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Today’s News - Monday, May 19, 2014

•   Iovine, Russell, and Bevan offer different takes on the 9/11 Memorial & Museum: it is "profoundly effective" architecture + "An experience as respectful as it is powerful" + "there are times when an understandable sentimentality tips over into the mawkish," and "too tidy in the tale it tells."

•   Saffron cheers Gehry's plan for the Philadelphia Museum of Art finally going on view: it is a "fine, thoughtful design, meticulous in its logic" - with one "controversial" element, "but the museum should be allowed one daring move."

•   Bozikovic cheers Shim-Sutcliffe's new home for a group of Toronto nuns "that reaches great aesthetic heights" and a major work for the architects.

•   Kamin minces no words re: a proposal to build a flyover through a Chicago neighborhood that is "misguided, unnecessary," very expensive, and would demolish buildings in "a neighborhood that's already transit-friendly. Are those 84 seconds worth it?"

•   Badger parses a new National Trust for Historic Preservation study that is "an economic defense of old buildings" using a "novel geospatial analysis" - and should give preservationists "new data in fierce development debates" (Chicago and other cities highlighted below should pay heed).

•   King is pleasantly surprised that downtown San Jose is "showing signs of life and soul - with "something that feels urban, in a good way" (proving some of NTHP study's points, perhaps).

•   Bayl-Smith gives two thumbs-up to the rebirth of a long-abandoned Sydney incinerator (by Walter Burley Griffin, no less) that is a "sensitive renovation of a modest masterpiece" (it's beautiful!).

•   Bernstein offers a cautionary tale of how Predock took to Facebook to protest a modification to his University of New Mexico School of Architecture: "Now, he may get his wish."

•   Gibson says Manhattan's 42nd Street library should be renamed the Huxtable New York Public Library "in gratitude to the woman who thwarted a misguided renovation plan" by Foster.

•   In the 30 years since Prince Charles's "carbuncle" speech, critics claim it "impoverished architectural discourse" and "reduced it to a Punch and Judy show between Quinlan Terry and Richard Rogers."

•   Turturo delves into how and why "internet activism works. It is a space for viral advocacy" when it comes to efforts to save Modern architecture, but "should it weed out the worst, too? And who should ultimately decide?"

•   Oltermann ponders "a renaissance for Bauhaus as Germany grapples with its past": two of the "school's most significant houses" reopen - they are not a "complete reconstruction" as much as "an artistic interpretation of the Gropius's original ideas."

•   Some big names get behind saving Kate Macintosh gem of a sheltered housing development in Streatham from the wrecker's ball: "Demolition is not certain."

•   Lamster tells the remarkable tale of the Mad Men-worthy Mid-century Modern Braniff Hostess College in Dallas, and its uncertain future (truly remarkable!).

•   A proposal to save Mies's Farnsworth House from flood waters via a hydraulic lift is "proceeding at a rate that has taken even the plans' supporters by surprise."

•   Preservationists with hopes to save a historic building in Nova Scotia are up against a report that says, "the building should be demolished as soon as possible."

•   Van Alen Institute's star-studded benefit auction ends Friday: your last chance hitch a helicopter ride with Iwan Baan, dine with Paola Antonelli (she's cooking), and lots of other very cool things!

Van Alen Institute Spring Party

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