Today’s News - Tuesday, February 14, 2017
EDITOR'S NOTE: Be sure to check out the last two entries with a most timely message: "If there was ever a time when the world needed a bit of extra love, that time is now." Happy Valentine's Day!
• ArcSpace brings us Kiser's take on Snøhetta's second Lillehammer Art Museum & Cinema expansion.
• Jolliffe tackles labels like "woman architect" that tend to marginalize issues that actually affect the entire profession.
• Florida and Small parse a recent working paper by economists that analyzes what makes cities too small or too big: "we might need more people to live in fewer (but bigger) cities."
• Marshall considers why having places to protest make cities happier and healthier: "Sometimes taking up space is political; sometimes it's personal. In cities, it can - and should - be both."
• King considers the challenges in "two initiatives at vastly different scales" to reinvent San Francisco's Civic Center Plaza (space for protest included).
• The first phase of the QueensWay in NYC gets underway as the design team assures residents along its 3.5-mile route that it will not "lead to new development that displaces existing residents," as the High Line has.
• O'Sullivan takes a deep - and fascinating - dive into the "passionate movement of locals" to save Venice, which "has never been more threatened."
• The architects tapped to design a bulletproof-glass wall around the Eiffel Tower "are taking extra steps to marry aesthetic considerations and new security measures" (alas, the architects are not named).
• Bernstein is quite taken by DS+R's Vagelos Education Center at Columbia University - a "delirious doodle against the neighborhood's 3D grid," where "form foments function."
• Diamond Schmitt is tapped to design intermodal transit hub for what is "the largest urban mixed-use development in Canada."
• Boeri is taking his "Vertical Forest" concept to China, with "two greenery-covered towers" in Nanjing that "will serve as a prototype for other pollution-threatened Chinese cities."
• A deep dive into the "unusual and radical" proposal to rebuild Penn Station as it was, "undoing a cultural crime" (fab images; tho' nary a fab word for Calatrava's WTC transit hub).
• Plans are moving forward to resurrect the "modern ruin" that is St. Peter's Seminary, west of Glasgow (the original drawings and plans, and vintage photos make this a must-see!).
• Mortice reports on the results of 2014 Wheelwright Prize winner Ahedo's two-year study that "confronts bizarrely opposed, parallel tracks of contemporary agriculture."
• Gerfen and Risen offer a terrific presentation of the 12 winners of the 64th Progressive Architecture Awards who "represent design that pushes the envelope."
• The impressive shortlists of women in the running for the 2017 Architect of the Year Award and the Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture.
• Gehl gets the keys to Sydney for his more-than-a-decade of "driving" the city "to create a greener, more livable and better connected city."
• Call for entries deadline reminder: 2017 Modernism in America Awards.
• Two we couldn't resist: Arch Record and ArchDaly round up bunches of Valentine cards by (and for) architects: "If there was ever a time when the world needed a bit of extra love, that time is now."

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Kirsten Kiser: Snøhetta: Lillehammer Art Museum & Cinema, Norway: 22 years after completing the first expansion...[the firm] has again expanded the project, creating a holistic expression for both the art museum and the adjacent cinema...The concept...came from the idea of art hovering above a transparent base. -- Erling Viksjø (1964) [images] |
Eleanor Jolliffe: The problem of labels like 'woman architect': ...maternity/paternity leave and flexible hours is as much a people problem as a woman problem...a problem that faces around 50% of the profession has a chance of being ignored as a fringe issue; if it is recognised as a problem for the whole profession, it is more likely to be tackled.- BD/Building Design (UK) |
Richard Florida & Andrew Small: Are Cities Too Small or Too Big? To get the most collective benefits out of urban life, we might need more people to live in fewer (but bigger) cities: A recent National Bureau of Economic Research working paper by economists...frames the issue in terms of a simple question: What is the optimal distribution of U.S. cities?- CityLab (formerly The Atlantic Cities) |
Aarian Marshall: The Secret to a Happy, Healthy City? Places for People to Protest: Why open public spaces are good for your body, mind, soul, and democratic ideals: Sometimes taking up space is political; sometimes it’s personal. In cities, it can - and should - be both. -- William H. Whyte; Justin Garrett Moore; Shin-pei Tsay/Gehl Institute; Claire Weisz/WXY Architects- Wired |
John King: Rejuvenating SF Civic Center Plaza - a challenge beyond design: ...two initiatives at vastly different scales. One seeks nothing less than to remake the landscape from United Nations Plaza to City Hall. The other begins Tuesday with the...adventurous redo of two small playgrounds within the plaza...each tackles the quandary that defines Civic Center Plaza today. -- Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture; Lawrence Halprin; Trust for Public Land [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
The First Phase of the QueensWay Takes Shape: ...3.5-mile rail line...closed in 1962...runs through six neighborhoods...The team is about halfway through schematic designs for the first phase...Will the QueensWay lead to new development that displaces existing residents? The speakers said no. -- Trust for Public Land; DLANDstudio; WXY Studio [images]- The Dirt/American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) |
Feargus O'Sullivan: Venice Fights Back: The world's most beautiful city has never been more threatened. But a passionate movement of locals is determined to keep it alive: It’s not just the quantity of’s the quality of what they deliver in concrete benefits...“there are plans” recurs rather too often... -- Jane Da Mosto/We Are Here Venice; Giovanni Di Giorgio/Generazione 90; Marco Secchi/Awakening; Gruppo 25 Aprile- CityLab (formerly The Atlantic Cities) |
Paris Architects Are Designing a Bulletproof-Glass Wall Around the Eiffel Tower: ...officials are taking extra steps to marry aesthetic considerations and new security measures: ...the architects tapped for the project will reportedly design the walls and fencing so they blend in visually with the Seine River to the north and the Champ de Mars park to the south.- Architectural Digest |
Fred A Bernstein: Vagelos Education Center, Columbia University by Diller Scofidio + Renfro: ‘Rolling up the street’ was the starting idea for this 14-storey addition to the Columbia Medical School...With it the practice has also realised a 20-year long exploration of a continuous surface building...The result is a delirious doodle against the neighbourhood’s 3D a miraculous meeting of ‘stylistic itch’ and intuition about function...[it] has already transformed student life. -- Gensler- DesignCurial / Blueprint Magazine (UK) |
Diamond Schmitt Architects design Transit Terminal for Vaughan Metropolitan Centre: ...playing a key role in the intermodal transit hub to support this burgeoning urban community adjacent to Toronto....VMC is the largest urban mixed-use development in Canada. [images]- Canadian Architect |
China Welcomes Asia’s First Vertical Forest: To help fight pollution, Stefano Boeri will build two greenery-covered towers in Nanjing: ...designer of Milan’s Bosco Verticale will bring...the first of their kind in Asia...will serve as a prototype for Boeri’s designs in other pollution-threatened Chinese cities. [images]- Architectural Digest |
The Grand Gateway in Waiting: Envisioning the New-Old Penn Station: When we think of other design possibilities for Penn Station...We wouldn’t immediately think of a beautiful beaux-arts design because, ironically, that idea is unusual and radical today...Like a phoenix, McKim’s crowning masterpiece could rise from the ashes of its predecessor... -- McKim, Mead & White (1910); Richard Cameron/Jason Grimes/Atelier & Co.; Jim Venturi/ReThinkNYC; Justin Shubow/National Civic Art Society [images]- The Epoch Times |
Life after death? Resurrecting a modern ruin: About 20 miles west of Glasgow lies a modern ruin. St Peter's Seminary was built only 50 years ago, yet by the 1990s it was derelict. However, plans to breathe new life into the building are now close to being realised. -- NVA; John Cowell/Andy MacMillan/Isi Metzstein/Gillespie, Kidd & Coia (1966); Hoskins Architects; Avanti Architects; ERZ Landscape Architects; NORD Architects [images]- BBC News |
Zach Mortice: Livestock and the Rhythm of the Land: ...Spanish architect Jose Ahedo visited livestock farming landscapes in eight countries...Documented through his photography and funded by a $100,000 Harvard Graduate School of Design Wheelwright Prize Fellowship [2014]...“Domesticated Grounds: Design and Domesticity Within Animal Farming Systems” confronts bizarrely opposed, parallel tracks of contemporary agriculture... [images]- Landscape Architecture Magazine |
Katie Gerfen and Clay Risen: Winners of the 64th Progressive Architecture Awards: 12 winners represent design that pushes the envelope...and an exploration of humble building types that can make peoples’ lives better. If that isn’t progressive, then what is? -- REX; Johnston Marklee; Steven Holl Architects; Modern Office of Design + Architecture; Sanjay Puri Architects; Morphosis Architects; Deegan-Day Design; The LADG; WOJR; EC3; NADAAA [images]- Architect Magazine |
Women in Architecture Awards 2017 shortlists revealed: ...women in the running for the Architect of the Year Award and the Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture. -- Julia Barfield, Marks Barfield; Gabriela Carrillo/Taller de Arquitectura Mauricio Rocha + Gabriela Carrill; Anouk Legendre/XTU Architects; Andrea Leers & Jane Weinzapfel/Leers Weinzapfel Associates; Ada Yvars Bravo/Mangera Yvars Architects; Johanna Hurme/5468796 Architects; Jing Liu/SO-IL; Rozana Montiel/Rozana Montiel Estudio de Arquitectura- Architectural Review (UK) |
Jan Gehl handed keys to Sydney: His ideas have been driving the City of Sydney’s plans to...create a greener, more liveable and better connected city as part of the Sustainable Sydney 2030 initiative...The City has been working with Gehl and his team for more than a decade...- Architecture & Design (Australia) |
Call for entries: 2017 Modernism in America Awards to celebrate the documentation, preservation and re-use of modern buildings, structures and landscapes built in the U.S. or on U.S. territory; earlybird deadline (save money!): March 1, 2017 (final submissions due April 14, 2017)- DOCOMOMO US |
105 Valentines for Architects (And Architecture Lovers): If there was ever a time when the world needed a bit of extra love, that time is now. [images]- ArchDaily |
Spread the Love with Architect Valentines: Because nothing says 'I love you' like a handmade starchitect card: Anna Fixsen is back at it again with the scissors and glue, pulling inspiration from some of today’s top designers to craft five punny love notes. Isn’t architecture sweet?- Architectural Record |
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