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Today’s News - Wednesday, May 7, 2014

EDITOR'S NOTE: Apologies for late posting - we were without Internet until noon (yikes!).

•   Michael Lehrer pens one of the best job descriptions of an architect we've ever come across: "Elevating the everyday, finding the creative or sacred spark in the quotidian is the work."

•   Marshall Brown calls for a broadening of perspectives when it comes to considering an architect for an Obama Presidential Library (with all due respect to Adjaye): instead of considering race, "how appropriate would it be to consider some youthful, lesser-known, yet extremely talented designers who could deliver a great project" ("Full disclosure: I'm black.").

•   Ransford calls for a post-mortem on Vancouver's 2010 Olympic Village project: "There are many lessons yet to be learned from the debacle."

•   Goodyear chronicles her experience as a human experiment in the Van Alen Institute's "quest to measure the brain's response to urban design."

•   Fishman finds out from the architect why Wal-Mart gave him "more creative license" to "move away from the blandness of Big Box in favor of place-based design" in Washington, DC (with, "wonder of wonders - windows").

•   Ferro finds fabulousness in Boston's new District Hall, a "beautiful new building meant to spark innovation" that "offers a gorgeous civic space centered around collaboration."

•   After "a firestorm of criticism," it seems Shields is back on the job for the Milwaukee Art Museum addition (with new renderings, too!).

•   It's taken five years to near completion of the two-year renovation of the Picasso Museum in Paris, now slated to open in September - though the architect says it is ready for the previously announced June opening (politics included).

•   Wrecking ball now at the ready to flatten Foster + Partners' never-opened Harmon Hotel in Las Vegas.

•   The 21 cities on the 2014 Mayors Challenge shortlist include "lesser known cities pushing big ideas."

•   Christopher Mount surmounts curatorial challenges by launching eponymous galleries in L.A. and NYC.

•   Gehry is the sixth architect to take home Spain's Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts.

•   An impressive shortlist in the Montreal Space for Life architecture competition.

•   Voting gets underway for Toronto's Pug Awards with "a whopping 44 competing buildings" seeking "like," "love," and "hate" votes.

Van Alen Institute Spring Party

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