Today’s News - Tuesday, March 7, 2017
• ArcSpace brings us eyefuls of Araghian's Tabi'at Bridge in Tehran that is "redefining the pedestrian bridge for a 21st century Iran" (but not without controversy).
• Dittmar parses "post truth architecture in the age of Trump. Perhaps a new prize could be established for the best post truth building [i.e. the border wall], saving the rest of us from its reality?"
• Finch tackles Trump, Schumacher, "alternative facts," and Twitter: "there should be a metaphorical health warning attached to these new media: 'May contain nuts.'"
• Cramer re: the Trump administration's rumored plans to cut budgets or kill "many architecturally, urbanistically, and environmentally important programs. Even a skinny government can afford to support design thinking, climate stabilization, building science, and energy conservation."
• Loth re: the new administration - now, more than ever architects' problem-solving skills "will be called upon as never before. Nothing is achieved by paralysis and despair."
• Madsen considers HUD's future under Carson and his argument that "environment isn't as much of a determining factor as willpower" (never mind he just compared slave trade to immigration- yikes!).
• Grabar takes a deep dive into how cities and planners are keeping the politically-toxic phrase "climate change" out the political conversation by using the nonpartisan substitute "resilience planning."
• Q&A with Lori Brown re: feminism's role in architecture, and how she sees her discipline functioning under Trump.
• Saffron responds to the redesign of the fence around Philly's Chinese Lantern Festival in Franklin Square: "the debate over how to manage our park is a reflection of the nation's current struggle to maintain a public realm that is truly public."
• Lamster warns Fort Worth that it is "in danger of committing" a "self-inflicted wound" if it builds a hotel across from Kahn's Kimbell Art Museum: "The world will be watching."
• Gallagher says "we should temper early judgments" about SHoP's "stunning design" for what will be Detroit's tallest tower: "I predict the building mostly will live up to" its "ambitions of architectural innovation and distinction - but with one large 'if.'"
• Lange looks around NYC's new 2nd Avenue Subway stations that "are saved from total dullness by Instagram-worthy art installations. Fear not flame orange - fear instead New York looking like anywhere else."
• Viglucci x 2: He parses new Miami towers by starchitects and the city's home-grown talent: "is the starchitect blush starting to wear off?" (probably not).
• He digs into the details of Hadid's Miami tower and the ships from Dubai loaded with "structural pieces bound for what's likely the most unusual, not to say outlandish, tower ever erected in Miami."
• Kamin gets the skinny on what we can expect from Chicago's 2nd Architecture Biennial "Make New History" that hopes to "give visitors a richly immersive, Instagram-ready experience."
• Two architects from Mexico take home AJ/AR's Woman Architect of the Year 2017 and the Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture.
• Eyefuls of the winning design for the 2017 City of Dreams Pavilion on Governors Island (and the finalists - all very cool!).
• A good reason to check out "Ash to Art" auction at Christie's, London tomorrow: International artists use ashes from The Glasgow School of Art fire to create artworks to help raise money for the school's restoration.
• A good reason to head to Shanghai: the Xintiandi Design Festival and Design Shanghai are now in full swing.
• Call for entries: Sunbrella YoungBird "Shade-scape" Sunshade Pattern Design Competition.

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Leila Araghian: Tabi'at Bridge ["Nature" Bridge], Tehran, Iran: ...redefining the pedestrian bridge for a 21st century Iran...crosses the busy Modares Expressway...providing myriad opportunities for community events and recreational activities...has not been without controversy... [images] |
Hank Dittmar: Post truth architecture in the age of Trump: Architecture has long been used to express political and moral ideology. In the post truth world maybe Trump could stick with a model and flythrough of his Mexican border wall: Perhaps a new prize could be established for the best post truth building, saving the rest of us from its reality?- BD/Building Design (UK) |
Paul Finch: Trump, Schumacher and "alternative facts": The getting of wisdom about architecture cannot be done through Twitter: ...[it] is so hopeless as a way of communicating any sort of profound understanding about anything that matters...there should be a metaphorical health warning attached to these new media: ‘May contain nuts’.- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Ned Cramer: Defunding Priorities: Remember that $436 hammer? While the Pentagon just squashed a report identifying $125 billion in bloat, the rumored template for the Trump administration's budget cuts or kills many architecturally, urbanistically, and environmentally important programs...Even a skinny government can afford to support design thinking, climate stabilization, building science, and energy conservation. It’s simply a question of priorities.- Architect Magazine |
Renée Loth: Spring ahead: Let’s face it. The things many in the design community care about - equity, diversity, sustainability, expertise - are endangered by a new administration in Washington that is hostile to all of those values...Architects are natural-born problem solvers, and in the current era, those skills will be called upon as never before...Nothing is achieved by paralysis and despair.- ArchitectureBoston (Boston Society of Architects/BSA) |
Deane Madsen: HUD’s Next Chapter Proves Elusive: Incoming HUD secretary Ben Carson says he will bring a holistic approach to housing. But his beliefs on housing policy spell an uncertain future for the agency: ...the bootstrap argument puts him at odds with the agency itself...He suggests that environment isn’t as much of a determining factor as willpower...For him to get it right, he will need to first understand the dire implications of getting it wrong.- Architect Magazine |
Henry Grabar: A Threat by Any Other Name: Climate change is political. Should planners talk about something else? ...they talk about saving money, conserving resources, or preserving clean talking less about climate change a key to doing something about it? ..."they’re finding a way to talk about call it resilience planning"...Planners can use it as a nonpartisan substitute for climate change...- Slate |
How Feminist Architecture Is Challenging Socially Conservative Policy in 2017: Q&A with Lori Brown re: feminism’s role in architecture, architecture’s ability to support reproductive rights, and how she sees her discipline functioning under President Donald Trump.- Pacific Standard magazine |
Inga Saffron: At Chinese Lantern Festival, partial fence to let public in only part way: Historic Philadelphia...came up with the fence in response to criticism of last year’s event...Half a fence is certainly better than a whole fence. So why does it feel like the public is just squeaking in through the cracks? ...the debate over how to manage our park is a reflection of the nation's current struggle to maintain a public realm that is truly public. -- Brian Dragon/DRAGON LA- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Mark Lamster: Is Fort Worth facing its own Museum Tower-like scandal? The obvious comparison is the Museum Tower fiasco in Dallas, still unresolved...Ft. Worth is in danger of committing its own self-inflicted wound...a planned 12-story boutique hotel...directly across...from the Kimbell Art Museum...would be an ungainly presence standing behind Louis I. Kahn's masterpiece...The world will be watching...- Dallas Morning News |
John Gallagher: Hudson's concept shoots for architectural heights: Creating an architectural icon is a tricky task...So we should temper early judgments on the stunning design...I predict the building mostly will live up to Dan Gilbert's ambitions of architectural innovation and distinction - but with one large "if." -- SHoP Architects; Hamilton Anderson Associates [images]- Detroit Free Press |
Alexandra Lange: In the Second Avenue Subway, art and architecture are at odds: ...New York’s newest subway stations are saved from total dullness by Instagram-worthy art installations...I hope the powers that be will consider a bolder architecture, or a more environmental art, for Phase 2...Fear not flame orange - fear instead New York looking like anywhere else. -- Harry Weese; AECOM; Arup [images]- Curbed |
Andres Viglucci: Star architects’ dazzling condos are snagging big bucks. But so are towers by Miami’s best: ...along with the big names come big egos...and, sometimes, big headaches...Are the “starchitects” worth their salt? the starchitect blush starting to wear off? -- Herzog & de Meuron; Zaha Hadid; Rem Koolhaas/Office for Metropolitan Architecture/OMA; Foster + Partners; Jean Nouvel; BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group; Carlos Ott; Arquitectonica; Sieger Suarez; Rene Gonzalez; Enrique Norten/TEN Arquitectos; Kobi Karp; Cesar Pelli; Renzo Piano [images]- Miami Herald |
Andres Viglucci: Miami ‘has never seen a tower quite like this’: Every week, a ship leaves Dubai loaded with an entire floor's worth of structural pieces bound for what's likely the most unusual, not to say outlandish, tower ever erected in Miami - One Thousand Museum... -- Chris Lepine/Zaha Hadid Architects [images]- Miami Herald |
Blair Kamin: 2nd Architecture Biennial to feature Tribune Tower 'redesigns': ...16 young architects from around the world to design new versions of the skyscraper that will be displayed as a series of 16-foot-tall architectural models... If the display comes off as planned, it will give visitors a richly immersive, Instagram-ready experience....Titled "Make New History"... -- Mark Lee; Sharon Johnston- Chicago Tribune |
AJ/AR Women in Architecture Award winners announced: Two architects from Mexico have won...Gabriela Carrillo/TALLER Mauricio Rocha + Gabriela Carrillo, was named Woman Architect of the Year 2017...Rozana Montiel/Rozana Montiel Estudio de Arquitectura...winner of the Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture. [images]- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
2017 City of Dreams Pavilion Winner Announced: Winning design team to construct an architectural pavilion out of recycled aluminum cast into cracked clay for Governors Island 2017 Summer Season + Four Finalists. "Cast & Place" by Team Aesop (Josh Draper; Lisa Ramsburg; Edward M. Segal; Max Dowd) [images]- FIGMENT/ENYA/AIANY/SEAoNY |
Leading International artists use materials recovered from The Glasgow School of Art fire to create new works of art to be auctioned at Christie’s, London: ...Antony Gormley, Grayson Perry, Anish Kapoor [etc.] created works to help raise money for [the] restoration..."Ash to Art" auction to take place March 8- Christie’s |
Xintiandi Design Festival kicks off: ...March 6 to 19, is co-presented by Design Shanghai..."In Future" features 18 interactive installations and spaces by artists from home and abroad. [images]- China Daily |
Call for entries: Sunbrella YoungBird "Shade-scape" Sunshade Pattern Design Competition 2017 (international); cash prizes; no fee; deadline: March 26- YoungBird / Sunbrella |
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