Today’s News - Tuesday, March 28, 2017
• ArcSpace brings us In-Between Economies' take on what it will take to make cities "more humane, more sociable, more equitable places to call home."
• Dickinson ponders "the healthy line between imitation and innovation - authentic innovation takes courage; imitation and hacking minimizes the potential to be called out."
• Schwab parses Ideo's "attempt to quantify innovation" - it's "hard to pin down," but Ideo is "cracking the code."
• Architect Mihaly "responds deftly" to a video by Australia's Association of Professional Builders "imploring consumers to bypass architects in custom home construction."
• While we're Down Under, Australian Institute of Architects President Maher ponders whither goest "The Great Australian Dream" of affordable housing, and "why architecture matters - good design can't be seen as a luxury or an optional extra; rather, it is essential."
• Residents of Apalachico, Florida, "are divided over how to solve a lack of affordable housing" - build new homes or restore the historic shotguns "that are its legacy."
• Arthur Cotton Moore wants to turn old subway cars into housing for D.C.'s homeless (vegetable gardens included): "the Metro might be open to his [very cool] idea."
• Budds cheers LGA's Eva's Phoenix, a new teen homeless shelter in downtown Toronto that "is redefining what a homeless shelter means."
• Plans are afoot to demolish Sasaki's fountain in Gensler's makeover of the Citicorp Center in Manhattan: how is it "beyond the Landmarks Preservation Commission's oversight in the first place" (say it ain't so - it's our subway stop and we love it!).
• King is heartened by the newest makeover of San Francisco's 160-year-old South Park that is now one of the city's "most satisfying public spaces" ("space for homeless people to stretch out" included).
• Hawthorne tools around H&deM's Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg's HafenCity: "As an example of contemporary design and a civic project, it is less a cautionary tale about high budgets than a near-perfect distillation of the last two decades of architectural history."
• Chicago is getting a blues museum that will include "community-based programs for city neighborhoods."
• Cave Creek, AZ, is getting a Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired development designed by the FLW School of Architecture: "It would be interesting to hear what he would say - but then again he wasn't known for being a particularly nice man."
• More good news for the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture: after being in jeopardy for several years, it will keep its accreditation (Betsky must be beaming!).
• Jacob has an interesting take on the "age of post-digital drawing" (pencil and paper - gasp!): this "new cult of the drawing" is "in strict opposition to the digital rendering's desire to make the fiction seem 'real.'"
• Keskeys offers 5 "powerful" renderings that "conjure strong, even overwhelming, feelings."
• Quito explains that "architects have been gearing up to build Trump's border wall for years - thought experiments began popping up in 2006."

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In-Between Economies: Have we reached LiveabilityMAX? Nothing has given more fuel to the pace of urban regeneration than the quest for liveability...We need the cultural essence of co-operative housing models, first pioneered in rural Denmark, the financial and legislative designs of community land trusts from the U.S., and the technological innovation of a project like Wiki-house... |
Duo Dickinson: Imitation, Innovation and the 700th Cantilever: Where’s the healthy line between imitation and innovation? Attempting the unattempted - authentic innovation - takes courage...Being mocked as “lame” is terrifying to those who care, so imitation and hacking minimizes the potential to be called out.- Common Edge |
Katharine Schwab: Ideo Studied Innovation In 100+ Companies - Here’s What It Found: Innovation is hard to pin down, but with these six’s cracking the code. Ideo’s attempt to quantify innovation...has definitive data to back up its hypotheses about what behavior actually drives that elusive quality.- Fast Company / Co.Design |
Architect responds deftly to video imploring consumers bypass architects in custom home construction: ...the latest...from the Association of Professional Builders..."Surely you can find a way of promoting builders without having to defame an entire profession?" -- Warwick Mihaly/Mihaly Slocombe Architects- Architecture & Design (Australia) |
Ken Maher/Australian Institute of Architects: Housing affordability: Why architecture matters: ...the government-architect partnership needs to be revisited...We need to recognize the value good architecture brings to achieving cost-effective and sustainable buildings and urban centres...good design can’t be seen as a luxury or an optional extra; rather, it is essential...- ArchitectureAU (Australia) |
To Address Affordable Housing Shortage, Restoring 19th-Century Homes: In Apalachicola, Fla., residents are divided over how to solve a lack of affordable housing...converting early examples of African-American architecture...a local plan to train job-seeking residents in home construction through the rehabilitation of abandoned, working-class cottages known as shotgun homes. -- Willoughby Marshall; Creighton Brown/Argos Restoration [images]- New York Times |
Architect Wants To Turn Old Subway Cars Into Housing For Homeless: Each car would yield a pair of small one-bedroom apartments: When Washington, D.C., architect Arthur Cotton Moore learned of the city’s plan to scrap several fleets of old subway cars, he thought up a better use...the Metro might be open to Moore’s idea...comes at a time when homelessness is soaring in the nation’s capital.- Huffington Post |
Diana Budds: This Building Is Redefining What A Homeless Shelter Means: Eva’s Phoenix is a like a city within a city in downtown Toronto: ...a new teen homeless shelter...It’s not just about building space to house’s about constructing an environment that...has the ability to help youth is "a place to change your life.” -- LGA Architectural Partners [images]- Fast Company / Co.Design |
Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls: Sasaki fountain at Citicorp Center may be demolished: Amid a dense urban setting, many consider the cascading design a welcome sight...questions remain as to why a plaza so integral to the landmark is beyond the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC)’s oversight in the first place. -- Hugh A. Stubbins & Associates; Stuart Dawson/Sasaki Associates (1973); Gensler [images]- The Architect's Newspaper |
John King: Latest South Park rendition a place for all: of many in its 160 years - is inclusive, from the streamlined play structure, to benches with armrests to accommodate laptops, to space for homeless people to stretch of San Francisco’s most satisfying public serve all economic classes. -- David Fletcher/Fletcher Studio; Yves Behar [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Christopher Hawthorne: How much is a landmark worth? A visit to Herzog & de Meuron's controversial Hamburg concert hall: As an example of contemporary design and a civic project, the [Elbphilharmonie] is less a cautionary tale about high budgets...than a near-perfect distillation of the last two decades of architectural history. -- Yasuhisa Toyota [images]- Los Angeles Times |
Blues museum opening in 2019 in Loop: Chicago Blues Experience...50,000-square-foot facility...near Millennium Park....While the museum will be for-profit, an associated foundation will create community-based programs for city neighborhoods... -- BRC Imagination Arts- Crain's Chicago Business |
Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired homes going up in Cave Creek: ...1,000-acre Cahava Springs will have only 230 homes designed by Scottsdale's Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture....It would be interesting to hear what [FLW] would say...but then again he wasn’t known for being a particularly nice man. [images]- Arizona Republic |
Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture in Scottsdale keeps accreditation: ...will begin operating as an independent school separate from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation that has overseen it, a move that will allow it to maintain its accreditation...which had been in jeopardy for several years. -- Aaron Betsky- Arizona Republic |
Sam Jacob: Architecture Enters the Age of Post-Digital Drawing: Setting a design concept to pencil and paper was once considered a core architectural act, but the...culture of digital rendering almost killed it. Almost: cult of the drawing explores and exploits its strict opposition to the digital rendering’s desire to make the fiction seem “real.” -- FAT [images]- Metropolis Magazine |
Paul Keskeys: The Art of Rendering: 5 Powerful Emotions Stirred Through Architectural Visualization: ...these renderings are united by their ability to conjure strong, even overwhelming, feelings in a myriad of ways. -- DL Atelier; WOJR: Organization for Architecture; Messana O’Rorke; Sanjay Puri Architects; Methanoia [images]- Architizer |
Anne Quito: Architects have been gearing up to build Trump’s border wall for years: Though 350 companies expressed interest during the pre-solicitation, firms have kept mum about their participation, for strategic or public relations reasons...Thought experiments began popping 2006...- Quartz |
ANN feature: Passive House is not so Passive Anymore: Q&A with Zack Semke, NK Architects: Passive House architecture sits squarely in the realm of information technology and science-based innovation. That is a potential game changer for buildings' role in the clean energy transition.- ArchNewsNow |
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