Today’s News - Tuesday, June 11, 2019
● Betsky x 2: "With Pei's death, the last of the modern monument makers has passed. We can only hope that a new generation of architects will find a way to learn from such as Pei to make modern buildings that, even if they do not look or operate like monuments, are worthy of that name."
● He explains "why we should think twice about doing away with Post-modern landmarks" by the likes of Jerde, Weese, Jahn, et al: "Do we sometimes need buildings that are either awe-inspiring or fun and joyful, or both? Was that not what Postmodernism, for all its flaws, tried to do? There should always be room for fun, whimsy, and nostalgia in our built environment."
● Schank delves into how a small team "of not-your-usual government employees including a landscape architect, a dreadlocked anthropologist, and an industrial designer" in Mobile, Alabama, has "figured out how to change the narrative" when it comes to urban blight.
● Meanwhile, Santa Clara, California, has high hopes for its own version of NYC's Hudson Yards, but there are issues: Foster + Partners & Gensler's $8 billion, 9.2 million-square-foot "urban village" City Place "could bring up to 25,000 new jobs - but only 1,700 new homes - yet another development with far more jobs than homes to accommodate the expanded workforce" (neighboring San Jose is none too pleased).
● On a brighter note, a look at how more than 80 artists, architects, researchers, and academics from 20 countries will collaborate with Chicago communities and students at the Chicago Architecture Biennial.
● Vartanian has a great conversation with MoMA's Paola Antonelli re: "the world of tech, design, and the work of a beloved arts organization that is celebrating 20 years, Eyebeam."
● Considering that the work by Swiss architect Valerio Olgiati "is often shrouded in mystery until it's complete," it's a surprise to find 3 renderings of his plans for the Harvard GSD expansion.
● To be or not to be: Eyefuls of Viñoly's design for a rather stunning (despite the comments) super-tall for Facebook in Midtown Manhattan (originally a Pelli Clarke Pelli project to replace Hotel Pennsylvania), but "this ideation may already be moribund" because FB "has already publicly committed to One Madison Avenue."
● ICYMI: ANN feature: Bouras talks to Betsky re: experiment and experience at Taliesin - and beyond: Architecture, according to Betsky, is everything that is about building or buildings: how we design, represent, and discuss them, what they mean, and how they act in our society.
Cheers for the new Statue of Liberty Museum by FXCollaborative and ESI Design:
● Grabar finds the "elegant little" museum to be "a thoughtful, self-aware place, but one that, opening in the third year of the Trump presidency, feels awkwardly buoyant," citing a "shameful statistic that made me think twice about the visit and its appeal to America's better self.
● Sitz says the museum "enriches the island's visitor's experience, which has been a frustrating one for many. Subtle material choices allow the building's context and content to shine," and "offers visitors the opportunity to consider on a new level the meaning behind this iconic symbol."
● Okamoto: "Despite its symbolic subject, there is nothing monumental about the new museum. The most interesting quality is that it asks first to be perched on, not entered - a shining example of resilient design," which adds "an ecological layer to the idea of liberty."
● Heiderstadt: "The island's landscape is lifted and merged with the architecture to create memorable public space" with green roofs "designed to act as a habitat for native species and migrating birds."
● Olson reminds us that the Statue of Liberty Museum was one of Arch Digest's "most anticipated buildings of 2019. Design aside, the team hopes this space pays respect to a site that's meaningful to many."
● Call for entries: Expressions of Interest/EOI: EU TUMO Convergence Center for Engineering and Applied Science in Yerevan, Armenia - a 2-stage international design competition (no fee; cash prizes!).
● Call for entries: IFI Global Awards Program recognizes the exemplary contribution of individuals in strengthening and progressing Interior Architecture/Design (international - no fee for 3 of 4 awards).
● Call for entries (deadline extended!): Interior Scholarship 2019/2020 - The AIT Scholarship by Sto Foundation (students must be enrolled at a European university).
● Call for entries: 5th annual AIA Film Challenge.
● Call for entries (one of our faves!): Arch Record's 2019 Cocktail Napkin Sketch Contest: open to licensed architects or related professionals who practice in the U.S.

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Aaron Betsky: With I.M. Pei's death, the last of the modern monument makers has passed: ...monumental architecture is becoming less relevant for today's society: Pei's ability to manipulate monuments worked to ennoble the everyday as well...Pei and Kevin Roche's work, as well as that of Aldo Rossi...and Kenzo Tange...all served as correctives to both the dissolution of the monument during the 1950s and 1960s and its ponderous preservation in New Brutalism...We can only hope that a new generation of architects will find a way to learn from such as Pei to make modern buildings that, even if they do not look or operate like monuments, are worthy of that name. -- Harry Cobb; Stanley Tigerman; Philip Johnson- Dezeen |
Aaron Betsky: Save the Shopping Mall: Why we should think twice about doing away with Postmodern landmarks: Will we never learn? Despite our preservation victories...several Postmodernist landmarks and other recent experiments in architecture appear to be doomed...we will lose what I think was one of the most successful examples...Jon Jerde-designed Horton Plaza in San Diego...will now be renovated...into a bastion for WeWorkers and Googlers...Do we sometimes need buildings that are either awe-inspiring or fun and joyful, or both? Was that not what Postmodernism, for all its flaws, tried to do...There should always be room for fun, whimsy, and nostalgia in our built environment. -- Helmut Jahn; Harry Weese; Dan Kiley; Annabelle Selldorf; Venturi Scott Brown; William Pereira; Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer; Peter Zumthor; Michael Govan- Architect Magazine |
Hana Schank: Blight is eating American cities. Here’s how Mobile, Alabama, stopped it: The story of blight...is the story of the rich and poor in America, of unregulated real estate, and of centuries of inequality. But in Mobile, a small team figured out how to change the narrative: In an era when revitalization seems to be everywhere...Blight is what happens when people get left behind...there are clear winners and losers. The winners get reclaimed rail lines. The losers get high grass and weeds. Unless someone decides to do something about it. -- Center for Community Progress- Farnsworth Art Museum (Rockland, Maine) |
Santa Clara’s Version of NYC’s Famed Hudson Yards Megaplex is Set to Break Ground in 2020: ...will replace the...golf course across from Levi’s Stadium with an urban village that could bring up to 25,000 new jobs - but only 1,700 new homes...9.2 million-square-foot City Place...$8 billion project...has prompted considerable pushback from neighboring San Jose...240-acre property lies far enough away from BART and Caltrain stations to make it inconvenient enough to encourage car traffic...yet another development with far more jobs than homes to accommodate the expanded workforce. -- Foster + Partners; Gensler- San Jose Inside (California) |
How global designers will collaborate with locals at the Chicago Architecture Biennial: ...more than 80 artists, architects, researchers, and academics from 20 countries...will contribute to the third edition titled, “...and other such stories"...contributors will be working with Chicago communities and students through residencies and collaborations. -- Yesomi Umolu; Theaster Gates; MASS Design Group; Wolff Architects; Invisible Institute; Borderless Studio; Herkes Için Mimarlik (Architecture For All); studioBASAR; Keleketla! Library; ConstructLab; Sepake Angiama; Paulo Tavares- Curbed Chicago |
Hrag Vartanian: Discussing the Future of Design and Tech with Paola Antonelli, Senior Curator at MoMA: Antonelli shares her thoughts on the world of tech, design, and the work of a beloved arts organization that is celebrating 20 years, Eyebeam. [podcast]- Hyperallergic |
Valerio Olgiati offers sneak peak of Harvard GSD expansion: Given that the work of [the] Swiss architect...is often shrouded in mystery until it's complete, his plans for an expansion of the Harvard Graduate School of Design, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, are relatively candid. His Instagram recently uploaded three renders of the proposed expansion...- Archinect |
Facebook’s Possible 1,400-Foot ‘Penn15’ Supertall Revealed as Vornado Appears to Change Plans For 401 Seventh Avenue, in Midtown Manhattan: ...on the site of the Hotel Pennsylvania...2.8-million-square-foot tower designed by Rafael Viñoly...Facebook has already publicly committed to One Madison Avenue...so this ideation may already be moribund...plans for 15 Penn Plaza were previously conceived by Pelli Clarke Pelli...- New York YIMBY |
Henry Grabar: Beside the Golden Door: The new Statue of Liberty Museum is a quiet paean to America’s embrace of immigrants - but what is there to celebrate? ...the elegant little [museum]...a thoughtful, self-aware place, but one that, opening in the third year of the Donald Trump presidency, feels awkwardly buoyant...designed by FXCollaborative and...ESI Design...a statistic that made me think twice about the visit and its appeal to America’s better self: In fiscal year 2018, the U.S. admitted just 62 Syrian refugees. It’s a shameful number. -- Nicholas Garrison; Edwin Schlossberg- Slate |
Miriam Sitz: Statue of Liberty Museum Offers Up-Close Look at Lady Liberty: ...26,000-square-foot building...blends into the natural landscape...enriches the Liberty Island visitor’s experience, which has been a frustrating one for many...Between the berm and the sharply angled forms, the structure gives the appearance of pushing up from the earth...Subtle material choices allow the building’s context and content to shine...$100-million project offers visitors the opportunity to consider on a new level the meaning behind this iconic symbol... -- Nicholas Garrison/FXCollaborative; Edwin Schlossberg/ESI Design- Architectural Record |
Katie Okamoto: The Statue of Liberty Museum Opens in New York City: The new museum, designed by FXCollaborative with ESI Design, invigorates Liberty Island for its millions of visitors: Despite its symbolic subject, there is nothing monumental about the new museum...introduces a kind of topography to the flatness of the island...a geological gesture: a plate of park, uplifted, opens a roughly 25-foot-tall exhibition space beneath...The most interesting quality...is that it asks first to be perched on, not entered...soon to be overrun by grasses, bugs, and birds...a shining example of resilient design. The imperative has added an ecological layer to the idea of liberty...- Metropolis Magazine |
Donna Heiderstadt: FXCollaborative-Designed Statue of Liberty Museum Opens in New York City: ...includes the [Statue's] original torch as its centerpiece...the island’s landscape is lifted and merged with the architecture to create memorable public space above, and in the Museum space below in a new geology...targeted to achieve LEED Gold...Inside...the design was inspired by Bartholdi’s workshops in Paris and the Gustave Eiffel-engineered structure...polished concrete floors and deep charcoal accents give the interiors an industrial feel...intended to look as its been “lifted” from the surrounding park, features green roofs...designed to act as a habitat for native species and migrating birds. -- ESI Design- Interior Design magazine |
Carly Olson: New York’s Statue of Liberty Museum Opens to the Public: ...one of AD’s most anticipated buildings of 2019 - designed by FXCollaborative ...provides a detailed history of Lady Liberty’s improbable story: ...the largest addition to the nearly 15-acre site since its eponymous monument arrived stateside in 1886...Design aside, the team hopes this space pays respect to a site that’s meaningful to many. -- Edwin Schlossberg/ESI Design; Nicholas Garrison- Architectural Digest |
Call for entries: Expressions of Interest/EOI: EU TUMO Convergence Center For Engineering and Applied Science International Design Competition (2 stages), Yerevan, Armenia; no fee; cash prizes; registration deadline: June 23 (submissions due June 30)- Simonian Educational Foundation / TUMO Center for Creative Technologies |
Call for entries: IFI Global Awards Program (international}: IFI PRIZE (no fee), IFI Fellowship (no fee), IFI Design Journalism Award (no fee), and IFI Design Distinction Awards recognize the exemplary contribution of individuals in strengthening and progressing Interior Architecture/Design; deadline: July 31- International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) |
Call for entries (deadline extended!): Interior Scholarship 2019/2020 - The AIT Scholarship by Sto Foundation: up to four students of interior architecture, interior design, etc. enrolled at a European university will receive a monthly grant for one year, totalling 24,120 EUR; deadline: July 5- AIT-Dialog / Sto Foundation / Sto Stiftung (Germany) |
Call for entries: AIA Film Challenge: AIA's launch of its 5th annual competition is accompanied by the debut of its own documentary short film "Designed to Last; Blueprint for a Better Home"; deadline: August 12- Architect Magazine |
Call for entries: 2019 Cocktail Napkin Sketch Contest: open to licensed architects or related professionals who practice in the U.S.; deadline: September 6- Architectural Record |
ANN feature: Effie Bouras: Aaron Betsky: Experiment and Experience at Taliesin - and Beyond: Architecture, according to Betsky, is everything that is about building or buildings: how we design, represent, and discuss them, what they mean, and how they act in our society.- ArchNewsNow.com |
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