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Today’s News - Thursday, October 6, 2016

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tomorrow and Monday will be no-newsletter days. We'll be back Tuesday, October 11.

•   ANN feature: Donna Maltzan parses 10 predominant communications failures in A/E/C firms, and suggestions to overcome them.

•   McGuigan eloquently ponders architecture and how "the story of the African American experience can be powerfully reflected in the built environment."

•   Wainwright cheers Levete's new Lisbon museum and its "sinuous swoosh" that "finally reunites city and river," but inside, "you feel like you're on the way to the main event that never arrives."

•   Jencks takes a deep - and fascinating - dive into the evolution of museum architecture since the Bilbao Effect: the "cynical reason" why "nature and the universe are never far away" in these "secular cathedrals" is that they "must look like something more than a dumb box, so, the default mode must be nature, sustainability - the most unimpeachable of faiths."

•   Chen, meanwhile, dodges drones and hoverboards and throws "museological obsessions like provenance to the wind" as he scours a Shenzhen area hunting for "unidentified acts of design" for Hong Kong's M+ museum.

•   Bliss is blissful about several signs that Las Vegas "is finally getting behind the idea of an urban renaissance" and the "proper infrastructure a connected city needs."

•   Freeman fulminates about why Trump's history as a developer shouldn't leave us "surprised by his eccentric and disturbing behavior as a presidential candidate - mediocre design is the least of it" when one considers the "unhealthy residue" he's left across the industry.

•   Walker, on a lighter note, walks us through some of Trump's 3:00am "hate-tweets" about Goldberger and Kamin: "there may not be a higher compliment in this line of work. So architecture writers - keep digging."

•   The NTHP's 2016 list of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places puts the spotlight on urban areas (great presentation).

•   Rodger finds much to like at this year's Venice Biennale: "This is no starchitect's biennale" - it is "huge, multi-layered and pretty much impossible to sum up," and some of it "will upset the status quo."

•   Budds practically bubbles over the news that Manaugh's "A Burglar's Guide to the City" is being developed into a TV pilot "about a badass architect: It's Robin Hood meets Howard Roark."

•   Weekend diversions:

•   On a more serious note, Budds ponders MoMA's "Insecurities: Tracing Displacement and Shelter": "there's no one-size-fits-all architectural solution - but there's a handful of traits that are common to a successful relief shelter. Here are three of them."

•   Frankfurt hosts the Flanders Architecture Institute's "MAATWERK MASSWERK: Custom Made Architecture from Flanders and the Netherlands."

•   Storring and Zipp explain how both the left and the right often get Jane Jacobs wrong - and what we need to do to keep her vision alive.

•   Green gives Storring and Zipp's "Vital Little Plans: The Short Works of Jane Jacobs" two thumbs-up for bringing together "this autodidact's compelling arguments for why planners and designers must never forget the importance of small-scale diversity."

•   Schwab cheers "World of Malls: Architecture of Consumption" that "traces the history of malls through the architects who build them."

•   Nobel finds Settis's "If Venice Dies" a "bracing and beautifully written little book" that "gives special attention to the complicity of architects" in the city's slow demise.

•   Newhouse says Curran's "The Invention of the American Art Museum" offers "behind-the-scenes accounts" that are "deeply engaging" and revelatory.



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