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Today’s News - Wednesday, August 14, 2013

•   Hong Kong scraps its West Kowloon park competition, but invites participants to re-apply to WKCDA's "alternative approach" - needless to say, original "bidders are unenthused."

•   Bwalya bemoans a decline in the quality of Zambia's architecture, possibly because its citizens "are content with the banal."

•   AIA and RMI co-publish a report that gives architects a roadmap to the "financial arguments and incentive programs needed to sell deep-energy retrofit designs to clients."

•   Shreeve and Lima look at the "winding road to net zero" and the "opportunities and challenges for implementing more projects that balance energy generation with consumption."

•   More on the Latrobe Prize report re: "sustaining and increasing the field of public interest design."

•   Australian architects team up to help save Myanmar’s built heritage.

•   McGuigan tells a tale of two Detroits: one is "a cool place for urban pioneers," the other a place of "economic privation and geographic isolation"; saving it will require "the ongoing energy of new arrivals, and the optimistic endurance of those already there."

•   Saffron minces no words about what she thinks of a new hotel that is "now the one to beat" in the "heated competition for the worst new architecture in Philadelphia" ("sickly yellow" sounds oh so appealing).

•   The Cloisters loses the battle with LG Electronics to save its verdant view of the New Jersey Palisades across the Hudson River.

•   Hwang couldn't be happier that his book "The Rainforest" inspired the Atlanta Tech Village's "103,000 gleaming square feet of awesomeness."

•   L.A. finally allows urban farmers to plant edible landscapes.

•   A Filipino-American architect wants the Philippines as a test bed for her "Living Walls" - an open-air urinal system that could "improve the quality of outdoor air and mitigate pollution in large cities."

•   Turns out there are elevator shafts to the top of the InTempo tower in Spain, so there's "nothing to see here folks, move along" (it'll just be a very long wait for an elevator).

•   One we couldn't resist: the "world’s cutest frog will cure what ails you - if we can get everyone in the world to watch this video over and over, it will cure their rapaciousness and greed, and the desert rain frog will be saved" (we have watched it over and over!).

•   Call for entries: Spark>Spaces international competition in Architecture, Interiors, Urban Design and Landscape + Global search for lighting designs for 2014 Vivid Sydney + Shenzhen Design Award for Young Talents + Call for speakers: LIGHTFAIR International 2014 Conference.


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