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Today’s News - Monday, March 30, 2015

•   ArcSpace brings us a round-up of Zumthor gems that "stand out against their surrounding contexts as statements of formal clarity," says Søberg + Meyer's most interesting Q&A with Herzog re: H&deM's "current trials and tribulations, as well as his influences and goals."

•   Wainwright minces no words about Mayne's proposed 80-story hotel in Vals (Zumthor-land): "a gigantic mirror-clad middle finger aimed at the region - it's hard to imagine a more obnoxious gesture to inflict on a sleepy spa town" (with "a design statement that verges on farce" - and rooms named for Zumthor and Kuma to boot!).

•   Davidson lays out all the reasons Gehry's Fondation Louis Vuitton is a "masterpiece": "Harrumphing that the building is overdesigned and flamboyant is a little like complaining that Champagne has too many bubbles: Theatrical extravagance isn't an incidental quality, it's the essence of this $135 million tour-de-force."

•   Woodman gives (mostly) thumbs-up to MUMA's makeover of Manchester's Whitworth Art Gallery: the firm's "inventiveness is grounded in an impressive command of the art of construction: the detailing, throughout the building, is a joy. It is to be hoped that it may yet be given the opportunity to finish the job."

•   Bozikovic contemplates architecture's digital revolution and considers what Therrien, the Guggenheim's new curator of architecture and digital initiatives, might do with the other 1,709 submissions to the Guggenheim Helsinki competition once the winner is announced.

•   Hill has a few issues with London's Skyline Campaign: "height isn't the issue that matters most. There are more important things to get worked up about. How damaging are tall buildings, actually?"

•   Langston, meanwhile, ponders that while "neighbors may hate tall towers" in Ottawa (long considered Canada's "banal building central"), the spate of taller condos is letting architects "get creative."

•   Farrow considers the "ultimate test for architecture and design: do our buildings and spaces cause health?" His answer is Yes, and once understood, "dreary design and merely functional places would become unacceptable."

•   Behre considers Duany's suggestion that local architects "should band together and create a Charleston urban vernacular" - it's a good idea, but "it's unclear if they will."

•   Eyefuls of two twisting oceanfront towers that are about to change Fort Lauderdale's coastline and skyline.

•   A fascinating Q+A with MoMA's Antonelli re: "new directions in design, the work she finds most interesting, and her online project: Design and Violence.

•   It's been awhile since we've heard news of the "high-voltage" electrical engineer's attempts to build a Frank Lloyd Wright house in a British village; apparently, the fight rages on.

•   No architect is named, but how could we resist news that Springfield, Massachusetts, is getting a Dr. Seuss museum!

•   One we couldn't resist Part Deux: Art in Island in Manila aspires to inspire "jaded museum-goers" with a "please touch" opportunity to take selfies within art masterpieces: "With portions of each work slightly altered or left out entirely, the art isn't even finished until you complete the picture" (totally bizarre - and totally cool!).

•   Call for entries: LEAF Awards 2015: celebrating the best that global architecture + Holcim Awards - Your Choice: Vote for your favorite "Next Generation" sustainable construction project.


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