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Today’s News - Thursday, June 12, 2014

•   Rybczynski ruminates most eloquently about whether the globalization of architecture is a good thing - or not: it may be "exciting" to import starchitects who are "much too different from each other to make all places look the same - but they do make places all look different in the same way. Which is almost as bad" (better to nurture "locatects").

•   Pearman, as many others, was brought to tears re: news of the Glasgow School of Art fire: "The horror from the world's architecture community was real and immediate," followed by "something else: cautious optimism that the masterpiece could be restored." + An archive of BBC Arts clips about Mackintosh's masterpiece.

•   Rosenbaum parses the Frick Collection's proposed expansion: "there's no question that it's long overdue and sorely needed," but is the design deferential or "Beaux Arts on Botox"?

•   Brussat x 2: though the devil will be in the details, the Frick's plan "seems downright lovely," and "should provide a stellar example of what real architecture means by 'addition.'"

•   He's much less sanguine about what came out of last week's CNU conference: "the ramparts of New Urbanism have been breached - New Urbanists be warned: The modernists are on the march."

•   Hume cheers the "pop-up phenomenon" happening around Toronto in various guises that "can play an important role when we reimagine the urban fabric," and "illustrates the growing allure of urban transience."

•   King reports that L.A. has thrown its hat in the ring to lure George Lucas's museum away from San Francisco (and Chicago) because "the city of storytellers" makes it a perfect fit.

•   Kamin continues with the Trump sign saga in Chicago: the mayor has given it "thumbs down," which "sets up a confrontation between two towering figures with no small egos" (are we having fun yet?!!?).

•   Meanwhile, SOM is transforming a former window factory on Chicago's Goose Island into a futuristic Digital Lab for Manufacturing to goose manufacturing forward that will "evoke more of a feeling of a startup than a manufacturing plant."

•   Megabudka wins the international competition for a Russian Culture & Education Center for Butovo Park in Moscow: the design "is a sort of local theme park, composed of a reinterpretation with a modern twist of traditional suburban elements - planned to be replicated in other regions as well."

•   Bernstein cheers Geller's once-endangered "box-kite-like icon of midcentury modernism" moved to new digs and restored by COOKFOX.

•   Great Q&A with Cesal, Architecture for Humanity's new executive director, re: "what's next for AfH, and his beef with the word 'resilience.'"

•   A look at how "bold new designs are transforming previously bland bridges into incredible new landmarks."

•   Thompson offers his take on "the five greatest collaborations between architect and landscape architect."

•   Next up in crowdsourcing architectural services: Architizer launches "It is time to tell the world about the work that we do and make it easy for them to find and hire us" (see ANN's Arcbazar feature, too).

•   Good reasons to be in Dallas and Grand Rapids next week: a conference explores "a whole new economy based on creativity and innovation slowly taking shape," and the Michigan Modern: Design that Shaped America Symposium.

•   Call for entries: Sylvia Harris Citizen Design Award: Design Ignites Change; $10,000 for social impact design project that enhances public life.


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