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Today’s News - Monday, November 30, 2015

•   It's a London bridge kind of day: Eyefuls of the winning design for the Nine Elms/Pimlico pedestrian and cycle bridge.

•   Wainwright considers Bystrup's design "a model of elegance" and "a classy design," and thinks the "surprising level of ferocity" against the plan is misplaced.

•   The Pimlico Toy Library and a residents' association beg to differ, calling the Nine Elms bridge a "threat" to public gardens, and serves "no strategic purpose, is expensive and unnecessary."

•   O'Sullivan, meanwhile cheers another proposal for another pedestrian/cycle Thames crossing in East London: "The price is reasonable, the design is practical, and the link is one the city genuinely needs."

•   Forget the debates over a bridge here or there - Farrell offers proof that East London needs "seven inexpensive bridges" to "speed up delivery of new homes and allow other housing initiatives to bear fruit. It is not a luxury!"

•   The Indian state of Andhra Pradesh doesn't seem too put out by Koolhaas's declining to compete to design the Amaravati capital complex - Gehry, Foster, and Rogers "will now be the contenders" ("We must celebrate that the best of the best are ready to play on our soil").

•   Heathcote, meanwhile, hails OMA's "first significant public work in Britain" - Manchester's The Factory arts center with a design that suggests "the influence of visionary British architect Cedric Price."

•   Eyefuls of the "Dutch mastermind" Koolhaas's design for Manchester's "multi-million pound culture hub."

•   SANAA beats out Snøhetta in the competition to design the National Gallery of Hungary - Ludwig Museum in Budapest.

•   KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten beats out some very big-name competition to design the Shenzhen Art Museum and Library.

•   A great Q&A with BIG's Bergmann and One Architecture's Bouw re: making the "ambitious and complex" Dryline in Manhattan a reality - with so many stakeholders involved, "We add a little bit of black color in an otherwise plaid-dressed room."

•   A who's who of architects, designers, artists, and curators campaign to save London Metropolitan University's Cass Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design: "The Cass is a wonderful example of interdisciplinary activity - an outward facing community. Its future is endangered by a homogenized vision of academic education."

•   Saffron minces no words about what she thinks of Philly's Historical Commission's financial-hardship loophole that "has become a favorite tactic for developers" - it's "a clear message about the city's preference for development over preservation: Buy it, and you can demolish it."

•   A new infographic from National Geographic shows how "New Yorkers in 2020 won't see sunlight. Unless you have millions to drop on a high-rise penthouse, prepare for imminent darkness" (a slight overstatement, perhaps).

•   Three very worthy are 2015 AIBC Recognition Award recipients.

•   Call for entries: Expressions of Interest: Williamsburg Bridge Trolley Terminal under Delancey Street in Manhattan (The Lowline gang are already preparing their paperwork) + Socrates Sculpture Park/Arch League Folly 2016 + ICFF Emerging Design Professionals 2016 Studio Competition + 2016 Ceramics of Italy Tile Competition.

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