Today’s News - Friday, April 19, 2013
EDITOR'S NOTE: Our hearts have been with Boston all week, and as news breaks right now, "shelter in place" will never mean quite the same.
• On ANN: Taylor finds The Getty's "Overdrive: LA Constructs the Future, 1940-1990" to be "simultaneously hopeful and wistful."
• Saffron minces no words about "plans" for a second Philly casino: they're nothing much more than another bait-and-switch that "clearly do not deserve serious architecture reviews. How can you evaluate a mirage?"
• Brussat offers his (very succinct) evaluation of the MoMA/AFAM debate: "my critical opinion - ha ha ha ha ha ha! How else can one react when two buildings, designed by architects who buy into the credo that "fitting in" is for the birds, start pecking each others' eyes out!"
• Green cheers Quebec City's efforts to return the riverfronts to the people.
• Cox Rayner wins international competition to design the National Maritime Museum of China in Tianjin (looks pretty cool!).
• The NEA Design Program launches a Social Impact Design webinar series next week that looks terrific - and timely.
• Hosey's "design revolution" involves findings that "mimicking natural forms can improve our health and wealth" - which could/should "have major implications for how we design our spaces."
• A fab look at the history - and future - of prefab in New Zealand.
• Wainwright weighs in on winning Design of the Year: "you might be hard-pressed to see where the design is - but the designer behind it says that is precisely the point" (Sudjic calls it "elegant and subtly British, the Paul Smith of websites").
• Call for entries: RFP for Water Works site on the Mississippi Riverfront in downtown Minneapolis.
• Weekend diversions:
• Webb's take on the Getty's "Overdrive": the scope and content "could have made this show as congested and frustrating as traffic on the 405. Instead, it's a joyful celebration of urban exuberance."
• Welton is quite taken by the "grand finale" for IBA Hamburg that puts the spotlight on the city's Wilhelmsburg district and its more than 60 building projects.
• Vancouver Art Gallery goes grand with "Grand Hotel: Redesigning Modern Life" that "examines the hotel as cultural artifact" and "what its development says about our culture."
• An eyeful of London's Regent Street windows taken over by architects.
• An eyeful of Miami's DawnTown winner "Up-Downtown" now on view at HistoryMiami.
• Wise offers a fascinating analysis of Krier's "Albert Speer, Architecture": "Though he is again bemoaning a contemporary inability to regard classicism in a detached manner, it is Krier who is in a delirious thrall to a malevolent aesthetic" (and Stern's ability to wrap himself in Teflon).
• "Designer Suburbs: Architects and Affordable Homes in Australia" is "a pleasure to read. Sadly, it also bears witness to the diminishing agency of architects in Australian suburbs."
• Gorlin parses "Long Island Modernism": though "none of the examples changed my perception of Long Island as anything other than the Bermuda Triangle of design, the book is worth its price for the juicy gossip and historical photographs."
• Amelar gives (mostly) thumbs-up to Heathcote's "The Meaning of Home": it "mixes plenty of wit and

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Overdrive: L.A.'s Future is Present in its Past: Simultaneously hopeful and wistful, The Getty Museum's exhibition is about the evolution of a modern city seen through its architecture, confirming the truly layered nature of Los Angeles. By Julie D. Taylor [images]- ArchNewsNow |
Reviewing 'plans' for second casino: Once again, the applicants vied to seduce us with all kinds of extras...Suckers that we are...What they are, in reality, is bait...The six proposals clearly do not deserve serious architecture reviews. How can you evaluate a mirage? By Inga Saffron [images]- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Let's you and him fight! The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) wants to tear down its next-door critical opinion...Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! How else can one react when two buildings, designed by architects who buy into the credo that "fitting in" is for the birds, start pecking each others' eyes out! By David Brussat- Providence Journal (Rhode Island) |
In Quebec City, the Rivers Return to the People: In 2002...a new “integrated planning process” and a new master plan, “Green, Blue, White,” to “rethink public space and parks and trails” in the expanded has a new riverfront...also focused on “programming” these spaces, particularly for seniors...“we need to not only add years to our life, but life to our years.” By Jared Green [images]- The Dirt/American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) |
Cox Rayner Architects design National Maritime Museum of China: international competition win. [images]- Architecture & Design (Australia) |
NEA Design Program hosts Social Impact Design Webinar Series: build on findings in the recently released white paper, "Design and Social Impact: A cross-sectoral agenda for design education, research, and practice"; guest hosts John Cary/, April 24; Jen Hughes, NEA design specialist, June 12; William Drenttel/Winterhouse Institute/Design Observer, August 20- National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) |
A Design Revolution That Could Lift Humanity: Studies show that fractals mimicking natural forms can improve our health and wealth. Those findings have major implications for how we design our spaces. By Lance Hosey [from "The Shape of Green"]- Fast Company |
From prefab to ab-fab : The once-tawdry prefab has transformed into the architecture of the future...a new generation of prefab houses and baches now sit on sections from one end of the country to the other...also forms a big part of our architectural history..."Kiwi Prefab: Cottage to Cutting Edge"... -- Mark Southcombe; Chris Moller; Andre Hodgskin; Irving Smith Jack Architects; Dave Strachan/Studio 19/SGA; Anne Salmond; Prefab New Zealand [images]- The Dominion Post (New Zealand) |
'Direct and well-mannered' government website named Design of the Year 2013:, a one-stop digital shop for all government services and information, beats the Shard and the Olympic cauldron to prize...Deyan Sudjic: "It is elegant and subtly British, the Paul Smith of websites." By Oliver Wainwright- Guardian (UK) |
Call for entries: Request for Proposal/RFP: Water Works site on the Mississippi Riverfront in downtown Minneapolis; deadline: May 17- Minneapolis Parks Foundation |
LA as It Was and Might Have Been: "Overdrive: LA Constructs the Future, 1940-1990" at the J. Paul Getty Museum. The sheer volume of information and exhibits could have made this show as congested and frustrating as traffic on the 405...Instead, it’s a joyful celebration of urban exuberance... By Michael Webb- FORM magazine |
A Grand Finale for IBA Hamburg: Building on HafenCity's success...Hamburg reinvents its Elbe Islands as a test bed for innovative and experimental mixed-use projects...unveiled its grand finale for Wilhelmsburg, with more than 60 building projects..."Building Exhibition within the Building Exhibition"...through November 3... By J. Michael Welton -- Herzog & de Meuron; Behnisch Architects; Richard Meier & Partners; Jo Coenen & Co.; Agence Ter; Adjaye Associates; Fusi & Ammann [slide show]- GreenSource |
How the Vancouver Art Gallery is paying homage to the hotel: "Grand Hotel: Redesigning Modern Life"...examines the hotel as cultural artifact: what its development says about our culture, and how it has contributed to it...includes stunning imagery of international hotel architecture and design...- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Architects take over Regent Street Windows project: Six unique installations give architects the opportunity to put their work in front of millions of shoppers. -- NEON; naganJohnson architects; Gensler; AY Architects; Carl Turner Architects; Mamou-Mani [images]- BD/Building Design (UK) |
DawnTown Design/Build Competition Winner on View at HistoryMiami until May 12.: "Up-Downtown," the successful collaboration between Jacob Brillhart (Miami, FL) and Manuel Clavel-Rojo (Murcia, Spain), interactively presents the rapid rise of downtown Miami over an extended period of time. [images]- Bustler |
Hitler's Words Into Stone: Can architecture itself be fascist? "Albert Speer, Architecture" by Léon Krier...the attempt to portray Speer's work in purely aesthetic terms can be willfully misguided...Though he is again bemoaning a contemporary inability to regard classicism in a detached manner, it is Krier who is in a delirious thrall to a malevolent aesthetic. By Michael Z. Wise -- Robert A.M. Stern- Wall Street Journal |
In "Designer Suburbs: Architects and Affordable Homes in Australia" by Judith O’Callaghan and Charles Pickett: ...a pleasure to read...goes beyond this visual record to provide a deeply researched and comprehensively referenced history of the subject...Sadly, [it] also bears witness to the diminishing agency of architects in Australian suburbs... By Adam Russell -- Michael Dysart; Neville Gruzman; Harry Seidler; Sydney Ancher; etc.- Australian Design Review |
"Long Island Modernism: 1930–1980" by Caroline Rob Zaleski: Despite uncovering some interesting architectural nuggets and names...none of the examples changed my perception of Long anything other than the Bermuda Triangle of design...the book is worth its price for the juicy gossip and historical photographs, many of which have never been seen before. By Alexander Gorlin- Architectural Record |
"The Meaning of Home" by Edwin Heathcote: This book is so petite and whimsical-looking you could easily mistake it for “bookshop candy”...but don’t be fooled...mixes plenty of wit and surprising factoids...what comes across overall broadly he has read and observed, and how fearlessly he delves into the ongoing saga of how we live. By Sarah Amelar- Architectural Record |

-- MVRDV: Glass Farm, Schijndel, The Netherlands
-- TEN Arquitectos: Hôtel Americano, New York, New York -- Enrique Norten; MCH Arnaud Montigny
-- SANAA: The Zollverein School, Essen, Germany |
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