Today’s News - Wednesday, March 29, 2017
• Reinhold Martin minces no words about Trump as "demagogue," developers as "conjurers, makers of meaning," and Ground Zero as "a sacred stage" that combines "two ways of imagining the nation, as property and as homeland" (Calatrava's Oculus is "an orgy of consumerist branding" - a fascinating read!).
• Krens thinks the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi should be postponed or downsized: "Saadiyat Island with five new museums was conceived at a time when 'people were far more naïve.'"
• Heatherwick's Pier55 is a no-go: a judge sides with opponents, ruling that it "was mostly a park and a concert venue, and therefore wasn't dependent on the Hudson River for its existence."
• King x 2: "ambitious 'design for development' guidelines" for a 35-acre swath of waterfront at San Francisco's Pier 70 " seeks to keep it from turning into Anycity, USA" (fingers crossed, anyway).
• He gives us a sneak-peek of the view from the top of Salesforce Tower: "enjoy - unless you're afraid of heights."
• A Canadian researcher's experiments suggest that "high-rises depress people, but smart design could mitigate the effects - urban design may need to turn toward 'psychological sustainability.'"
• British architect Brittain-Catlin posits that British Postmodernism "was a magnificent Edwardian revival - and a movement that deserves to be recognized as such."
• OMA's pro-bono White Cube museum on a former Congo plantation has a mission to find out if art can "redress economic inequality."
• Buffalo's Explore & More Children's Museum at Canalside, "designed to look like it was originally constructed a century ago," aims to be a "game-changer."
• Parga proffers a case study that "explores the potential of individualism in collective urban housing" that offers "the benefits of rural life in the city."
• Lubell brings us eyefuls of Spanish architect Romero's "exquisite, hyper-realistic renderings" of FLW's demolished buildings (wow!).
• Winners all: A fledgling firm's team beats out some biggies to win the competition to design the new Aarhus School of Architecture.
• Seven teams make the shortlist to design the Ross Pavilion in the heart of Edinburgh.
• Home-grown talent wins the Arch League's Folly/Function 2017 competition with "a minimal and clean design inspired by a fundamental shape: the circle."
• Eyefuls of the winner and finalists of the Metals in Construction 2017 Design Challenge.
• Winners of the Blue Clay Country Spa competition for an ecotourist facility in Latvia hail from Portugal, UK, and U.S.
• Call for entries: RFQ for the chance to master plan and design The Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
• 2017 Sustainable Versatility Student Design Competition: Grow Your Own Tall Building (using wood).

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Reinhold Martin: The Demagogue Takes the Stage: [Donald Trump] rose to power using the stage, the props and scenery, of white nationalist patriarchy. To build democracy, we must disassemble the stage: Developers of property...are conjurers, makers of meaning...after 9/11 the absent towers, like Ground Zero itself, became a sacred stage on which two ways of imagining the nation, as property and as homeland, converged.- Places Journal |
Guggenheim Abu Dhabi should be postponed or downsized: Thomas Krens doubts the time is right for an American museum "with a Jewish name" to be built in the Gulf...the project...on Saadiyat Island with five new museums was conceived at a time when “people were far more naive”... -- Frank Gehry; Jean Nouvel- The Art Newspaper (UK) |
Heatherwick’s Hudson River pier is a no-go: $200 million Pier 55 has sparked controversy from its inception. Opponents, led by advocacy group the City Club of New York, found little public benefit...[judge] said that [it]...was mostly a park and a concert venue, and therefore wasn’t dependent on the Hudson River for its existence.- The Architect's Newspaper |
John King: The quest for design utopia at SF’s Pier 70: ...a 270-page “must-read document” that seeks to keep a 35-acre swath of waterfront from turning into Anycity, USA...ambitious “design for development” how far San Francisco will go to try to make tomorrow’s landscape live up to what’s promised, not just building by building but blocks at a time. -- Sitelab Urban Studio- San Francisco Chronicle |
John King: Soaring views from above SF’s topmost floor: As Salesforce Tower nears its final peak of 1,070 feet...the change to San Francisco’s skyline is startling. The view from the top is more startling still...enjoy - unless you’re afraid of heights.- San Francisco Chronicle |
Experiment suggests high-rises depress people: But smart design could mitigate the effects...urban design may need to turn toward "psychological sustainability"...there’s probably more to the towering effect on mental health than size alone... -- Colin Ellard- Curbed San Francisco |
Timothy Brittain-Catlin: Understanding British Postmodernism (Hint: It’s Not What You Thought): Its true origins are more historically rooted...[it] is not about Charles Jencks, or about Robert Venturi. Nor is it about being the cheap British imitation of what the expensive Americans were was a magnificent Edwardian revival - and a movement that deserves to be recognised as such. -- James Stirling [images]- ArchDaily |
Can art redress economic inequality? A new white cube museum on a former Congo plantation aims to find out: The Lusanga center is a partnership between the Congolese Plantation Workers Art League and the Dutch Institute for Human Activities...White Cube is part of the Lusanga International Research Centre for Art and Economic Inequality... -- Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)- The Art Newspaper (UK) |
New children's museum at Canalside called 'game-changing': Explore & More Children's Museum at Canalside...will be designed to look like it was originally constructed a century ago and then renovated over time. -- Fontanese Folts Aubrecht Ernst Architects [image]- Buffalo News |
Marcos Parga/MAPAA: RRURBAN (Really RURAL and URBAN) Explores the Potential of Individualism in Collective Urban Housing: ...taking as a case study a site between two existing party walls in seek ways to enjoy the benefits of rural life, such as close contact with nature, in the city. [images]- ArchDaily |
Sam Lubell: Beautiful Renderings Resurrect Frank Lloyd Wright’s Demolished Buildings: ...a series of hyperrealistic renderings painstakingly crafted by Spanish architect David Romero...The results look exquisite. -- "Hooked on the Past" [images]- Wired |
Denmark to get its first purpose-built architecture school [ Aarhus School of Architecture]: ...beat stiff competition from rivals including BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group, SANAA and Lacaton & Vassal...some of the buildings will be dedicated to inviting the public to get involved with the programme. -- Vargo Nielsen Palle; ADEPT; Rolvung & Brøndsted Arkitekter [images]- Dezeen |
7 Shortlisted for Ross Pavilion Design Competition: ...£25 million project will feature a landmark pavilion...a visitors center with cafe, and a subtle reimagination of the surrounding the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland. -- Adjaye Associates; BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group; Flanagan Lawrence; Page\Park Architects; Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter; wHY Architecture; William Matthews Associates/Sou Fujimoto Architects- ArchDaily |
Folly/Function 2017: Circle Shade - 2pR4: Socrates Sculpture Park and The Architectural League of New York announce Eva Jensen Design as the winner of the annual competition...four portable, deployable canopy structures...a minimal and clean design...inspired by a fundamental shape: the circle. [image]- Architectural League of New York / Socrates Sculpture Park |
Meet the Winner + Finalists of the Metals in Construction 2017 Design Challenge: ...$15k in Prize Money for Design That Reduces Energy Consumption in the Built Environment by Minimizing a Building’s Embodied Energy. -- ODA Architecture/Werner Sobek New York; SUNY University at Buffalo/Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM)/James Erickson; Students at TU Delft; AECOM; HOK; EYP Architecture & Engineering [images]- Metals in Construction magazine / Steel Institute of New York |
Winners of the Blue Clay Country Spa competition for an ecotourist facility in Latvia: The winning submissions from Portugal, UK, and U.S. [images]- Bee Breeders (formerly HMMD/Homemade Dessert) |
Call for entries: Requests for Qualifications/RFQ (international): proposals for the development of a master plan, design and initial installation and exhibition components for The Bob Dylan Center in an existing building in Tulsa, Oklahoma; deadline: May 12- George Kaiser Family Foundation |
Call for entries: 2017 Sustainable Versatility Student Design Competition :: Grow Your Own Tall Building: design a School of Architecture and Design using wood products as construction and design materials; open to students enrolled at accredited universities in North America and to Interns at architecture and design firms; no fee; cash prizes; deadline: August 1- Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association |
ANN feature: Passive House is not so Passive Anymore: Q&A with Zack Semke, NK Architects: Passive House architecture sits squarely in the realm of information technology and science-based innovation. That is a potential game changer for buildings' role in the clean energy transition.- ArchNewsNow |

In-Between Economies: Have we reached LiveabilityMAX? Nothing has given more fuel to the pace of urban regeneration than the quest for liveability...We need the cultural essence of co-operative housing models, first pioneered in rural Denmark, the financial and legislative designs of community land trusts from the U.S., and the technological innovation of a project like Wiki-house... |
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