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Today’s News - Friday, September 13, 2013

•   Panero minces no words about what he thinks of the spire now topping 1WTC, "the most expensive new office building in the world" robs the Manhattan skyline of "a promised symbol," leaving it with "a structure that, at its best, resembles a 400-foot umbrella stand."

•   Saffron is heartened by a developer's unusual approach to getting a community to buy in to a proposed project: instead of showing up with a PowerPoint of "gauzy architectural renderings," he handed out blank paper and colored markers, and asked, "Tell me what you are for."

•   CO Architects' "copper phoenix" for the University of Arizona "illustrates that symbolism and meaning continue to play a role in contemporary architecture."

•   Serpentine darling Fujimoto offers three design proposals for an extension to Philip Johnson's 1968 Kunsthalle Bielefeld in Germany.

•   Down Under, six make the shortlist in the Royal Adelaide Hospital competition + The Australian Institute of Architects announces 60 projects shortlisted for the 2013 National Architecture Awards.

•   An eyeful of the 5 (very cool!) finalists, hailing from Brooklyn to Warsaw, in The City of Dreams 2013-2014 Pavilion Competition on Governors Island.

•   Wainwright weighs in with his pick in a competition of three to be "the chair of chairs for the library of libraries" in Oxford's Bodleian Library's "third new chair in 400 years."

•   Stephens offers an eyeful of Orléans, France's FRAC Centre expansion: the "quirky, digitally sculpted new extension" is "unexpectedly and oddly in keeping with the historic environs."

•   Weekend diversions:

•   Speaking of FRAC, opening tomorrow, the "9th ArchiLab: Naturalizing Architecture" and the permanent collections are "a must visit for every architect" + An eyeful of a "fantastical 3D-printed grotto" that is part of "ArchiLab 2013."

•   The London Design Festival 2013 launches tomorrow, including dRMM's Escher-like "Endless Stair" outside St. Paul's Cathedral.

•   Hess offers a most thoughtful review of Pacific Standard Time Presents' 11 exhibits.

•   In Chicago, the Graham Foundation reprises MoMA's 1972 "Italy: The New Domestic Landscape."

•   Miami's Coral Gables Museum's "Glass House" includes spectacular photos and a walk-in model of the master's iconic home.

•   Bentley weighs in on Katz and Bradley's "The Metropolitan Revolution": it "offers overarching advice for all cities: find an individual or regional strength, and take that 'game changer' to a global market."

•   Webb finds "Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes" to be "a compelling, beautifully produced study that far outshines most books on the architect."

•   Cornetet's "Facadomy: A Critique on Capitalism and Its Assault on Mid-Century Modern Architecture" examines "the profession's past to determine how modern economic forces may affect today's - and tomorrow's - designs."

•   Stead revisits Gollings and Pidgeon's "Judging Architecture: Issues, Divisions, Triumphs" and the role of "then-and-now" photography in architectural critique.

•   Q&A with Hawthorne re: his LACMA talk this Sunday, his recent research interests, and his focus on American architecture.

•   Happy Friday the 13th!

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