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Today’s News - Thursday, February 9, 2012

•   Fisher responds to Timberg's "The Architecture Meltdown" (see ANN, Feb. 7): "we should see the decline of traditional jobs not as a "meltdown" of architecture, but as the beginning of its rebirth."

•   Winners of the 2012 SEED Design Awards prove his point with "outstanding examples of design in the public's interest from diverse communities across the globe."

•   HWKN's "Wendy" wins 2012 MoMA/P.S. 1 Young Architects Program: it uses smog-eating technology while "on a zany quest for a space that is simply good fun."

•   Fobert wins Tate St Ives project - again.

•   Montréal taps FABG for a new cultural venue.

•   Kimmelman has a great idea to remedy the "calamity that is Penn Station...This is about more than tracks and trains and redecorating" (a great read - fingers crossed powers-that-be might listen!).

•   Zandberg x 2: Israel's "obsession with skyscrapers means that planning authorities are giving short shrift to the street level" because the "skyline makes money, the street costs money."

•   She fears the fate of an abandoned Arab village that, ironically, needs to be protected from "architecture lovers and preservationists who paradoxically may cause the Palestinian memory of this place to vanish into oblivion, specifically as they attempt to preserve it."

•   An eyeful of Jerde's master plan for Atlantic City's 1,700-acre tourism district (very AC).

•   The Philippine's new Mind Museum offers fun tour from cells to space, "designed and created by Filipino scientists and artists - it was not always that easy."

•   Britain's greatest surviving ancient wooden building (c. 1426!) on the fringe of Heathrow Airport is rescued.

•   A French politician has big plans for "Napoleonland," complete with "visitors skiing through a re-enactment of Napoleon's catastrophic retreat from Russia 'surrounded by the frozen bodies of soldiers and horses'" (doesn't that sound like fun!).

•   Fung is fascinated by cities' new strategies to handle trash that put the spotlight on "design quality, sustainability, and accountability" (and create some amazing public spaces).

•   In California, Burbank Water and Power's new "EcoCampus" is "transforming an 'industrial relic' into a 'regenerative green space,' bringing the utility to the forefront of sustainable landscape design."

•   High hopes the Sponge Park will offer "new approach to sewage" along NYC's Gowanus Canal and save some $2.4 billion over 20 years: "it might mean that my grandchildren can actually swim in the Gowanus. Without dying."

•   Q&A with the High Line's Hammond re: how he and Joshua Hammond pulled it off, and why, if he could do it over again, he'd "require a landscape architect to be in the lead" (though "we were lucky to have an architect who said his job was to save the High Line from architecture").

•   Shahid survives a 1,000-mile bike ride from Beijing to Shanghai "without a single scrape," but within 48 hours of returning to San Francisco, he gets "doored": it's time for the U.S. to change "behavior as well as policies."

•   Call for entries (deadline reminder): "No Precedent" Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers.


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