design; Kelly Walters/Parsons School of Design; Dori Tunstall/Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD); etc,- Fast Company / Co.Design |
Nicolas Valencia: What Are the Megatrends Reshaping the Architecture Field and the Construction Industry? Before the pandemic, the world was already facing a series of global transformations in the field of construction...sector should be able to understand and adapt to the megatrends that are reshaping the globe: Architectural Challenges in Emerging Countries; Urbanization and Smart Cities: Managing Cities Bigger than Countries; Climate Crisis: Energy-Efficient and Low-Footprint Solutions; etc.- ArchDaily |
Chris Teale: Green buildings 'unheralded hero' in emissions fight, experts say: Joe Biden's Clean Energy Plan says it would create 1 million jobs to upgrade 4 million buildings across the United States and weatherize 2 million homes, all within four years...will also be needed in a national building strategy, with cities and states having led the way previously...- Smart Cities Dive |
Kelsi Maree Borland: The Multifamily Industry Preps for Permanent Remote Work: The majority of workers will return to offices following the pandemic, but there will be a substantial increase in the remote work segment of the employment market: ...will trigger several new trends While many developers are already making these changes, the report also recommended being vigilant about reacting too quickly to new trends, since there remains market uncertainty.- GlobeSt.com |
Nellie Peyton: Future or fantasy? Senegal questions 'Akon City': Senegalese-American singer Akon says he'll build a futuristic city in rural Senegal. Villagers don't know what to think: The designs, which show shiny, pinkish buildings that...would look at home in any sci-fi movie...architect Hussein Bakri has carved out space for a parking lot - for flying cars...proposal has met with suspicion and bemusement...Questions about land rights, financing and feasibility remain unanswered, and locals are wondering whether the promised benefits will ever come...The list of promises is long. -- KE International; Xavier Ricou; APIX; BAD Consult- Thomson Reuters Foundation News |
SHoP Architects unveils a mixed-use supertall tower in Toronto: ...if approved, will straddle...entertainment and financial districts and soar 79 stories above one of the city’s oldest streets...Three 6-story heritage buildings will form the base...emphasis on encouraging and expanding civic activity will extend out of the atrium...thanks to a planned sidewalk-widening effort that will allow for outdoor cafes, greenery, seating, and improved pedestrian circulation. -- Adamson Associate Architects- The Architect's Newspaper |
Jared Green: Black Cultural Landscapes Can Be Sources of Healing: Black American cultural landscapes are often made invisible and disrespected...at reVISION ASLA 2020, three Black women landscape architects and students explained how these places can form the basis of more affirming, inclusive, and resonant place-making today, which in turn can help heal the scars of the past. -- Ujijji Davis Williams/SmithGroup; Whitney Barr; Anjelyque Easley- The Dirt/American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) |
John King: Crissy Field has new neighbors - 7 acres of tidal wetlands and a hilltop park-to-be: ...in San Francisco’s Presidio...two projects are the latest elements in a remarkable ongoing transformation...While Quartermaster Reach might be of interest primarily to birdwatchers...the 14-acre park taking shape to the west could become a Crissy Field-like destination...Put all these endeavors together - including Crissy Field, which opened in 2001...they add up to the unmatched environmental resurrection of the backside of an Army post...Large public endeavors rarely go smoothly. Fortunately for the Bay Area, the outcomes often are worth the wait.- San Francisco Chronicle |
Julia Gamolina: Service to Humanity: Martha Thorne on the Pritzker Prize, Architectural Education, and Affecting Change: Dean of IE School of Architecture & Design...in Madrid and Segovia, Spain...Executive Director of the Pritzker Architecture Prize...[she] talks about her international experiences, her role in academia, and the role of the Pritzker Prize, advising young architects to "always question what are considered 'truths.' We need to challenge assumptions in order to find new and better ways of doing things."- Madame Architect |
New gate outside Houghton Library adds another story to storied Harvard Yard: Designer reveals a hidden world, rich history: The Peter J. Solomon Gate starts a new chapter to the history of the gates that have stood there over the years. Q&A with Eric Höweler re: uncovering the half-hidden clues and themes embedded in the Yard gates; how that informed his design: "Blair Kamin's book [“The Gates of Harvard"] is a kind of investigative journalism, almost an archaeology...We hoped this gate might tell different stories...so we have hidden messages and patterns, images and silhouettes that you might not see at first..." -- Höweler + Yoon Architecture- Harvard Gazette |
Umberto Bacchi: Italian city puts pooches first with pet-friendly planning scheme: EU-funded project hopes to turn picturesque Lucca in Tuscany into Europe's first 'Human-animal smart city': ...initiative aims to nurture residents' well-being by making the city an animal-lovers' paradise - with dedicated dog-walking paths and pet-therapy programmes...could include...an app showing owners where to find water for thirsty pooches... -- Diletta Moretti- Thomson Reuters Foundation News |
Paris city hall fined for putting too many women in senior roles: Paris mayor to pay fine of €90,000 for breaking national rules in 2018 on gender parity: ...a decision mocked as absurd by the mayor, Anne Hidalgo...“I am happy to announce that we have been fined"...Since 2018 the absurd rule on parity in management had been repealed.- Guardian (UK) |
ANN feature: Turan Duda, FAIA & Jeffrey Paine, FAIA: Predicting the Unpredictable - 2021 Workplace Trends: Several emerging trends will improve our ability to navigate the future with employee health and wellness in mind.- ArchNewsNow.com |
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