Today’s News - Wednesday, March 8, 2017
• On International Women's Day, it seems only fitting to begin with voices from women in architecture re: why and how they are participating in "A Day Without a Woman" demonstrations.
• Q&A with Rosa Sheng re: "how advocacy and being deliberate in architectural design can tackle prejudice head on."
• For the first time in its history, the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects bestows its Young Architect of the Year award on a woman architect; the win "was doubly sweet" for Samaratunga.
• Since we're in an awards mode: RAIC 2017 Emerging Architectural Practice winner is a Vancouver firm (women included).
• Dickinson bemoans architects losing touch with the building arts: as they "turn over much of the construction responsibility to consultants and their software programs, something vital and human is being lost."
• The AIA takes its Design Assistance program overseas for the first time, teaming up with Dublin's architects to re-imagine the Irish capital's city center.
• Hawthorne gives (mostly) thumbs-up to Gehry's Pierre Boulez Saal in Berlin, which may not be one of "his most effective designs," but the "clubby jewel box is a sophisticated machine for delivering sound."
• King gives (mostly) thumbs-up to Philip Johnson Alan Ritchie's "bulbous sanctuary" near Walnut Creek, CA, that "offers a parable for our age - it shows that architecture can still be a forum for expressing strong spiritual conviction."
• Hecht hails Heneghan Peng's Palestinian Museum near Jerusalem that "offers a glimmer of optimism in troubled times."
• de Monchaux cheers 1100 Architect's Perry World House on the UPenn campus in Philly: "this new-and-old building embodies the international and interdisciplinary practices of the scholars it shelters."
• Minutillo lauds LGA's transformation of a 1932 waterworks warehouse that is now giving hope and a sense of home to at-risk youth in Toronto.
• Darley explains why "good quality public realm isn't a waste of space" in these hectic times.
• Keane looks at how cities around the world now have "night mayors" to "change the perception of their cities after dark" (London has a "night czar").
• French lighting designer Narboni imagines transforming cities at night with "nocturnal urbanism."
• Brussat x 2: while he is no fan of Bofill's "bombastic and gargantuan pseudoclassicism," his "house" in an abandoned cement plant is (gasp!) "worth a look."
• He parses how Sussman "deduces from Corbu's big head, his social inadequacy, his penchant for blank walls, etc., that modern architecture's most influential founding theorist occupied a dire place on the autistic spectrum."
• One we couldn't resist: how Suzhou, China, "has rekindled debate about the country's rush to clone famous foreign structures" (White Houses, Arcs de Triomphe, Sphinxes, and Tower Bridge included - wedding photographers love it!).
• Call for entries: Fast Company's 2017 Innovation by Design Awards + World Architecture Festival 2017 Awards.

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Voices from Women in Architecture on 'A Day Without A Woman': Architects and designers explain why and how they are participating in the demonstration, which aims to highlight the economic and social inequities women face worldwide...coincides with International Women's Day... -- Fauzia Khanani/Foz Design; Jamie Maslyn Larson, principal at Wagner Hodgson Landscape Architects; Gisue Hariri/Hariri & Hariri Architecture; Andrea Leers/Jane Weinzapfel/Leers Weinzapfel Associates; Susannah Drake/DLANDstudio; Katherine Aul/Staghorn; Emily Grandstaff-Rice/Arrowstreet; Lisa M. Chronister/City of Oklahoma City; Carrie Strickland/Works Progress Architecture- Architect Magazine |
Fighting bias with intent: Rosa Sheng on empathy, mentors for achieving equity in architecture: A longtime champion for underrepresented groups in the industry, Sheng explains how advocacy and being deliberate in architectural design can tackle prejudice head on. -- Bohlin Cywinski Jackson; AIA San Francisco Equity by Design; The Missing 32% Project- Construction Dive |
Reaching high in a male domain: Winning the ‘Young Architect of the Year’ award was doubly sweet for Pinnya Samaratunga as she was the first woman to achieve this feat: ...for the first time in the history of the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects Design Awards, a female architect carried away the coveted prize... [images]- The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka) |
RAIC 2017 Emerging Architectural Practice winner: Vancouver-based D’Arcy Jones Architecture, founded in 2005...The studio has won two Canadian Architect Awards and the inaugural Arthur Erickson Memorial Award. [images]- Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) |
Duo Dickinson: Separating Architecture From the Building Arts Produces Soulless Structures: As architects turn over much of the construction responsibility to consultants and their software programs, something vital and human is being lost. -- Louis Mackall- Common Edge |
Top US architects are re-imagining Dublin One to make it 'a vibrant destination': And they want the public’s input: American Institute of Architects is teaming up with Dublin architects to help re-imagine part of the city centre...The Framework project...the first time the AIA’s design assistance team programme has conducted a project like this outside North America.- (Ireland) |
Christopher Hawthorne: Frank Gehry's new jewel-box concert hall in the heart of Berlin: Pierre Boulez Hall has been one of near-obsessive interest over the last four years...But the final product never quite strikes the unusual balance of refined and unrefined spaces...that marks his most effective designs...a design that is also a sophisticated machine for delivering sound. -- Richard Paulick (1955); HG Merz; Yasuhisa Toyota- Los Angeles Times |
John King: Religious order’s home near Walnut Creek meets architectural reality: ...the new home of Sufism Reoriented...offers a parable for our age...The bulbous sanctuary with 13 concrete domes has moments of elegant grace, yet it also feels massive and static...Ultimately, though, [it] shows that architecture can still be a forum for expressing strong spiritual conviction. -- Philip Johnson Alan Ritchie Architects; SWA [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Esther Hecht: Palestinian Museum by Heneghan Peng Architects, West Bank: A museum near Jerusalem...offers a glimmer of optimism in troubled times: is the striking the client’s desire for a sustainable, contemporary structure that nods to the area’s vernacular architecture...the first Palestinian-funded building of its kind [and] first LEED Silver–certified building in the West Bank and Gaza... -- Lara Zureikat [images]- Architectural Record |
Thomas de Monchaux: 1100 Architect: Perry World House: ...the newest building on the University of Pennsylvania campus in also the oldest...adaptively incorporated into a new structure...By transcending the cheap thrill of mere demolition...this new-and-old building embodies the international and interdisciplinary practices of the scholars it shelters. -- David Piscuskas; Studio Bryan Hanes [images]- Architect Magazine |
Josephine Minutillo: Eva’s Phoenix by LGA Architectural Partners: An altruistic program breathes new life into an old building while giving hope to at-risk youth in Toronto: ...within a 1932 waterworks warehouse and office building...10 discrete townhouses line a 30-foot-high atrium...providing a sense of refuge for Eva’s residents, but also a sense of home. [images]- Architectural Record |
Gillian Darley: Good quality public realm isn't a waste of space: Modern life is so hectic we need quiet public spaces between buildings where people can stop and think: A calm outdoor space through which you can walk at your own pace, or slow down to gain a sense of peace, is a rare enough feature in the city centre.- BD/Building Design (UK) |
Katharine Keane: Advocacy After Dark: Cities around the world are appointing and electing “night mayors” to promote their nighttime economies...attempting to change the perception of their cities after night owls stay out later, questions of security and sufficient street illumination arise + Q+A with Mirik Milan, Amsterdam’s Night Mayor. -- Yann Kersalé; Designing Out Crime- Architectural Lighting magazine |
Roger Narboni: Imagining The Future of the City At Night: Examining the possible future (whether dreamt of or dreaded) of urban lighting means tracing and understanding the changes cities are undergoing today, these major shifts can transform the nocturnal city... -- CONCEPTO lighting design studio- Architectural Lighting magazine |
David Brussat: Cement plant for living in: Ricardo Bofill has long been known for bombastic and gargantuan pseudoclassicism...In 1973, [he] purchased an old abandoned cement plant near Barcelona, and has since turned it, little by little, into a machine for living in...Although Bofill is not quite my cup of tea, his “house” is worth a look. [images]- Architecture Here and There |
David Brussat: Ann Sussman on Corbu’s autism: She deduces from his big head, his social inadequacy, his penchant for blank walls, and other factors, that modern architecture’s most influential founding theorist occupied a dire place on the autistic spectrum.- Architecture Here and There |
10 White Houses, 4 Arcs de Triomphe, 2 Sphinxes ... Now China’s Tower Bridge Attracts Scorn: A version of the London landmark built in...Suzhou has rekindled debate about the country’s rush to clone famous foreign structures: ...[the city] has joined the erect clones of famous foreign structures, partly as publicity stunts and partly to attract business. [images]- New York Times |
Call for entries: 2017 Innovation by Design Awards to honor the designers and businesses solving the problems of today and tomorrow; 13 categories; earlybird submission deadline (save money!): March 23 (final submission deadline: May 4)- Fast Company / Co.Design |
Call for entries: World Architecture Festival 2017 Awards; 30 categories: earlybird submission deadline (save money!): April 27 (final sumbission deadline: May 18)- World Architecture Festival (WAF) |

Leila Araghian: Tabi'at Bridge ["Nature" Bridge], Tehran, Iran: ...redefining the pedestrian bridge for a 21st century Iran...crosses the busy Modares Expressway...providing myriad opportunities for community events and recreational activities...has not been without controversy... [images] |
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