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Today’s News - Friday, September 21, 2012

EDITOR'S NOTE: Apologies for not posting yesterday - we were without Internet access for much of the day (ahhh technology).

•   Weinstein ponders how architecture's and urban design's practice can change through studying of a little-appreciated Renaissance art, intarsia.

•   Calys considers "a tale of two architects": Facebook selecting Gehry "smacks of nothing so much as a rich kid buying the shiniest toy he can," while San Francisco's Warriors "made the stronger play and for the right reasons" in choosing Snøhetta.

•   Hearing on the Eisenhower Memorial is delayed, but you can now review the 256-page design proposal.

•   Southern finds the Biennale full of "forward-thinking and optimistic" work "despite the trash-talk that has proliferated in certain circles."

•   Saffron cheers the transformation of an "urban Sahara" into "a series of peaceful, landscaped spaces" that now link the University of Pennsylvania campus to Philly's Center City.

•   Benfield finds Houston's Project Row Houses "inspiring": "its most important contributions to its community may be pride and empowerment."

•   Bernstein on Brooklyn's Barclays Center: its "weathered steel façade - and the involvement of the hip-hop mogul - will influence its success."

•   An eyeful of the "flying carpet" housing the Louvre's Islamic Galleries, which opens tomorrow.

•   A reflection on why we are "sometimes hesitant to embrace a concept such as PARK(ing) Day" (today!): it's time to "recognize that our streets are public spaces that serve more than just a transportation function."

•   Q&A with RMJM's Morrison: "One needs to see beyond a tabloid-journalist mentality to appreciate the grit it takes to actually get a building built" (having war rooms and bunkers help, it seems).

•   Eyefuls of Parks for the People: A Student Competition to Reimagine America's National Parks winners and finalists; CCNY and Rutgers take top honors.

•   Call for entries: EOI: "Change the Course" - The NYC Waterfront Construction Competition + 2013 World Habitat Awards.

•   Weekend diversions:

•   Vivanco comments on the importance of "Space Through Gender," on view in San Francisco, that puts the spotlight on a new generation of Latin American women architects (great slide show, too).

•   Bard offers "Circus and the City: New York, 1793 - 2010" (a great read - and fab pix!).

•   Benfield gives two thumbs-up to Marohn's "Thoughts on Building Strong Towns (Volume 1)": a "fiscal conservative's case against sprawl" - his "plain, easy-to-understand logic about public spending and return on investment is so consistent, and insistent."

•   Adler gives (mostly) good marks to Ehrenhalt's "The Great Inversion": it "enters a debate raging among social scientists" about whether cities or suburbs are the future; while it's "an engaging read free of jargon, it is somewhat bloodless in its reportage."

•   "Why Design" is a new online film series profiling some very talented folks.


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