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Today’s News - Wednesday, January 7, 2015

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tomorrow is this week's "floating" no-newsletter day. We'll be back Friday, January 9.

•   ArcSpace brings us Meyer's extensive architectural tour of Seoul (some real surprises!).

•   Shubow jumps into the Bingler/Pedersen/Betsky "How to Rebuild Architecture" debate, explaining why the profession is "suffering a crisis of confidence," bemoaning that "architecture has become a gated community" - but "there is a way out" (with lots of modernism-bashing along the way).

•   Rinaldi, on the other hand, is much more optimistic about the future of architecture: "the profession is changing," with a "holistic attitude" that "seems to be steering trends" offering "building and landscape architects an opportunity to remain vital - and brings them closer to the people they serve."

•   Simpson's report on "an inspiring Design Council summit" that explored "how design and architecture can fight inactivity and ill health."

•   Sorkin says most of the brouhaha behind MAD Architects' proposed George Lucas Museum in Chicago "is simply specious. Let Lucas build it!"

•   Wainwright wanted to be wow'd by London's Walkie Talkie Sky Garden, but, alas: "It is not the public park that was promised, but another private party space, available by appointment" (and "feels like you're trapped in an airport" - ouch!).

•   King is much kinder towards a new Snøhetta/SCB-designed tower planned for a "should-be-prominent corner" in San Francisco "that trades skyline drama for sidewalk comfort with visual flair."

•   Saffron gives two thumbs-ups to plans for a traditional downtown shopping district in Philly that is "perfectly in sync with what the city needs in this place, at this moment."

•   Moscow's has big plans to revive its 13,000-acre, Stalin-era exhibition center as a "city of museums."

•   Kats, meanwhile, reports that things aren't as optimistic for Moscow's Melnikov House: opening to the public for a test run as the Melnikov Museum "confirmed what many preservation activists had suspected - no significant steps" have been taken "to ensure that the structure continues to stand."

•   Macedonians protest the government's plan to cover a modernist landmark with a "baroque" façade as part of "the creeping Skopje 2014 project" to give the city's buildings a "makeover in the neoclassical or baroque style" (that should please Shubow et al.).

•   Eyefuls of four designs presented by two (of four) candidates vying to host the Barack Obama Presidential Library (oddly, one doesn't identify the design team).

•   OMA heads the team to design a 24-acre West Louisville Food Hub with a master plan that is, in part, a result of Harvard GSD students' research "about how urban design and food can work together in new ways in America."

•   Van Alen Institute and the National Park Service name finalists in the National Parks Now competition.

•   Eyefuls of the Workplace of the Future 2.0 Competition (not sure we'd want to actually work in some of them).

•   Faith & Form Magazine/IFRAA name 32 winners in the 2014 International Awards Program for Religious Art & Architecture.

•   The Association of Licensed Architects 2014 Design Awards go to 36 projects in 11 states.

•   Call for entries: Chicago Architecture Biennial Lakefront Kiosk Competition (very cool!) + Street Architecture Competition: Temporary Outdoor Structures for IDEAS CITY 2015 confab in NYC in May (also very cool!).


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