Today’s News - Tuesday, June 4, 2019
EDITOR'S NOTE: We'll be in road-warrior mode for the rest of the week - with luck (and the technology gods) on our side, we'll be able to post the newsletter (if not, blame those pesky tech gods!).
● Sad news: Kamin pays tribute to the "iconoclastic" Stanley Tigerman: "Witty, cantankerous and passionate about both his field and the city he shaped with his ideas - enlivening architecture with whimsy, irony, symbolism and overt references to a building's physical context or purpose."
● Cramer: "Few would argue with the description of Tigerman as dean (or godfather) of Chicago architecture - his life was characterized by deep demonstrations of responsibility to the city of Chicago, its architects, and its architecture, and to society as a whole."
● Welton remembers Tigerman, the "gifted enfant terrible of Chicago architects," with a post from 2013 re: his lifetime achievement award from AIA Chicago: "Stanley's obvious mischief does buildings that people get - witty and charming," said Exley.
● Changing gears: Gray delves into "why the building sector may be humanity's best hope for averting catastrophic climate change": "20% of all the construction in the world is influenced by a small percentage of AEC firms. That's where the power is," sayeth Mazria.
● Birnbaum calls on Chicago's new mayor to "ask the Obama Presidential Center organization to summon the courage to inhabit a neighborhood that it has deemed too risky" - it "could transform a community aching to absorb its benefits, thus making it the truly urban, catalytic facility it putatively aspires to be."
● Franklin brings us a status report as the National WWI Memorial "moves ahead with controversial Pershing Park plan - not everyone is satisfied with the final look."
● Zeiger parses "how two Getty initiatives are saving global Modernist heritage."
● Speaking of which, the National Trust for Historic Preservation releases its list of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places for 2019.
● Morgan profiles Walker & Gillette's 1928 "Superman Building" in downtown Providence - on the NTHP's endangered list: "We have the know-how. And we have developers who could successfully transform the now empty building."
● A Milwaukee high-rise by Korb + Associates Architects "has found support from an unlikely source": a grant from the U.S. Forestry Service to "help finance engineering work on tallest proposed timber tower in North America" (one of a number of grantees).
● Welton's Q&A with Steward, director of Princeton University Art Museum, re: the acquisition of almost 5,000 Michael Graves drawings: He "was one of the most influential designers of his generation. Beyond the physical beauty of many of the drawings - we felt the archive ought to stay intact - where it could be a resource for scholars and students."
● Meares makes us marvel at "the designer who gave Googie its flair": Helen Liu Fong of Armet and Davis, who "grew up to become an architectural visionary. It was not easy for a woman - let alone a Chinese American woman - to find a position as an architect in the late 1940s."
● Curbed and the Vox Media Podcast Network launch "Nice Try!" - "about the perpetual search for the perfect place hosted by Avery Trufelman" of 99% Invisible (first season: "Utopian").
● ICYMI: ANN feature: Johannes Knoops parses the U.S. Pavilion at the Venice Biennale Arte 2019: "Martin Puryear: Liberty/Libertà" - an architecture of hushed narratives.
Winners all:
● Great profiles of Arch Record's Design Vanguard 2019 - 10 emerging practices from around the globe.
● Franklin reports that "six big-name teams" are shortlisted for the National Pulse Memorial and Museum - dedicated to tragic shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando, Florida, with the "most compelling statements on how architecture can embody the organization's mandate: 'We will not let hate win.'"
● Eyefuls of the winners of the City of Edmonton (Canada) 2019 Missing Middle Infill Design Competition: "The first place team is currently in negotiations with the City to purchase the parcels of land and build their winning design, conditional on rezoning approval."
● OMA and KOO Architecture win the competition to design the University of Illinois at Chicago's new $95M performing arts center that will feature a translucent fabric roof with built-in solar panels.
● The Society of Architectural Historians presents its inaugural Change Agent Award to Diller Scofidio + Renfro team "for their innovative, paradigm-shifting work."
● The 11th annual AIA Diversity Recognition Program "celebrates architects and organizations actively committed to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion within the architecture profession."

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Obituary by Blair Kamin: Iconoclastic Chicago architect Stanley Tigerman, who shaped the city with his buildings and ideas, 88: the most influential Chicago architect of his generation and the ringleader of a group of rebels who opened the way for a more inclusive view of Chicago architecture and thus changed the course of the city’s design...Witty, cantankerous and passionate about both his field and the city he shaped with his ideas...broke the mold of modernist, steel-and-glass abstraction, enlivening architecture with whimsy, irony, symbolism and overt references to a building’s physical context or purpose. -- Tigerman McCurry; Eva Maddox; Archeworks- Chicago Tribune |
Obituary by Ned Cramer: Stanley Tigerman, 1930–2019: Architecture says farewell to a giant: Few would argue with the description of Tigerman as dean (or godfather) of Chicago architecture...[His] career and work evolved in contradistinction to the strict tenets of modernism...the Anti-Cruelty Society Building (1981)...exemplify his personal wit, erudition, and irascibility...his life was characterized by deep demonstrations of responsibility to the city of Chicago, its architects, and its architecture, and to society as a whole. -- Margaret McCurry/Tigerman McCurry Architects; Eva Maddox; Archeworks- Architect Magazine |
Obituary by J. Michael Welton: Remembering Stanley Tigerman: Today, we remember the iconoclastic Stanley Tigerman (1930-2019), always a friend to A+A, with a post from 2013: Tigerman, long-known as the witty and gifted enfant terrible of Chicago architects...honored with a lifetime achievement award from AIA Chicago...“Stanley’s obvious mischief does buildings that people get...witty and charming...," Peter Exley says. “He’s a great storyteller, through architecture.” -- Tigerman McCurry Architects- Architects and Artisans |
Audrey Gray: Why the Building Sector May Be Humanity’s Best Hope for Averting Catastrophic Climate Change: Architects have enormous sway in specifying building materials and modes of operation; they also understand the political, budget, and client-education barriers to executing zero-carbon designs better than anyone: Could AEC practitioners evolve their traditionally quiet, careful service mentality to make eco-strategic power plays and speak frankly to policy makers? ...“20% of all the construction in the world is influenced by a small percentage of AEC firms. That’s where the power is"...some AEC professionals are turning to activism... -- Edward Mazria/Architecture 2030- Metropolis Magazine |
Charles A. Birnbaum: As Mayor Lightfoot begins to 'break the wheel,' one issue may foretell her efficacy: The mayor can and should ask the Obama Presidential Center organization to summon the courage to inhabit a neighborhood that it has deemed too risky: Even OPC supporters have questioned siting the center in Jackson Park rather than the Washington Park neighborhood...where the center could transform a community aching to absorb its benefits, thus making it the truly urban, catalytic facility it putatively aspires to be. -- Frederick Law Olmsted Sr.; The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF)- Crain's Chicago Business |
Sydney Franklin: National WWI Memorial moves ahead with controversial Pershing Park plan: ...1.76-acre landscape...in Washington, D.C. Designed by Joseph Weishaar, “The Weight of Sacrifice”...to pay tribute to an often overlooked period of history. "A Soldier’s Journey," Sabin Howard’s massive, 60-foot-long, 10-foot-high bronze figure sculpture, will be the centerpiece...not everyone is satisfied with the final look. -- M. Paul Friedberg (1981); Charles Birnbaum/The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF)- The Architect's Newspaper |
Mimi Zeiger: How Two Getty Initiatives Are Saving Global Modernist Heritage: The Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI) and Keeping It Modern grant are dedicated to supporting new methods and technologies for the conservation of Modernist buildings: Standout grantee projects exist on six continents... -- Getty Conservation Institute; Getty Foundation; Louis Kahn; Pierre Jeanneret; I.M. Pei/C.K. Chen; Jørn Utzon; Andrija Mutnjakovic´- Metropolis Magazine |
Discover America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places for 2019: Over 300 places have been listed in its 32-year history, and in that time, fewer than 5% of listed sites have been lost. -- Helmut Jahn/James R. Thompson Center, Chicago; Walker & Gillette/Industrial Trust Company (Superman Building), Providence, Rhode Island; etc.- National Trust for Historic Preservation/NTHP |
William Morgan: Superman Building: The Industrial Trust is the most recognizable and most iconic building in downtown Providence...Opened in 1928, it has dominated the city's skyline for almost a century as one of the grandest pre-Depression era skyscrapers in the country...It is no wonder that the National Trust for Historic Preservation [NTHP] has designated this bank as one of America's most endangered historic places...We have the know-how...And we have developers who could successfully transform the now empty building... -- Walker & Gillette- GoLocalProvidence (Rhode Island) |
New Land Building Wins Federal Grant: ...help finance engineering work on tallest proposed timber tower in North America: A downtown Milwaukee high-rise has found support from an unlikely source: the U.S. Department of Agriculture...Forestry Service...awarded 41 grants totaling $8.9 million...the Ascent apartment tower...21-story, 201-unit apartment building. -- Korb + Associates Architects [image]- Urban Milwaukee |
J. Michael Welton: Princeton Acquires 5,000 Michael Graves Drawings: Q&A with James Steward...director of Princeton University Art Museum, about the acquisition: Why did Princeton acquire these drawings? "[He] was one of the most influential designers of his generation, who remained committed to the Beaux Arts tradition of draftsmanship. Beyond the physical beauty of many of the drawings...we felt the archive ought to stay intact in a single institution where it could be a resource for scholars and students." [images]- Architects and Artisans |
Hadley Meares: The designer who gave Googie its flair: With Armet and Davis, Helen Liu Fong designed some of the most iconic cafes and diners in LA: ...[she] grew up to become an architectural visionary...it was not easy for a woman - let alone a Chinese American woman - to find a position as an architect in the late 1940s...soon proved a master of practical yet fanciful touches...became part of the design team for many of the firm’s most iconic Googie commissions...“Shedding light on her contributions will help truly acknowledge what women have contributed, that oftentimes conveniently men forget about in this industry.”- Curbed Los Angeles |
Curbed and the Vox Media Podcast Network Launch "Nice Try!": ...about the perpetual search for the perfect place hosted by Avery Trufelman: ...first 7-episode season titled “Utopian” tells the stories behind the world’s most fascinating communities, from an enclosed bubble of environmentalists to the first American “company town” to 19th-century spiritual sects.- Vox.com |
Design Vanguard 2019: RECORD’s annual honors highlight 10 emerging practices from around the globe. -- Zooco; Adam Sokol Architecture Practice; G3 Arquitectos; Jo Jinman Architects; Spiegel Aihara Workshop; Pool Leber; Barend Koolhaas; Michan Architecture; French 2D; Chybik+Kristof- Architectural Record |
Sydney Franklin: Six big-name teams shortlisted for National Pulse Memorial and Museum: ... dedicated to tragic June 12, 2016 shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando, Florida...teams provided the strongest credentials...most compelling statements on how architecture can embody the organization’s mandate: “We will not let hate win.” -- onePULSE Foundation; Coldefy & Associés/RDAI/Xavier Veilhan/dUCKS scéno/Agence TER/Laila Farah; Diller Scofidio + Renfro/Rene Gonzalez Architect/Raymond Jungles; heneghan peng architects/Gustafson Porter + Bowman/Sven Anderson/Pentagram; MASS Design Group/Ralph Appelbaum Associates/Sasaki/Sanford Biggers/Richard Blanco/Porsha Olayiwola; MVRDV/Grant Associates/GSM Project/Studio Drift; Studio Libeskind/Claude Cormier + Associés/Thinc/Jenny Holzer- The Architect's Newspaper |
Winners of the 2019 Missing Middle Infill Design Competition: The first place team is currently in negotiations with the City to purchase the parcels of land...and build their winning design, conditional on rezoning approval. -- Part & Parcel/Studio North/Gravity Architecture; Leckie Studio Architecture + Design; RedBrick Group/SPECTACLE; etc.- City of Edmonton (Canada) |
UIC [University of Illinois at Chicago] selects OMA and KOO Architecture to design $95M performing arts center: The winning submission features a translucent fabric roof with built-in solar panels: ...beat out two finalist collaborations by Morphosis/STL Architects and Johnston Marklee/UrbanWorks.- Curbed Chicago |
Society of Architectural Historians to Present Inaugural Change Agent Award to Diller Scofidio + Renfro: ...recognizes Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofidio, Charles Renfro and Benjamin Gilmartin for their innovative, paradigm-shifting work, which takes an interdisciplinary approach to design with a focus on cultural and civic projects.- Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) |
AIA announces diversity program honorees: AIA Diversity Recognition Program celebrates architects and organizations actively committed to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within the architecture profession. -- Women Inspiring Emerging Leaders in Design (WIELD); Designing in Color (DCo); Women in Design-Milwaukee; AIA Westchester Hudson Valley Afterschool Architecture Club; Building Future Architects; Architecture + Design Summer Camp- American Institute of Architects (AIA) |
ANN feature: Johannes M.P. Knoops: Martin Puryear ... artist, sculptor, and possibly architect? The U.S. Pavilion at the Venice Biennale Arte 2019: "Martin Puryear: Liberty/Libertà" - an architecture of hushed narratives.- ArchNewsNow.com |
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