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Today’s News - Wednesday, May 12, 2010

•   Western media has it wrong when it comes to China's dilemma over urban regeneration: it's not all cultural destruction and forced evictions; some real strides are being made (a fascinating read).

•   Hume x 2: a double-fume over Toronto's dysfunctional city planning system (no wonder Greenberg quit, now the Waterfront Design Review Panel might resign, too).

•   NYC's chief city planner Amanda Burden gets the Vanity Fair treatment - hail to the re-zoning czar, waste-management expert, and birdcall imitator (maybe she could help Toronto?).

•   Russell hails Germany's approach to conservation and renewable energy: "Americans are left to pray that global warming is a fraud, energy prices won't skyrocket, and drilling will be the answer."

•   Centre Pompidou-Metz x 2: its "appearance might be hard to describe, but its ambitions are not"; but can it rise to greatness and does it have a purpose?

•   Neutra's Cyclorama gets a reprieve, but its future is not (yet) secure.

•   A Fort Worth architect calls for finding a balance "between historic precedent and necessary changes required to put historic buildings back into productive use."

•   Kamin reports on Chicago's recent "request" that architects and engineers reduce fees by 10% (needless to say, there are fervent protests).

•   Libeskind tapped to design Jewish Museum Berlin Academy.

•   Eisenman criticizes contemporary architecture - and blames digital and sustainable architecture.

•   A Filipino architect says it might take some time before green architecture becomes widespread in the Philippines - but there is hope on the horizon.

•   University of Kansas's Studio 804 "is not your usual tippy-tappy studio" (now all it needs is to make a sale).

•   2010 Next Generation winner creates a bioengineered brick that's grown, not baked, "a testament to the value of an architect who knows her way around a microscope."

•   Quebec design community launches Mission Design with the aim "to make design a real economic force that will act as an driver for the development."

•   Tel Aviv's 2,000-acre landfill-to-park projects moves ahead.

•   Call for entries: Canada's Design Exchange Awards.

•   We couldn't resist: an eyeful of North Korea's Shanghai Expo pavilion: "Pesticides and agricultural products so good, they deserve to be behind glass."


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