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Today’s News - Wednesday, May 5, 2010

•   Minton takes on "Tesco Towns" and wonders: "How has this absurd approach to development been allowed to take root?" (CABE thinks it's a lousy idea, too).

•   Add to that, U.K. developers should be wary of new court ruling that says any open space used regularly by locals could be declared a "village green."

•   Q&A with Kunstler: "we've reached the end of the project called Suburbia. From now on, the New Urbanism will be the only urbanism" (there's "no low-hanging fruit in his worldview").

•   Q&A with landscape architect Gustafson on civic and cultural spaces: "What is important about urban parks is that they are the only way to stop urban sprawl."

•   New Moscow General Plan called by some "a death sentence to Moscow"; the mayor thinks it wasn't "'properly presented' to the public, and blamed reporters" (that figures).

•   Seattle architect Silk makes the case for revivalist architecture in Pioneer Square: "it's time to ditch Modernism and mesh with the neighborhood's historical style."

•   The APA wanted to give Boston's Back Bay an award for being one of America's great neighborhoods, but the neighborhood association eviscerated the idea (huh?!!?).

•   Nigerian architects decry foreign competition; NIA intends to improve architectural training so local architects will among the 20 world best by the year 2020.

•   Berlin's new "Topography of Terror" exhibition center "manages to point at a dark period of history without prettying it anti-monument of sorts."

•   Meanwhile, Eisenman's Holocaust memorial marks 5th anniversary; he thinks it should be expanded, but his idea was rejected.

•   The money comes through for controversial - but ''shovel ready'' - expansion plans for Sydney's Museum of Contemporary Art (great fly-through).

•   In the U.K., there's "a revolution afoot in school design."

•   Saunders bemoans the lack of long-form criticism in a world where "architects subsist on tossed-off tweets, sound bites, and glib, gnomic generalizing."

•   Have no fear - is here "Johnny Appleseed-ing the Web" with links to long-form journalistic endeavors (nothing on architecture - yet, but we can hope!).

•   A new university in Saudi Arabia uses "knock-your-socks-off architecture" with "hopes to lure the world's brainiest scientists to this Xanadu for nerds" (never mind they don't bother to mention the architect, but we know it's HOK).

•   Walker's first in a 3-parter on the Biomimicry Institute/Designers Accord Challenge, What Would You Ask Nature?: first up - fungi used to reimagine sustainable neighborhoods.

•   Carrión steps down as Obama's urban czar to take on "a lesser job with HUD" (well, at least he'll back in his old nabe).

•   Sejima announces the theme for her Venice Biennale: "People Meet in Architecture" (and a whole lotta programs).

•   Call for entries: Evergreen Awards 2010 for excellence in building design and environmental performance (U.S., Canada, Mexico).


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