Today’s News - Wednesday, February 22, 2017
• Betsky tours Taiwan and its plethora of half-built (and competition-winning but never-built) projects, and concludes the city's "era of big building projects over."
• AJ's findings in a Freedom of Information request indicate that critics of the Garden Bridge are being "shut out" by London's mayor.
• Hoskins and CDA's "contentious" project in Edinburgh is complete - but at the cost of one of the city's few Category B-listed post-war buildings.
• Wainwright x 2: He cheers that "developers have never been so green-fingered" - but considers that it could be just "a cynical means of raising property values in a new wave of "eco gentrification."
• He parses Kéré's Serpentine Pavilion that will "bring one of his characteristically stripped-back structures, honed in the villages of Burkino Faso, to leafy west London."
• The Queens Museum is a model "for cultural institutions wondering how best to support immigrant communities in a hostile political climate," starting with two bilingual community organizers on staff.
• Kimmelman seems quite taken by Duvall Decker, an Architectural League 2017 Emerging Voices winner whose "soup-to-nuts approach is leaving an indelible imprint on poor, once-neglected corners in and around" Jackson, Mississippi.
• Thomas tackles AIA's dearth of women convention speakers, offering "four women architects to fix your all-male panel" (a.k.a. "manel").
• Miller delves into how Forensic Architecture brought to light revealing details of Syria's secret - and brutal - military prison.
• King considers the public amenities that will be included in Piano's first U.S. high rise outside of NYC (if/when San Francisco approves).
• Two samplings from Curbed's "On race & architecture" series: "16 architects of color speak out about the industry's race problem."
• Sisson sizes up "11 pioneering architects of color who made their mark," but "that history often overlooks."
• Garrett takes us on a tour through miles of Malta's incredible secret tunnels, some dating back to the 16th century, and ponders whether they should be open to the public.
• A round-up of "the 9 best new university buildings around the world" (only 9?).
• Eyefuls of the winners in the Architecture in Virtual Reality Competition for a virtual exhibition space.

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Aaron Betsky: Is Taiwan's Era of Big Building Projects Over? Following a recent trip, he reflects on numerous stopped projects in the country: [projects] that have not made it from the competition board to completion have stopped or will never be built, and the prospects for new competitions...seem dim. -- Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners; Norihiko Dan; Populous; Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA); Gene King; RUR Architecture; Neil Denari; Toyo Ito; Vicente Guallart- Architect Magazine |
Garden Bridge critics ‘shut out’ by London mayor: Only supporters of the Heatherwick-designed project have been granted access to Sadiq Khan’s team: The revelation sparked anger across the political spectrum, with critics accusing Khan of engaging only with powerful supporters of the bridge...refusing to listen to those with serious concerns about the project.- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Contentious Edinburgh World Heritage Site scheme finally completes: A controversial scheme...included the loss of one Edinburgh’s few Category B-listed post-war buildings..."The loss of the Scottish Provident building is a tragedy." -- William G Leslie/Rowand Anderson, Kininmonth & Paul (1961); John Deffenbaugh; Hoskins Architects; Comprehensive Design Architects [images]- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Oliver Wainwright: Plant power: why greenery is more than just a fig leaf for urban development: ...developers have never been so green-fingered. ...putting plants first can guide the rest of the development for the better...But are these plants being used as...a cynical means of raising property values in a new wave of “eco gentrification”? -- Liza Fior/muf architecture/art; Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée (Studio for Self-managed Architecture; EXYZT- Guardian (UK) |
Oliver Wainwright: Francis Kéré becomes first African architect of Serpentine Pavilion: The architect is planning to bring one of his characteristically stripped-back structures, honed in the villages of his native Burkino Faso, to leafy west London: While the scorching sun might be the thing to shelter from in the deserts of west Africa, he has configured his London canopy more with rain in mind... [images]- Guardian (UK) |
How a Museum in Queens Became a Neighborhood Ally: Rarely do art museums have bilingual community organizers on their payroll. The Queens Museum employs two. For cultural institutions wondering how best to support immigrant communities in a hostile political climate, the outer-borough landmark provides some clues. "The Art of Relevance" by Nina Simon- Next City (formerly Next American City) |
Michael Kimmelman: On a Design Mission in Mississippi: An architectural firm’s soup-to-nuts approach is leaving an indelible imprint on poor, once-neglected corners in and around this state’s capital. -- Roy Decker/Anne Marie Duvall/Duvall Decker Architects [images]- New York Times |
Kelsey E. Thomas: Four Women Architects to Fix Your All-Male Panel: Death to the “manel": Equal representation - particularly from top organizations such as the AIA - is crucial...I offer four brilliant women who are showing how to design for an ever moving and changing world. -- Marion Weiss/Weiss/Manfredi; Toni Griffin; Claire Weisz/WXY Studio; Hilary Sample/MOS Architects- Next City (formerly Next American City) |
Meg Miller: How Forensic Architecture Revealed Details Of A Secret Military Prison In Syria: There are no images of Assad's brutal Saydnaya prison, so a group of architects relied on prisoners' sound memories to create a 3D model.- Fast Company / Co.Design |
John King: Public space tops plan for tower by celebrated architect: The roof terrace would sit atop 36 floors of hotel and residential space...The unusual space caps what otherwise would be a deceptively straightforward glass high-rise at 555 Howard St. -- Renzo Piano Building Workshop; Mark Cavagnero Associates [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
16 architects of color speak out about the industry's race problem: ...each offered advice about how the profession can break down barriers...and why this matters. -- Vishaan Chakrabarti/PAU; Roberta Washington/Roberta Washington Architects; Alfonso Medina/T38 Studio; Mabel O. Wilson/Studio &; Chris Leong/Leong Leong; Germane Barnes; Suchi Reddy/Reddymade Design; Michael Ford/Brandnu Design; Dong-Ping Wong/Family New York; Jing Liu/SO-IL; Phil Freelon/Perkins+Will; Nadine Maleh/Institute for Public Architecture ; Juan Gabriel Moreno/JGMA; Yolande Daniels/Studio SUMO; Mark Gardner/Jacklitsch/Gardner Architects; Eric Tan/Handel Architects- Curbed |
Patrick Sisson: 11 pioneering architects of color who made their mark: The inspiring architects - and a multitude of buildings - that history often overlooks. -- National Association of Minority Architects (NOMA); Julian Abele; Vertner Woodson Tandy; Beverly Loraine Greene; Hilyard Robinson; Paul Revere Williams; Clarence Wesley "Cap" Wigington; Norma Sklarek; Gilbert Leong; Takeo Shiota; Iwahiko Tsumanuma (a.k.a. Thomas S. Rockrise); Wendell Jerome Campbell; John Chase- Curbed |
Bradley L. Garrett: Malta's secret tunnels: inside the newly discovered underworld of Valletta: Malta’s picturesque capital has been used as the set of Gladiator, Troy and King’s Landing in Game of Thrones - but it is also riven by subterranean passages that go back to the legendary Knights of Malta. As the city prepares to be 2018 European Capital of Culture, should the tunnels be opened to the public? -- Leanne Wijnsma; Claude Borg; Edward Said [images]- Guardian (UK) |
The 9 Best New University Buildings Around the World: Some of the world’s most famous architects...went back to the books to marry design and academia. -- Michael Maltzan; Thom Mayne/Morphosis; Grimshaw Architects; Arkitema Architects/Arkitektgruppen Cubus; David Piscuskas/1100 Architect; Yazdani Studio of Cannon Design; Steven Holl; Diller Scofidio + Renfro; Robert A.M. Stern [images]- Architectural Digest |
Winners: Architecture in Virtual Reality International Competition for a virtual exhibition space. -- Boris Hilderal; Albeta Krbylová/Juraj Hornák/Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava; Paolo Antonio Zurk Castillo/Universidad de los Andes; etc. [images]- Bee Breeders (formerly HMMD/Homemade Dessert) |
ANN Feature: Bill Millard: Book Review: "Door to Door: The Magnificent, Maddening, Mysterious World of Transportation" by Edward Humes: The systems that bring materials and goods from their far-flung sources to end-consumers' doorsteps, as this Pulitzer-winning author shows, are astonishing. The infrastructure supporting them is "breaking the world."- |

Sigurd Lewerentz: Church of St Peter (1966), Klippan, Sweden: ...embodies a holistic and obsessive architectural vision...manifesting a range of spatial references...all interpreted through the use of brick. The result is a strange and particular architecture that feels strikingly contemporary yet primitive, exceptional yet vernacular...managed to subvert constructional norms, redefine religious spatiality... [images] |
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