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Today’s News - Friday, May 10, 2013

•   Hope springs eternal! MoMA taps DS+R for expansion, and gives them breathing room to re-consider possible re-use of Williams & Tsien's AFAM: weighing in (so far): Pogrebin, Davidson ("the choice of architects is also a good sign"), and Rosenbaum ("statement suggests where DS+R probably stand on this - in solidarity with their professional colleagues").

•   Bernstein's Q&A with KPF's Pedersen re: Hudson Yards: "Will it become a windswept no-man's-land of mega-buildings, or - as its designers hope - a new neighborhood worth hanging out in?"

•   Merrick minces no words re: Libeskind's plans for Northern Ireland's infamous Maze Prison: "Why do clients tend to pick crassly obvious architects?" (the architect "says, rather glibly, that his design sends a message about the possibility of a future beyond conflict. But not beyond architectural cliché, alas") + The Maze projects has "now sparked a row in the architecture world" (some are not thrilled that it "appears rather similar to his other war-oriented constructions").

•   Meanwhile, Libeskind (the go-to architect for design for Holocaust memorials) is tapped to design one for Columbus, Ohio, though some fear it "would open the state to legal challenges" - and that it would be a "nightmare to take care of."

•   Wingall wonders where all the architects-as-political-heroes are: "if we don't go forward with that idea in mind, our profession will languish in obscurity - there has never been a better time for us to begin."

•   Lubell laments the lack of diversity in architecture: the "problem is not with the Pritzker Prize, it's with architecture itself - the culture of architecture needs to change" if it's "to be a truly relevant profession."

•   Weekend diversions:

•   NYCxDESIGN launches 12 days of a veritable who's who and what's hot in design all over the city.

•   "Better Homes" at SculptureCenter in Long Island City, which takes on the idea of "home" over the centuries, is "compelling but uneven - at times it crackles with feisty surprise; at others, it falters from overthinking and objects that feel like clip art."

•   MoMA is awash in rAndom's "Rain Room" (having made its way across the Big Pond from the Barbican).

•   Filler finds "Overdrive" and "Never Built: Los Angeles" two "enlightening but cautionary surveys" that "seek to bring the unfathomableness" of L.A. into focus.

•   Moore muses that the "enjoyable, if slight" Design Museum show, "United Micro Kingdoms," has "a critical intelligence and a wit."

•   Q&A with Meier re: his architectural approach to his retrospective in Italy, his first foray into South America, and how he plans to celebrate his golden anniversary."

•   Herron offers a fascinating overview of Detroit in literature and film: Is its "spectacular - and spectacularly represented - failure indicative of some larger design fault inherent in the very nature of American ideas, or is it simply a local one-off, an exception without deeper meaning?"

•   Demirdizen's "Handmade Urbanism" is a "hybrid between a guidebook and a handbook" with "a heavy focus on the role of partnerships in driving success with bottom-up projects."

•   Ben-Joseph's "ReThinking a Lot" is "a manifesto that seeks to re-integrate the parking lot into community life and promote its stature to the realm of an asset."

•   Kennicott is a bit cool on PBS's "10 Buildings That Changed America": "We learn a certain amount about how they changed architecture," but "the historical, social and economic impact of these 10 buildings isn't addressed."


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