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Today’s News - Monday, April 22, 2013

•   We are so saddened by the news that we've lost Rick Mather much too soon: the London-based "quiet American" was "respected for his 'blend of pragmatism and quiet conviction.'"

•   Iovine issues her own protest against MoMA: "by engaging with rather than demolishing AFAM, MoMA could show itself to be a far-sighted urban planner rather than opportunistic real estate developer" (never mind "regaining the trust of an architectural community shaken to the core").

•   Stern issues his own stern warning about East Midtown Manhattan plans: "The proposed up-zoning doesn't give anything back to New York. It's all about real estate and not about place-making, or should I say, place-saving" (never mind the lack of infrastructure).

•   Hawthorne gives (mostly) thumbs-up to Stern's "carefully and cannily contextual" Bush library: "what emerges, finally, is an image, necessarily imperfect, of a president in architectural form."

•   Litt has high hopes that "the biggest attempt at regional planning in a generation" will help the Northeast Ohio region better deal with its current patterns of sprawl and urban population loss.

•   Wainwright wonders if Argentina's entrepreneurial architects' strategy to bypass bureaucracy could it help to ease the UK housing crisis.

•   Lange x 2: she understands the importance of way-finding systems, "but architecture needs to work without words" (some great examples of what not to do).

•   She offers a most eloquent ode to Huxtable: "She eschewed utopias but not ideals" (long live long journalism!).

•   Lubenau hits the road again to visit another Rudy Bruner Award finalist: Inspiration Kitchens - Garfield Park, Chicago: "Among the smallest of the finalists in size, it shares the intent of encouraging healthier urban living and sustainable development."

•   Seattle's Bullitt Center, the "first urban mid-rise commercial project to meet the Living Building Challenge" in the U.S., fittingly celebrates its grand opening today (a.k.a. Earth Day).

•   An eyeful of what the green roof of Gehry's Facebook HQ will look like - oak trees and a walking trail included.

•   Russell wrestles with Rudolph's UMass Dartmouth campus as he "sat stewing under the lock-down order" in post-Marathon Cambridge: could the "gigantic eerie, dozen-building concoction of grim ribbed-concrete hubris...aid the alienation...of even a smart, sociable kid?"

•   Olcayto takes Russell to task: "Sometimes smart guys say the dumbest things... There are so many valid questions he could have asked instead. In the meantime he can start by letting Rudolph off the hook."

•   On happier notes: the 2013-14 Rome Prize winners are announced + the new Laurentian University School of Architecture names its founding faculty, who will be moving to Sudbury from Toronto, Waterloo, Chicago, Montana, and Germany.

•   One we couldn't resist: a music historian and architecture buff re-introduces the world to "The Music of William C. Wright" - and the fascinating musical legacy of FLW's father.

•   HAPPY EARTH DAY! An image from the first Earth Day in 1970 on this Earth Day 2013.


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