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Today’s News - Thursday, May 10, 2012

EDITOR'S NOTE: Apologies for missing post yesterday, but we had an unexpected kitty emergency (sorry - but Nyx takes precedence over news, and we're glad to report that all's well in furville).

•   Flint reflects on the 20th CNU conference currently underway: the "milestone raises some interesting questions about what happens when a revolutionary movement reaches middle age" and is now considered part of the establishment.

•   An urban planner ponders how Occupy Wall Street is transforming the concept of privately owned public space (POPS) and changing their Rules of Conduct.

•   Farrelly and Reinmuth offer very interesting (and very different) takes on Make-Space 4 Architecture's Open Conversation: MCA in Sydney: "The crowd expected blood and not a few, moi included, thought it might be mine" + "I was not alone in holding my head in my hands, unable to watch the spectacle unfolding in front of me."

•   Serisier takes a pragmatic look at Sydney's Museum of Contemporary Art Mordant Wing: "Granted, the external presence is important and the style may date...but the simple fact is that a much more effective set of exhibition spaces has been created."

•   Goldberger is aglow in Philadelphia's new Barnes: it is "soulful, self-assured, and soaked with light" and "absolutely wonderful."

•   Kennicott gives (mostly) thumbs-up to P+W's Johns Hopkins addition in Baltimore, an "an impressive building" that "strives to combine whimsy and function...driven by compassion and the bottom line."

•   Zandberg cheers a new preschool and daycare center for the children of foreign workers and refugees carved out of "lost space" in Tel Aviv's central bus station (noting a touch of "cosmic irony or perhaps poetic justice").

•   Nobel welcomes the transparency of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's new visitor center that mostly "remains out of sight, seemingly lost in nature" creating "high-contrast oppositions between growing and built."

•   CornellNYC Tech taps Mayne for its first building on its high-tech campus on Roosevelt Island (don't expect an ivory tower - but, then, who would?.

•   A new bank HQ in Oman will be "a splendid architectural landmark" blending "modernity and globalism."

•   They're down to putting the finishing touches on the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics facilities.

•   Dvir on the continuing "demolition derby for Tel Aviv's Modernist buildings" as another "wonderfully modest and elegant" gem faces the wrecking ball.

•   Brussat calls for NYC to re-build the original 1910 Penn Station (and Madison Square Garden circa 1891): they would "serve as an antidote to the disappointing hackwork at the World Trade Center site."

•   Moneo (finally) wins Spain's Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts.

•   A Balinese architect opens an office in Hong Kong, but his "heart still rests on the Island of the Gods."


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