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Today’s News - Monday, April 29, 2013

•   ArcSpace brings us COBE + Transform's library in Copenhagen, and a field trip to Portugal, "one of the few countries where you can actually see the political development manifest itself in the architecture."

•   Kimmelman in Cairo finds a few "progressive" and "forward-thinking" young architects and planners who "view the neighborhoods not as endless slums but complex cities in themselves."

•   Cobbett says the best way for cities to get rid of slums is "by getting behind the people who live in them. Slums disappear not through being removed, but by being transformed."

•   Williams and Arup's Twinn debate sustainability and growth in China.

•   Sorkin, in his first outing as The Nation's newly-minted architecture columnist, minces no words re: how the National Library of Israel competition and its winner "have been sabotaged by the bad faith of its sponsors" (a depressing, dispiriting - but riveting - tale).

•   Meanwhile, the powers-that-be just announced they've selected H&deM to design the National Library of Israel.

•   Is RIBA doing enough for small practices? Yes, says Nogueira; No, says Tozer.

•   A 29-storey tower by Chipperfield could threaten UNESCO World Heritage Site status for London's Southbank.

•   Bernstein has "a perfect solution" to the Gehry-designed Eisenhower Memorial controversy: "Don't build an Eisenhower memorial at all" (makes perfect sense to us).

•   Rybczynski spends some serious time in Seattle's Central Library and City Hall, which "represent two different faces of Modernism": the library may have "gotten all the hype", but the "quiet, contemporary building...may prove to have the more lasting legacy" (hats off to "slow architecture").

•   Heathcote pays eloquent tribute to Mather: he "was a very different character" from his big-name contemporaries, "yet he made a real impact on his adopted homeland's way of building" - he "stuck to his version of an elegant, minimal modernism."

•   Campagna cheers on the greening of old buildings: "The methodologies used to rehabilitate buildings are just sound, commonsense approaches."

•   Detroit readies for a preview of a 36-room hotel made of shipping containers - with big civic ambitions.

•   The Harpa concert hall in Reykjavik wins European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award 2013, and Madrid's Nave de Música Matadero wins its designers the Emerging Architect Special Mention.

•   Eyefuls of AIA San Francisco Design Award winners.

•   Call for entries (and lots of 'em!): Building Trust International PLAYscapes! - turn a neglected forgotten part of your city into a playscape + RIBA Journal International Eye Line Competition + "Your World, Reimagined: A Global Design Competition" + 2013 Owings Award for Environmental Excellence + 2013 Benjamin Moore HUE Awards.


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