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Today’s News - Wednesday, April 25, 2012

•   The AIA, ASLA, APA, and others have high hopes the new National Academy of Environmental Design will "improve the visibility of the professions among policymakers," and "help bolster 'evidence-based practice' among more designers."

•   On a not-so-high note, the U.K.'s Architecture Centre Network is ending its 11-year run with hopes its 19 architecture center members will "still have an influence on local design."

•   The winer of the MIPIM's regeneration and master plan award talks about his urban transformation project in Istanbul and "the struggle of Turks with skyscrapers."

•   A crime-riddled, impoverished Cape Town settlement is using architecture and landscape architecture to create safer, more positive environments - the "project is a welcome reminder that it's never too late to have hope in the power of design."

•   Lange ponders new plans for NYC's South Street Seaport: "if the criterion for demolition in a historic district is a new building of equal significance, I do not think the new Pier 17 rises to that level (And what's wrong with a little color?)."

•   L.A.'s MyFigueroa project is back on track 'to pave the way for the city's most innovative pedestrian and bicycle environments."

•   Meanwhile, the city's semi-annual CicLAvia "is prompting Angelinos to alter their mental maps and reimagine the urban future."

•   Corner wows them in Seattle, talking about design, his post-High Line life, and how "a landscape is always doing something before you get there."

•   Rose reflects on the Cutty Sark museum (a "bizarre hybrid" of ship and building - but he likes it), opening today, and the "whole fleet" of ship museums that have been "launched of late."

•   Baillieu minces no words about what she thinks: the Cutty Sark "was famous for many things and one of them was she never sank. After her re-launch today some might ask if this wouldn't have been a nobler end."

•   King cheers the debate about Foster + Partners' Apple HQ in the new issue of Clog magazine: "Snark, satire, adulation embrace or scorn; choose your position."

•   WAF 2012 heads to Safdie's Marina Bay Sands in Singapore in October.

•   Heathcote weighs in on the Design Museum's Design of the Year picks: "there were a few disappointing omissions" and "a sense that these awards reward the obvious...each self-conscious symbols of the spectacular" (but he still has nice things to say).

•   Architecture Canada | RAIC names Lateral Office's Lola Sheppard as 2012 Young Architect Award recipient.

•   Keep an eye out for "10 Buildings that Changed America," a new PBS series coming in 2013.

•   Call for entries/proposals to temporarily transform on-street parking spaces in Mississauga for Park(ing) Day and Culture Days 2012 in September.


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