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Today’s News - Thursday, August 12, 2010

•   Weinstein weighs in on architectural "greatest hits" lists and why they should be mocked.

•   More on NYC's 9/11 museum: "it is still a construction site. But it was easy to visualize the intent of the spaces, clearly articulated by the acute voids created by the fallen towers."

•   How to save Cleveland (and other dying cities): it's time to stop grasping for thin straws and "the same frayed ropes" like building convention centers, light-rail systems, stadiums, etc.: "If the basic definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again while praying for different results, then huge swaths of urban America are certifiably nuts".

•   Could Hong Kong use some New York-style urbanism (i.e. mechanisms for community input)?

•   Victorian-style model towns: the wave of the future?

•   Buffalo is not alone in discovering its "battered 19th-century buildings are not eyesores or obstacles," but resources that need to be protected and preserved.

•   A Californian architect plans a very green Millennium City for Ghana.

•   An international shortlist vies for Edmonton's 500-acre City Centre Airport redevelopment into a sustainable, transit-oriented community.

•   In India, vernacular architecture and indigenous building traditions continue to be relevant, despite the hype about globalization and modern materials and design.

•   Montana builders switch gears from mega-homes to portable housing (@ $2/sq. ft.!) for Haiti, Africa, and elsewhere.

•   A Seattle avenue to be transformed "from a non-descript city street into a welcoming pedestrian corridor."

•   NASA to go LEED Platinum with its greenest facility ever "with some good old-fashioned methods - recycling and Dumpster-diving" (along with gopher tortoises, historic windows, and "one last, endearingly cheesy touch").

•   Berlin begins testing trees from the south as native species show signs of struggling with warming weather.

•   We couldn't resist: Woodman on BD's 2010 Carbuncle Cup winner: it won "for services to greenwash, urban impropriety and sheer breakfast-extracting ugliness" (ouch!); he's not much kinder to the runners-up's either.


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