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Today’s News - Wednesday, November 13, 2013

•   AIA and Architecture for Humanity put out a call for immediate help in responding to the devastation in the Philippines.

•   Kamin's take on 1 WTC overtaking Willis Tower as the tallest in the land: it's "no big deal" - the ruling "may be a blow to Chicago's collective ego, but it will have zero impact on the city's architectural stature."

•   Brussat x 2: he'll have his tallest-tower take tomorrow, but in the meantime he takes CTBUH to task for naming Beijing's CCTV HQ the Best Tall Building Worldwide: "I call it the Stomp the People Building - Rem Koolhaas is the most cynical modern architect since Philip Johnson."

•   His take on Doonan's "humorous look at odd buildings" (see ANN Nov. 5): it was "witty enough," but "I found his piece painful in other ways."

•   Harding has some very harsh words for what's going on with Sydney's Barangaroo and Darling Harbour and "the vapidity of corporate internationalism: The guardians of the public interest have capitulated," and now "a horde of international and local architects are busy polishing a broken carcass" (an eloquent and stinging read!).

•   On a brighter note, Australia's 202020 Vision aims to "turn the concrete tide" in urban areas with more green spaces (including The Goods Line, Sydney's very own High Line).

•   Russell has a thoughtful conversation with Orff re: "oystertecture": it may sound "whimsical," but it could save NYC from future superstorms.

•   An interesting look at how a number of blighted cities are turning to demolition instead of restoration in efforts to stabilize neighborhoods: "urban planning has often become a form of creative destruction," with vacant lots now home to community gardens and farms.

•   Goodyear explains how the downside is playing out in Detroit, where a "garbage-strewn wasteland" has been transformed into "a thriving urban farm" so now an emergency manager wants to sell it to the highest bidder (the community is not going down without a fight!).

•   At the opposite of blight is Macedonia's Skopje, "Europe's flailing capital of kitsch" where a mandated style is turning the city "into a neo-baroque architectural nightmare" (with pix to prove it!).

•   Allen reflects on the Astrodome's "iconic status, and how it signaled a change not only for modernist stadia but for building architecture around mass experience."

•   The now-vacant (except for a peregrine falcon nesting on a window ledge) Art Deco gem known as the "Superman building" that once heralded Providence as "a Gotham of industry, now nags at the city's sense of self-worth."

•   Bernstein brings us much brighter news about the renewal of the U.N.'s Delegates' Lounge at the United Nations by a Dutch team, despite an arduous "multiyear process during which one idea after another was shot down."

•   Winners and shortlists abound: Eyefuls of DS+R's winning proposal to design Zaryadye Park that could "be one of Moscow's largest and most significant public space development projects in recent decades."

•   Snøhetta and DIALOG tapped to design Calgary's new Central Library: the "team will need to creatively address some sizeable design challenges."

•   AIASF/PG&E Architecture at Zero Competition winners offer "innovative and affordable housing designs."

•   A very interesting mix of 10 teams shortlisted to renovate Mies's Martin Luther King Library in Washington, DC.

•   A long, international list makes the 2013 Icon Awards shortlist.

•   Another interesting list of emerging talent makes the 2014 MoMA P.S.1 Young Architects Program shortlist.

•   One we couldn't resist: Zaha's "little gem" gets the highest bid in charity auction of starchitect-designed dollhouses (not sure we'd want to live in it).


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