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Today’s News - Tuesday, April 12, 2016

•   ArcSpace x 2: Q&A with curators Bose, Self, and Williams about "Home Economics," this year's British Pavilion at the Venice Biennale + CO-AP's childcare center in Sydney that "exemplifies the delight that can be found from adapting older structures for new programs and purposes."

•   Koolhaas (a Q&A), Sperber ("If she was not my hero, why does her death matter so much?"), and Lambert weigh in on Zaha (Ed. Note: ANN feature "Zaha" has been updated to include all postings we've run to date).

•   Washburn warns us of the challenges inherent in "making the smart city also an equitable one," and the dangerous "delusion that what you want personally is what everybody wants. 'I' is not 'we.'"

•   Dittmar dallies over some of London's "tall buildings bloopers," and bemoans that some of the city's "great new architecture" isn't appearing on the skyline.

•   Very interesting commentary from some of those involved in rebuilding Christchurch five years after the Canterbury earthquakes (the good and the bad).

•   Reynolds and Waretini explain Gap Filler, an "experimental model for development in Christchurch" that is also a model "to rethink the way cities can be built from grassroots involvement."

•   Data gleaned from six Italian cities prove "that density of population is as vital as Jane Jacobs said."

•   A handful of NYC architects, designers, and engineers weigh in on Calatrava's WTC Transit Hub - some see a white dove, others, a white elephant (or a "bleached and sanitized carcass" ouch!).

•   Meanwhile, a few more details - and images - of Calatrava's Dubai tower debut: it would be "a notch taller" than SOM's Burj Khalifa.

•   Libeskind goes public with what has been a "secret museum" plan in Erbil, Iraq.

•   King has high (and green) hopes for Piano's towering plan for San Francisco: "he wants to leave a different sort of mark, showcasing the possibilities of sustainable design at skyline scale."

•   Davidson continues his L.A. sojourn, spending time with Mia Lehrer to see how the city "has begun to rediscover the overlap of nature with civic life, especially in downtown areas starved for open space."

•   Kamin cheers Wrigley Field's exterior being restored to the way it looked in the 1930s: "Now it gives something to the street, and to passersby, as all good urban buildings should."

•   Fraser minces no words about what he thinks led to closing a number of Edinburgh schools: "Children's learning was lower priority than enriching bankers and lawyers," and Britain has "'forgotten the sheer joy' of making good school buildings."

•   Saffron considers her evolution from reporter to critic: she had "strong biases about how cities should be treated and a reporter's instincts about what makes a good story. The pairing of urban reporting with a design sensibility turned out to be a powerful hybrid."

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