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Today’s News - Friday, January 24, 2014

•   Weinstein has some troubling queries for McGuigan re: her take on "quiet design" (ANN exclusive).

•   Wolff minces no words re: MoMA's many expansions (beyond the current American Folk Art Museum brouhaha): it is "a case study in how to ruin an institution" and destroy "perhaps one of the most satisfying man-made spaces ever."

•   Curtis curtly responds to the vandalism at Corbu's Rochamp chapel that goes beyond a smashed window; besides "the 'vandalism' of neglect, there is the implicit 'vandalism' of the Piano project" that treats "this universal masterpiece as merchandise," making it "a money-making machine."

•   Chicago's Cuneo Hospital is yet another mid-century gem (or eyesore) facing the wrecking ball: "These are proving to be tough times for Chicago hospitals designed by architects who pushed the envelope."

•   A young Melbourne architect calls for a change in the status quo in competition EOIs or miss the chance of getting the next Sydney Opera House: "If we want bold buildings, emerging architects should be given a chance."

•   Bernstein profiles seven "graduates" of the "Rem Schoolhaas" who have gone on to become some of OMA's top competitors.

•   Alsop unveils his cor-ten steel-clad 15-story "Heliport Heights" built on stilts in Battersea (approval pending).

•   One we couldn't resist: South Korea's sprawling Robot Land that's part theme park and part robot R&D center where "you can bring your kids for a visit, then leave them there to become robot engineers."

•   Weekend diversions:

•   Hawthorne finds "Her" (the movie) "boldly bucks the retro trend in creating a vivid future L.A. In architecture, too, the ease of looking backward has made looking forward tougher or simply more rare."

•   Wise cheers the Metropolitan Museum's "Cleopatra's Needle" that puts the spotlight on the history and plight of "an awe-inspiring tower holding its own on an island of modern skyscrapers."

•   A lot going on across the Big Pond: Woodman cheers the "brave and engaging" "Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined": it is "the most ambitious architecture exhibition that the Royal Academy has ever staged."

•   Wainwright, on the other hand, finds some "fun" in the "world of Blade Runner cathedrals and waffle caves" in "Sensing Spaces," but "there is something unsatisfactory" about "this miniature petting zoo of global architects."

•   Moore is intrigued by "In the Making" at the Design Museum: "I must confess to a few prejudices about Barber Osgerby. But, confronted with their seriousness and passion for making, these qualms seem mean-spirited."

•   Bristol's Architecture Centre celebrates the RIBA International Awards.

•   In Toronto, "Building For Wellness" challenges architects "to explore new approaches to hospital design, patient care and citizen health as a factor in urban design."

•   Bharne insists Thadani's "Visions of Seaside" is "a must-read for every thinking urbanist, whether you like Seaside or not": it's "a refreshing and savvy presentation" of the Seaside story that "has never been told more unabashedly, comprehensively and elegantly."

•   Heathcote cheers "Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming" by Dunne and Raby, two of "the most articulate proponents of the idea of 'critical design.'"

•   Webb gives (mostly) thumbs-up to "White Mountain: Architecture in Chile," an anthology that "revives happy memories of a country in which serious architecture has been widely embraced" (blame "the shocking insularity of American media" if you're not familiar with the players).

•   Tomes by Gorlin and Shosh Rotem "do a valuable service in prompting us to delve deeper into the fascinating history of post-Holocaust architecture."

•   Caldwell hails Serraino's ode to Donald Olsen, one of "the Bay Area's purest practitioner of European modernism."

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