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Today’s News - Thursday, June 9, 2016

EDITOR'S NOTE: Sorry we missed posting yesterday - it was due to circumstances beyond our control. Tomorrow and Monday will also be no-newsletter days - we'll be back Tuesday, June 14 (if the technology gods are on our side).

•   ArcSpace brings us eyefuls of Kapoor's London studio by Caseyfierro Architects.

•   Russell roams Atlantic City to find "no evidence of the kind of imagination and true inventiveness that would have kept people coming back," and ponders whether there's anyone "ready to invest the talent and hard work to make it happen."

•   Quirk wonders whether the Tod Williams Billie Tsien renovation of Moore's Hood Museum is "really as bad as critics claim - at what point does a renovation destroy the thing it's trying to preserve?"

•   Miranda mulls "the SFMOMA effect - in its glossy new incarnation, it is, in some ways, a marker of some of the less appealing aspects of urban renewal" (but it does have its good points).

•   Giovannini considers Knight's newly-restored Yale Center for British Art, and why it "tells a morality tale. The dirty little secret about Kahn's serene museum is that it is filled with 'Architecture,' little of it neutral and much of it passively aggressive."

•   Keskeys' Q&A with Adjaye re: "the challenges of museum design, the potential for cultural buildings to change cities, and the future of this key architectural typology."

•   Wainwright is quite taken by BIG's Serpentine Pavilion: it "has gawp-factor by the bucketload, but with some hiccups," but the interior is "a shape-shifting cathedral that is possibly the Serpentine's most impressive pavilion yet."

•   Heathcote hails the pavilion as a "magical structure. Rarely has the description 'boxy' been such a compliment."

•   Eyefuls of the six (impressive) shortlisted teams' designs for the Museum of London.

•   Call for entries: 2016 LAMP/Lighting Architecture Movement Project International Lighting Design Competition: "Cosmic" + Archiprix International Ahmedabad 2017 competition for the best graduation project.

•   Weekend diversions:

•   In NYC, the Van Alen's "Disruption?" fest explores how "this era's optimism and angst about technology take form in built environments, local communities, and municipal policies."

•   Toronto's Luminato Festival will #TurnOnTheHearn in an iconic decommissioned power plant - some "architectural Jenga" included (great pix!).

•   Perkovic picks six events for architecture lovers at Dark Mofo, "an eerie, but not grim, art festival" in Hobart - #4. Explore Tasmania's most mysterious places under the pretense of seeing art."

•   Hadid's Venice retrospective "is a tribute to her career" (fab photos).

•   Canada's contributions to the Biennale offer "thorny, provocative works. While some might see the work as thin on content," they are "boldly political."

•   "Making Post-war Manchester: Visions of an Unmade City" (in Manchester) "brings to life long-forgotten plans for the city's reinvention" - sadly lost to "gangster development."

•   Filler isn't totally fulfilled by NYC's Jewish Museum's "Roberto Burle Marx: Brazilian Modernist": "in its eagerness to advance its subject as a multi-media polymath," what is on display "is wholly inadequate in conveying his revolutionary accomplishment in garden design."

•   Welton finds out what it was like working with Cooper Hewitt curators for "Energizing the Everyday: Gifts from the George R. Kravis Collection": when the "team came to visit me - they were like children in a candy store."

•   Glancey chooses his 10 favorite Brutalist buildings from Chadwick's "This Brutal World."

•   Q&A with Locktov re: "Dream of Venice Architecture" + "For a guidebook to the city, one cannot do better than" this book, with excerpts (and, of course, glorious images).

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