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Today’s News - Tuesday, August 24, 2010

EDITOR'S NOTE: We're heading to la bella Italia for the Audi Urban Future Awards and the Venice Biennale (our first!). Time and Internet access will be scarce, so we - and Today's News - will be back bright and early on Tuesday, August 31. vediamo tra poco!

•   Q&A with Caples and Jefferson, two architects who "have proven time and time again that architecture can transform reality and change attitudes."

•   It's official: DS+R tapped to design Broad's big Grand Avenue adventure in art.

•   Hawthorne clues us in on what DS+R's winning proposal looked like; alas, no pix - but there's "no doubt that the design contains the seeds of a canny, theatrical and high-energy piece of architecture."

•   A battle for NYC skyline: Empire State Building owner takes umbrage at plan to put Pelli-designed 15 Penn Plaza tower to close to Midtown's Grande Dame.

•   An interesting look at how Yamasaki's WTC was a "complex loaded with Islamic architectural references" - something overlooked in the "cacophonous debate over plans to build an Islamic cultural center just blocks from Ground Zero."

•   Is the Des Moines Art Center Meier wing iconic or out of place?

•   King bemoans a San Francisco project that gives architecture (and the nabe) short shrift, while another "newcomer" that may not "light up the blogs" is a "satisfying and well-crafted piece of urbanism."

•   Merkel on the "irrational exuberance" of the last 20 years that has also "produced some great architecture among the glitz."

•   New buildings by Selldorf "suggest a growing demand for sensual buildings that are well-designed and don't scream for attention" (well, there those sky garages).

•   Celebrating the African-American architectural team that helped shape Boston and their legacy that Northeastern University wants to help preserve.

•   FLW's grandson is trying to maintain a piece of his family's legacy, but the "house has health issues of its own."

•   Revisiting Netsch's Air Force Academy Chapel in Colorado Springs: its soaring spirit still flies.

•   University of Iowa names an impressive shortlist to design a new auditorium to replace the one destroyed in the 2008 floods (this time, a little higher up the hill).

•   Work begins on Hood's "Solar Strand" at the University at Buffalo, where solar power and public spaces will co-exist within the landscape.

•   Floridians get behind helping a Port-au-Prince hotel to be the first to re-open its doors since the earthquake.

•   Campbell gives two thumbs-up's to Thompson's "Design Research: The Store That Brought Modern Living to American Homes": it's "a loving scrapbook of D/R and its era."

•   Eyefuls of the James Dyson Award national winners (great presentations).

•   We couldn't resist: the Cocktail Napkin Sketch Contest winners (it took sorting through 1,322 of 'em).


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