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Today’s News - Monday, March 4, 2013

•   Moore takes issue with Kasarda's take on the upside of the aerotropolis, especially when it comes to a possible Thames estuary airport: will it "serve the people - or just business? The taxpayer might be asked to stake billions upon billions on something that may not work."

•   Hawthorne offers some sage advice to the next mayor of L.A. about "how to fix the worst examples of the city's faulty civic vision."

•   Hume bemoans Toronto's continuing stance to make the car "king": the city's "love of the car is the greatest impediment to people-friendly transit options."

•   Hollander hails Detroit's Strategic Framework Plan "to manage depopulation" that should serve as a model for other cities facing similar issues (with a few caveats; and no telling where it will stand now the city is under an emergency manager).

•   Gallagher goes to the "Saving the Cities" conference in St. Louis to find Detroiters are not alone in financial crisis: "I found much more alike between the two cities...the same urgency to solve the problems before the will and the energy to do something runs out."

•   Rubinstein and Brake report on a $1.5 billion "reboot" of the Domino Sugar site on the Brooklyn waterfront: "One thing this project will not do is fit in" ("Contextualism is an opiate for the masses," says SHoP's Chakrabarti).

•   Thom and Sasaki take on redevelopment of 27 acres in Silver Spring, MD: "So far, the local response to the plan has been positive, possibly a sign that NIMBYism is going the way of suburban malls."

•   Lubell brings us word that Santa Monica has selected three (impressive) design/development teams for a major downtown project: "This could be OMA's breakthrough in Southern California, a region where Koolhaas' hopes have repeatedly been dashed."

•   Holt looks under the skin of MVRDV's Glass Farm in Schijndel, the Netherlands: "is it a polemic or a gimmick?" (great pix).

•   A quick look at Tschumi's first project in Italy: a cultural center with façades perforated to look like tree limbs.

•   Adjaye tapped to design a major fashion hub for east London's Olympic fringe.

•   Rochon solicits students' best ideas to reinvent urban centers - she found them "exhilarating."

•   Betsky ponders what office architecture will become with more people working from home: are both work and architecture disappearing?

•   Lange introduces the "founding mother" of architectural criticism: Van Rensselaer "worked out the ground rules of the fledgling profession" + Van Rensselaer's 1890 column, "Client and Architect," in which she "analyzed the mutual obligations of the professional and the public...from which alone can grow a healthy, prolific, and truly national art."

•   Call for entries: 2013 Berkeley Prize Teaching Fellowship in the field of Universal Design education + International student competition to design the International Gastronomic Center in Brussels.


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