Today’s News - Wednesday, March 1, 2017
• It's a Pritzker kind of day (with more commentary to follow, we're sure):
• Kamin says Aranda, Pigem, and Vilalta "are modernists who favor formal simplicity over the baroque forms."
• Wainwright cheers the "radical departure" of "a glamorous gong" usually given to starchitects being "awarded to an unknown trio who have spent the last three decades designing beautifully made buildings from a converted foundry near the Pyrenees."
• Pogrebin says much the same: "The era of the celebrity architect may be over."
• A triple header that includes "9 Things to Know About the New Pritzker Prize Winners" + "Q&A with Ramon Vilalta re: Pritzker Win and Post-Prize Ambitions."
• And, for good measure, the Pritzker's own announcement - with lots of information, images, videos, etc.
• RAIC awards posthumous 2017 Gold Medal to Roger du Toit, whose portfolio includes Toronto's CN Tower and Ottawa's Parliamentary Precinct.
• Australian Institute of Architects awards the inaugural Paula Whitman Leadership in Gender Equity Prize to Catherine Baudet "for outstanding support of women in the architectural profession spanning more than 30 years."
• Baltimore non-profits find a rather unique way to deal with a glut of vacant buildings by putting unemployed people to work "demolishing blighted properties - and transforming salvaged bricks and beams into valuable building materials."
• Bozikovic cheers LGA's transformation of an old, leaky industrial shed at Toronto's Brickworks into "a national hub" to "showcase tools and practices for building sustainable cities - an important piece of the design will be accepting imperfections."
• Wainwright minces no words about plans for two "colossal bronze skyscrapers" that would loom over Manchester's Victorian center: "beginner-level urban design blunders suffuse the entire scheme" (ouch!).
• New details about H&deM's $2 billion, 15-acre 6AM project in L.A.'s Arts District that "will function like a small-scale city."
• Yazdani's "$45 million experiment to turn dorms into incubators" for the University of Utah - where "dorm life and startup culture collide."
• Pedersen's great Q&A with Hawthorne re: L.A.'s "urban identity crisis, wonky analyses of data" about the L.A. River, the city's "really anemic levels of civic engagement," and much more.
• Capps ranks "epic boondoggles - infrastructure quagmires" that illustrate "some of the more egregious ways we like to set our money on fire" (Olympics, NFL, and prisons included).
• Eyefuls of the AJ 2017 Small Projects Awards shortlist - in two parts (a very cool no-cost, no-impact composting toilet included!).
• A fabulous take on the "otherworldly architecture" in a leafy Japanese hamlet where "distinctive design is the expression of the uninhibited self" (the wedding chapel is truly otherworldly!).
• Two young Malaysian architects "have hung up their technical drawing tools in favor of the wrench" (one found landscape architecture "boring").

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Blair Kamin: Pritzker Architecture Prize goes to 3 people - a Spanish team that blends old and new: A relatively unknown team, two men and a woman, are the 2017 honorees...Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta are modernists who favor formal simplicity over the baroque forms...They often use recycled steel and plastic, melding those modern materials with historic buildings and the landscape. -- RCR Arquitectes- Chicago Tribune |
Oliver Wainwright: Pritzker Architecture Prize won by little known Catalan trio: For a glamorous gong that is usually bestowed on star is a radical departure to see it awarded to an unknown trio who have spent the last three decades quietly improving their own area, designing beautifully made buildings from a converted foundry near the Pyrenees. -- Rafael Aranda; Carme Pigem; Ramon Vilalta; RCR Arquitectes- Guardian (UK) |
Robin Pogrebin: 3 Win the Pritzker, Long a Prize for Starchitects: The era of the celebrity architect may be over. This year, the profession’s highest honor goes to three friends with a modest, collaborative firm in Spain...“It’s not a question of one person; it’s all three. Sometimes we say six hands, one voice.” -- Rafael Aranda; Carme Pigem; Ramon Vilalta; RCR Arquitectes [images]- New York Times |
Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta Named 2017 Pritzker Prize Laureates + Who Are RCR Arquitectes? 9 Things to Know About the New Pritzker Prize Winners + Q&A with Ramon Vilalta re: Pritzker Win and Post-Prize Ambitions [images]- ArchDaily |
Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigemand Ramon Vilalta Receive the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize: Landscape and architecture are united to create buildings that are intimately connected to place and time. -- RCR Arquitectes, Olot, Spain [images]- The Hyatt Foundation |
RAIC awards posthumous 2017 Gold Medal to Roger du Toit: ...portfolio includes Toronto’s CN Tower, Ottawa’s Parliamentary Precinct...and projects at more than 25 university campuses...established his practice in Toronto in 1975, now known as DTAH, He was...also a certified landscape architect and planner.- Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) |
Catherine Baudet awarded inaugural Paula Whitman Leadership in Gender Equity Prize: Australian Institute of Architects has awarded the...Queensland architect...for outstanding support of women in the architectural profession spanning more than 30 years. -- Ferrier Baudet Architects- ArchitectureAU (Australia) |
Upcycling Baltimore's Vacant Buildings Tackles Empty Houses And Unemployment: Two local nonprofits are putting people with barriers to employment to work demolishing blighted properties - and transforming salvaged bricks and beams into valuable building materials. -- Humanim; Details Deconstruction; Brick + Board; Housing Our Neighbors- Fast Company / Co.Exist |
Alex Bozikovic: Non-profit’s renovation project in Toronto is a lesson in building a green future: ...will showcase tools and practices for building sustainable cities..hopes to make [the kiln building at Evergreen Brick Works], right now an open-air shed, into “a national hub for innovation"...This is a century-old industrial shed. It’s leaky. And an important piece of the design...will be accepting imperfections. -- LGA Architectural Partners; ERA Architects- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Oliver Wainwright: 'Wanton vandalism': why Neville and Giggs' Manchester towers are despised: Manchester United heroes...want to...bestow on their home city a pair of colossal bronze skyscrapers...Looming like a pair of bronze tombstones above the low-rise Victorian centre...beginner-level urban design blunders suffuse the entire scheme...aggressively dumb at street level, it gets increasingly banal as it rises. -- Make Architects [images]- Guardian (UK) |
New details revealed for Herzog & de Meuron’s $2 billion development in L.A.: Those holding their breath in anticipation of seeing [the] 6AM Los Angeles’s booming Arts District...are in for a long wait...not expected to be completed until 2035...6AM will function like a small-scale city...2.8 million-square-foot complex; 15-acre site... -- Mia Lehrer & Associates; AC Martin [images]- The Architect's Newspaper |
A $45 Million Experiment To Turn Dorms Into Incubators: At Lassonde Studios, dorm life and startup culture collide, as aspiring entrepreneurs work, live, eat, and play all in one place: The idea was to throw a bunch of different backgrounds in a box, shake, and hope something interesting came out. -- Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the University of Utah; Yazdani Studio of CannonDesign [images]- Fast Company / Co.Design |
Martin C. Pedersen: Q&A: Christopher Hawthorne on Los Angeles’ Urban Identity Crisis: "...a city struggling to advance a series of pressing collective goals...L.A. has always been the sense that nobody cares what anybody else is doing - it’s a thrillingly tolerant and open-minded city. The flip side of that is that we’ve had really anemic levels of civic engagement..." -- Frank Gehry; Laurie Olin- Common Edge |
Kriston Capps: Epic Boondoggles, Ranked: It’s not the Big Dig or the Second Avenue Subway. America’s biggest infrastructure quagmires are much, much larger than that: Here are some of the more egregious ways we like to set our money on fire: Olympics; National Football League; Penal System; Interstate Highway System- CityLab (formerly The Atlantic Cities) |
AJ 2017 Small Projects Awards shortlist: Part 1: Playful concepts, materiality and attention to detail made these 10 shortlisted projects stand out. -- Ben Adams Architects; Canales Lombardero; EVA Studio; Feilden Fowles Architects; Finkernagel Ross; Gianni Botsford Architects; Invisible Studio; Kate Darby/David Connor; Lipton Plant Architects; Matthew Butcher/Kieran Wardle/Owain Williams- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
AJ 2017 Small Projects Awards shortlist: Part 2: ...the remaining 10 schemes. -- MOS Architects; Moxon Architects; Roz Barr Architects; Russell Jones; SD-GM; Studio Carver; Surman Weston; Takeshi Hayatsu/Simon Jones/Unit 5 Kingston University; Tate Harmer; 31/44 Architects- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Hanya Yanagihara: Otherworldly Architecture in Japanese Mountainside: In the leafy hamlet of Karuizawa, distinctive design is the expression of the uninhibited self: feels not of Japan, but of elsewhere...though these Modernist houses are distinctive...they are also rigorously humble. -- Makoto Yamaguchi; Iida Archiship Studio; TNA architects; Ryue Nishizawa; Kendrick Bangs Kellogg [images]- New York Times |
Architects switch gears to design bike mods: Kamarul Azahar Azman and Adi Marwazif apply their designing skills to good effect in doing motorcycle modifications in the garage...have hung up their technical drawing tools in favour of the wrench...- Free Malaysia Today |

Steven Holl Architects: Visual Arts Building, University of Iowa, Iowa City: At first glance, the humble state of Iowa, located in the heart of the American Midwest, might seem an unlikely location for the work of starchitects. [images] |
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