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Today’s News - Thursday, December 12, 2013

•   For our Nuts + Bolts #7, Whitehorn explains how principals can leverage their passion for what they love to do: learn to let go of the other, more mundane tasks.

•   O'Sullivan delves into whether Leipzig is Germany's hip Austin or rusting Detroit: "The answer lies somewhere between" (at least rents are low - for now).

•   Goldberger x 2: he takes a very long and extremely thoughtful look at hi-tech taking architecture seriously, and their "shifting relationship between city and suburbs": "alluring new buildings" may be "exciting to look at and they may be pleasanter to work in, but they're still self-contained, anti-urban objects, auto-dependent and set apart from the world around them."

•   His take on H&deM's "dazzling" new Pérez Museum: "it's the best piece of new architecture Miami has seen since Gehry's New World Center" (and, of course, 1111 Lincoln Road, H&deM's "tour de force of 2010 - the Parking Garage as Architectural Statement").

•   Q&A with Shulman re: his new Miami Center for Architecture and Design "and the rapidly changing city it occupies": "It's proof that an architectural culture is ascendant" (and no, the city won't be doomed by rising seas).

•   Zara offers a zippy take on the Jacques Herzog/Kanye West encounter at Art Basel Miami: one "lent it its gravitas"; the other "provided the candy-coated sprinkles on top" (and those who left early missed out).

•   A great take on an accelerating trend: recycling power plants is "adding considerable architectural star power as cities seek to reclaim their waterfronts" (great pix).

•   Will the current do-nothing Congress actually do something about approving a National Women's History Museum on the National Mall? (to be designed by a female architect, of course).

•   On a lighter note, as Congress debates D.C.'s building-height restrictions, eyefuls of "what the city would be like if developers could build right up into the clouds."

•   Chaban x 2: can Marvel Architects' oh-so-green plans for the Pierhouse condo in Brooklyn Bridge Park, "a potential lightning rod for critics of development inside a public green space," ultimately quell the critics?

•   He cheers "divine additions" to Harlem's Sherman Creek Park, courtesy of Bette Midler's Restoration Project: Bade Stageberg Cox's competition-winning design will be the park's "crown jewel - albeit a rusty one."

•   A Melbourne-based company introduces the next generation of modular, shipping-container-style houses designed with miners in mind - and/or affordable housing development (one "can be assembled in 30 seconds at a touch of a remote control button").

•   Brussat cheers the Driehaus Prize getting its mojo back with this year's laureate: "To recapture a true sense of the creative, we must train ourselves to appreciate subtle gestures no less than bold gestures. Pier Carlo Bontempi understands this perfectly."

•   Public Interest Design - Global winning projects are truly global - and inspiring.

•   Call for entries: 2014 Core77 Design Awards + Call for presentations: 2014 Healthcare Design Conference and ASLA 2014 Annual Meeting.

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