Today’s News - Friday, October 8, 2010
• The controversial Stuttgart 21 mega-development now has a mediator, but newspaper commentators don't think he'll find much success.
• Goldhagen digs deep into cities that have "rediscovered the big urban park": some get it right; Boston missed the mark (great read!).
• London's Olympic Park makes a design U-turn to avoid "a forest of 'bland'" buildings.
• Saffron bemoans plans for Philly's granary that "harvests a bounty of bland design: Why does it have to end up this way, with ambitious design sacrificed for the sake of good urbanism?"
• An eyeful of Foster's solar-powered stadium for Qatar's bid for 2022 World Cup.
• Merrick cheers Chipperfield's RIBA Gold Medal win: "one of UK architecture's most neglected sons...has been a hero to young British architects of the 'anti-bling' persuasion."
• U.S. Architect of the Capitol finds himself under fire for more than 6,300 safety violations on the Capitol campus.
• Call for entries: The 21st Century Classroom.
• We couldn't resist (and hope to see these in action!): public buses sprouting green roofs.
• Weekend diversions:
• In NYC, the first annual New York Architecture & Design Film Festival: "an extraordinary line-up of films (warning: you'll want to see all 40)" + Tomorrow night only: the façade of Gehry's IAC will sport "mind-blowing outdoor video show."
• "Building for Brussels: Architecture and urban transformation in Europe" looks at some outstanding European projects and considers their relevance to the city.
• Lisbon Architecture Triennale will talk about houses.
• "Global Citizen: The Architecture of Moshe Safdie" at the National Gallery of Canada explains why he's a national treasure (excellent article & great pix) + the show is "an unprecedented exploration of the architect's work and philosophy."
• "Bruce Goff: A Creative Mind" celebrates Oklahoma's native son and what made his mind tick.
• Zeiger delves into "Street Value: Shopping, Planning and Politics at Fulton Mall" - "a cautionary tale."
• Lubell leafs through "A5 Los Angeles: Architecture, Interiors, Lifestyle" - "a contemporary architecture 'greatest hits' for a city that definitely deserves one" (and not a lot of the usual suspects).

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'No Compromise Is Possible': Germans have been shocked by the acrimony - and violence - of the conflict over Stuttgart 21, a new €4 billion mega-development problem now underway...The government has now appointed a mediator, but newspaper commentators don't think he'll find much success. -- Ingenhoven Architects [images]- Der Spiegel (Germany) |
Park Here: Chicago, New York, St. Louis: America Has Rediscovered the Big Urban Park, and We’re a Better Country for It: Landscape architects should embrace, and some are doing so, the full responsibility that naturally falls to them...The failure in Boston demonstrates that we cannot leave it to our public officials to create our new public spaces. By Sarah Williams Goldhagen -- Gustafson Guthrie Nichol; Frederick Law Olmsted; Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM); Frank Gehry; Jaume Plensa; Anish Kapoor; Robert Irwin; Piet Oudolf; James Corner Field Operations; Diller Scofidio + Renfro;Nelson Byrd Woltz; Michael Van Valkenburg [slide show]- The New Republic |
Olympic Park legacy design is radically revised: ...replacing a forest of 'bland' contemporary residential blocks with designs inspired by traditional London terraces...density of the original masterplan has been slashed by 20%... -- Maccreanor Lavingto; Caruso St John; Panter Hudspith; Edaw (now Aecom); Allies & Morrison; KCAP; Witherford Watson Mann; Vogt; West 8[images]- BD/Building Design (UK) |
Philadelphia granary plan harvests a bounty of bland design: Why does it have to end up this way, with ambitious design sacrificed for the sake of good urbanism? It got the ambition part right the first time. Now it has the urbanism part right. Both are necessary. By Inga Saffron -- Blackney Hayes Architects; Interface Studio Architects- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Solar-powered stadium to bolster Qatar’s bid for 2022 World Cup: Lusail Iconic Stadium...will be surrounded by parking and service areas shaded by canopies of solar collectors, which will produce energy for the stadium when it’s in use, as well as generating power for neighboring buildings. -- Foster + Partners [images]- Gizmag (Australia) |
And the winning architect is... one of our most strident detractors: Until now, David Chipperfield has been one of UK architecture's most neglected sons...has been a hero to young British architects of the "anti-bling" persuasion...three buildings...proved that glinting, high-tech architecture and blobby forms were not the only games in town. By Jay Merrick [slide show]- Independent (UK) |
Architect of the Capitol Stephen Ayers under fire: ...defended his office from a safety report...which showed that the Capitol campus he helps oversee has more than 6,300 safety violations..."The buildings today are safer than ever"- Politico |
Call for entries: The 21st Century Classroom: American classrooms are outdated. Slate seeks your great ideas for how to modernize them; deadline: October 29- Slate |
Bus Roots: Public Bus Doubles as Mobile Green Roof: ...a mobile, people-transporting green roof that could potentially add a lot more green space to New York City and beyond....a way to "reclaim forgotten space, increase quality of life and grow the amount of green spaces" -- Marco Castro Cosio [images]- |
New York Architecture & Design Film Festival: an extraordinary line-up of films (warning: you’ll want to see all 40)...October 14-17 -- Kyle Bergman; Julius Shulman; Studio Gang; Jan Kaplicky/Future Systems; Vincent Scully; Ant Farm; Samuel Mockbee/Rural Studio; Renzo Piano;
; Paola Antonelli; Richard Meier; Amanda Burden; Robert A.M. Stern; etc. [video, links]- UnBeige |
Mind-Blowing Outdoor Video Show: ...projection mapping...will be bending minds with a projection performance that will transform the facade of the iconic Frank Gehry-designed IAC building in Manhattan, Saturday, Oct. 9, 10:00-10:30pm [video]- Vimeo Festival + Awards / Seeper |
Building for Brussels: Architecture and urban transformation in Europe: ...exhibition looks at some outstanding projects in European cities and considers their relevance to the challenges facing Brussels; Centre for Fine Arts, Oct. 9 - Nov. 28- Bozar (Belgium) |
Lisbon Architecture Triennale: "Let's Talk About Houses" - October 14, 2010 - January 16, 2011- Trienal de Arquitectura |
Safdie's World: In the gallery he created, "Global Citizen: The Architecture of Moshe Safdie" at the National Gallery of Canada explains why this global citizen is a national treasure [slide show, videos]- Ottawa Citizen (Canada) |
"Global Citizen: The Architecture of Moshe Safdie": unprecedented exploration of the architect’s work and philosophy, at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa [through January 9, 2011] and subsequently tour to Chicago, Los Angeles, and Bentonville, Arkansas...Curated by Donald Albrecht... underscores [his] extraordinary career as a leading architect, urban planner, theorist, educator and author.- Canadian Architect |
“Bruce Goff: A Creative Mind” displays what made Goff such an important figure in the world of architecture while exploring what made his mind tick..."shows just how far out his imagination could extend" Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art- The Oklahoma Daily (University of Oklahoma) |
Street Cred: "Street Value: Shopping, Planning and Politics at Fulton Mall" by Rosten Woo and Meredith TenHoor with Damon Rich...authors seem content to track the mall as an urban planning narrative, at best a cautionary tale, and their solutions come sparingly and late in the story. By Mimi Zeiger [images]- Places Journal |
What's Goin' On in LA Architecture: The new volume "A5 Los Angeles: Architecture, Interiors, Lifestyle" charts "the city's embrace of warm modernism...a contemporary architecture “greatest hits” for a city that definitely deserves one. By Sam Lubell -- Casey C.M. Mathewson; Ann Videriksen; Frances Anderton; wHY Architecture; Lean Arch; Johnston Marklee; Ray Kappe [images]- The Architect's Newspaper |
Flex Space: AECOM Design + Planning has a New York office that's as flexible as its corporate style - and LEED Gold to boot. -- Michielli + Wyetzner Architects [images]- ArchNewsNow |

Steven Holl Architects: Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK: The new design complements its neighbor, but moves forward using a new language of light. |
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