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Today’s News - Tuesday, April 19, 2011

•   With the State of Maine looking like it might be the poster child for energy code de-regulation, Terrien challenges fellow architects everywhere to join the front lines or risk "losing the ability to develop process and wisdom equal to discharging our responsibility to the public and society we serve."

•   Murphy takes on starchitects (one in particular) who "follow the money no matter whom it comes from. If architects must rely on dictators and free interns to stay afloat, they are practicing a failed business model."

•   More hopeful lessons learned at university design centers as indicated in Levinson's thoughtful Q&A with University of Arkansas Community Design Center's Luoni.

•   Heathcote hails Chipperfield's Turner Contemporary, Margate as "one of the best gallery spaces in Britain...nothing about the form of this little building is arbitrary." + Wullschlager cautions that if Margate and other new museums "are to avoid ending up white elephants, they must be more ambitious [and] navigate a meaningful local role."

•   King reports on the progress of Treasure Island's ambitious plans: "No spot in the Bay Area has the obvious development potential...None has such obvious pitfalls."

•   Berlin selects an intriguing concept to celebrate the fall of the wall: "Critics call it a gimmick, more like a playground for grown-ups than a sincere monument to history"; the architect and choreographer who designed it "seem unfazed."

•   After a generation of dreaming, the Montreal Symphony Orchestra will finally have a place it can call home: "As usual in Quebec, more than mere civic pride is at stake."

•   Russell is taken by the new Peace Arch Port of Entry border station in Blaine, Washington, that "seems a throwback to a less anxious, even optimistic time" where "essential paraphernalia of customs, immigration and border security almost disappear."

•   Bernstein on the new "boldly contemporary" eco-friendly residence hall for Jesuits at Fairfield University that "aims to lift the spirits."

•   A young British architecture co-operative hopes to prove that the views of the people using a building matter just as much, if not more than, those of the architects..."Too many architects have forgotten that they are part of a service industry."

•   It appears that "irreconcilable differences" has caused the Glasgow-based NORD partnership to head south (i.e. splitsville).

•   We're so glad to see that Johansen's 1974 Plastic Tent House has landed in the hands of an architect and designer who "feel a responsibility to be good guardians" (terrific slide show, too!).

•   It was a global convergence for "Global PechaKucha Day - Inspire Japan" event.

•   McGuirk takes the long view of the 50th Milan furniture fair: "Today's designers need to be tougher business people" and stop giving their work away or they "will keep passing their lack of earnings down the food chain to their unpaid interns."

•   Please take heed of Bruce Mau Design's one rule for architectural websites: no Flash (we couldn't agree more!!!).


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