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Today’s News - Monday, November 21, 2011

•   ArcSpace brings us eyefuls of New York by Gehry (a.k.a. 8 Spruce St.).

•   Hawthorne sees "a major shift" in Los Angeles with a "new attitude toward the city's recent heritage...seen in increasingly visible battles over the fate of postwar landmarks."

•   In Detroit, a developer hopes to revive his almost 30-year-old plan to redevelop 3,000 acres where a long-buried creek would flow again as a "linchpin" to the project.

•   King gives (mostly) thumbs-up to a project that "would open up what now is a fenced-off remnant of a 50-year-old redevelopment plan" along San Francisco's Embarcadero, "and that's preferable to leaving things as they are."

•   Chaban digs deep into why America has lost its infrastructure chops: it's "not a question of the capabilities or capacity of the people...It is a question of vision, of operating principals, the bean counters versus the visionaries" (a great read!).

•   In a rather New York-centric kind of day, Florida thinks "the timing may be right" for NYC to take on the "Silicon Valley nerdistan [our favorite new word] model of suburban industrial park development - a more urban tilt may be emerging" (and "where entrepreneurial talent wants to be").

•   It seems the peaceable kingdom surrounding the opening of the 9/11 Memorial is slipping back to the same old same old, with parties sparring over funding disputes (and the museum could be delayed - again).

•   Bradbury tours The Shard with Piano: "Being an architect is a very dangerous job, because if you are wrong then of course everybody knows."

•   Heathcote has high praise for Singapore's "green tentacles creeping into every corner," but especially the Gardens by the Bay, where "even the plants have been given mega-structures and skyscrapers to allow them to compete with the city on equal terms" (and where the "greenhouses are the finest thing Wilkinson Eyre has done").

•   High hopes that Gehry's Opus Hong Kong signals that "more and more visionary architects will continue to design for a collective vision" - with the caveat to "keep in mind that architecture can't simply be iconic for its own sake."

•   Knight cheers Denver's Clyfford Still Museum as "nothing less than a marvelous model for what a single-artist museum can be" that "uncannily seems to have grown from Still's paintings" and where "a brute material" like concrete "feels exquisite" and "surprisingly buoyant."

•   L.A. picks 6 impressive teams for its Union Station Master Plan shortlist.

•   Philip Johnson in the spotlight on both coasts.

•   Bentley Mays has a curious conversation with a French architect whose projects "have been too provocative to get built" much of the time (perhaps "pugnacious" is being too polite?); UT architecture students attending his lecture tomorrow night "may not learn much about winning big commissions, but they will likely get a moral lift from seeing the work of so politically forthright an architect."

•   While not many of 88-year-old Yona Friedman's designs have come to fruition, "his ideas have inspired planners around the world" (and nary a sign of pugnaciousness).

•   A good reason to split your time between Philly and D.C. next week: the 9th Annual CitiesAlive Green Roof and Wall Conference: Green Cities: Restoring Urban Waters; and the BECC 2011: 5th Annual Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference.

•   Call for entries: Urban Intervention: an international call to conceive a fresh vision of environmental, social, and economic opportunities at the heart of Seattle Center.


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