
Today’s News - Tuesday, November 7, 2017

●  Trump's tax plan puts the Historic Tax Credit program "under fire," which doesn't make much sense considering the HTC has "spruced up more than 40,000 total structures, corralling $117 billion in private investment for such redevelopment work."

●  Scott Brown, Goldberger, Bergdoll, Riley, Merkel, and others weigh in on Snøhetta's plan to overhaul Johnson & Burgee's AT&T Building: it's "ham-handed," and "Trump-era architecture, and must be stopped."

●  It's looking more and more like "YIMBYism the future of environmentalism" and no longer "a Trojan horse for developers" when it comes to housing.

●  A round-up of 9 projects "set to transform Toronto - among the most ambitious: Canada's tallest building, an underground park and an entire new 'future city.'"

●  Great profiles of 3 cities vying for Amazon HQ2: Detroit; Toronto (where the company could "attract talent from around the world without worrying about whether employees could earn and keep their visas"), and Austin. "But ... (of course there's a but)."

●  Gehry's "elusive" Eisenhower Memorial (finally) breaks ground: "After 17 years of soap opera-like drama," it "has reached its happily-ever-after stage."

●  Report #1 from Abu Dhabi: the British Museum ends loan deal with the Foster-designed Zayed National Museum "because work has not yet started - it is now unclear whether the museum is merely being further delayed or if its future is in doubt."

●  Report #2 from Abu Dhabi: Authorities claim that the Zayed National Museum collaboration with British Museum is "successfully concluded," and "denied reports that a 10-year consultancy had been ended early."

●  Freeman uses Yale's two new residential colleges ("a superblock of neo-Gothic fantasy") as a jumping-off point to explain that "with their new architecture, universities all too often abdicate leadership in promoting artistic innovation as they pander to plutocratic donors."

●  Sacchetti offers a terrific round-up of independent groups who are "blending research, activism, and critical thought in architecture - issues that existing institutions simply can't address. They are young, shrewd, and versatile - or perhaps they are simply the kinds of practitioners our times need."

●  Australia's ABC News is quite taken with Goldhagen's take on "how architecture shapes your identity and affects your brain. She says architects need to get better at explaining why design matters."

●  Kellert parses "what is and is not biophilic design," and offers "a set of five conditions for the effective practice of biophilic design."

●  Eyefuls of Hadid's desert laboratory in Riyadh that includes Saudi Arabia's "very first prayer space to be designed by a woman. Proof that she is still having a posthumous influence on design."

●  Eyefuls of a "wowza" ski and yoga resort in the Caucasus Mountains made of shipping containers ("Is there anything shipping containers can't be recycled into?").

●  KPF tapped to design a dual-tower condo, "the first residences and mixed-use building for the $3 billion Water Street Tampa, a 9 million-square-foot mega-development."

●  "YAP-ee": the 2018 MoMA PS1 Young Architects Program finalists announced.

●  Eddy's new documentary "Starship Chicago: A Building on the Brink" puts the spotlight on Jahn's threatened Thompson Center - and you can view it free online through November 12.

●  Bayley makes his pick of "20 designs that defined the modern world," though "the mis-use and abuse the word 'design' has been attenuated to a condition of near meaninglessness."

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