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Today’s News - Wednesday, August 24, 2016

•   A great round-up of some of the transit-oriented developments planned to rise along the 15.2-mile-long spine of L.A.'s newly completed Expo Line extension.

•   Green garners insights from Louisiana-based landscape architect Michaels re: how "climate change and sprawl are more rapidly changing the map of flood risk," and how the state can "build back smarter" after the recent catastrophic flooding.

•   Campbell-Dollaghan looks at a tiny Alaskan town that is "a bellwether for coastal communities" facing relocation because of climate change: "climate refugees" will require architects, planners, and policy-makers "to mobilize in a way not seen since the years after World War II."

•   Lubell rounds up "7 clever ways to fight flooding in an increasingly wet world."

•   Besides building the "world's largest passive housing complex" in Germany, Frey Architekten has designed a lunch program that brings construction workers and future residents together.

•   While Vancouver is laying claim to the world's tallest timber tower, now under construction, Amsterdam has thrown its hat in the ring to take it even higher.

•   Carr casts an eye on a global architecture competition looking to "foster new ways of handling the growing density of unplanned cities."

•   The proposed Milwaukee Arts Barge hopes that a floating cultural space "might create new opportunities for civic participation and social exchange along the very boundaries of urban segregation."

•   Rinaldi almost runs out of superlatives for SOM's Center for Character & Leadership Development at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs: not only is it "an architectural marvel," it "rises with precision and purity and with an abundant belief in the power of design to inspire."

•   Welton is fairly wow'd by BCJA's environmental education center in Pittsburgh's largest park: "It's a marriage of landscape and design, history and sustainability" that "morphed" into meeting the Living Building Challenge.

•   A look at Meier's first project in South America - an office building in Rio de Janeiro that aims "to connect the building to its context and Brazil's architectural legacy of open, indoor/outdoor living."

•   Hohenadel cheers Yablon's Planned Parenthood center in Queens, NY, as "one of the best health care building designs" around.

•   The first U.K. firm to open an office in Mongolia is tapped to design Galleria UB, which "will transform a disused former print works into a high end shopping center" in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar.

•   Scotland votes for the nation's top 10 buildings, and "more than half are from last 35 years."

•   A look at how museums can "nurture a more widespread appreciation for and investment in our built environment."

•   Lange queries MoMA's Stierli re: "museums acquiring architecture and the measures that cultural institutions can take to interact with the discipline."

•   Bélanger, curator of the Canadian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, explains that it is the first pavilion to be located outside in the Giardini: "I can only hope that more and more projects capitalize on working outside and engaging the ground more and more, figuratively, literally and politically."

•   The New Zealand Institute of Architects makes the case for saving a 40-year-old visitor center in Te Urewera National Park from demolition: it was designed by John Scott, "a pioneer Maori architect whose work is increasingly recognized."

•   Sisson delves into the evolution and future plans of the Frank Lloyd Wright Revival Initiative with founder and filmmaker Michael Miner.

•   Eyefuls of the top 10 Toronto buildings from the 1970s: "We might not love concrete like we once did, but the best of these structures have stood the test of time."

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