Today’s News - Friday, March 26, 2010
• Weinstein cheers a new collection of Robert Gutman essays that "pose the kinds of tough-minded questions needed now to keep architectural professionals on-track."
• Kennicott on Gehry's Eisenhower memorial design: "a mix of traditional and contemporary elements, but none of them scream Frank Gehry."
• Piano (finally) gets the go-ahead for controversial City Gate project in Valletta, Malta (it's only taken 20+ years).
• San Diego (finally) moving ahead with new federal courthouse by Meier "after two decades' worth of stops and starts."
• Steven Ehrlich's iconic new entry for Nigeria's capital is "a soaring abstract form" (and pix to prove it).
• Libeskind "was bubbling with bonhomie" at the opening of his new Dublin theater (great pix).
• Hume cheers the transformation of 1800s castle-like jail and courthouse into hub for a suburban community: "In the endless homogeneity of suburbia, this stands out."
• Two Swedish architects work with shantytown residents in Pune, India; the "experiment in 'design by consensus' is leading to better blueprints."
• Weekend diversions:
• Ouroussoff dips his toe into MoMA's "Rising Currents" and is (mostly) impressed by what he sees.
• Rawsthorn ruminates on the "@" becoming part of MoMA's architecture and design collection: "That's as good as it gets in the design world" (and it didn't cost a nickel).
• MCNY's "Cars, Culture and the City" explores how NYC "gave the auto industry a stylishness it could not have found anywhere else."
• Pratt's "Envelopes" explores sustainable architecture inspired by biologist Jacob von Uexküll.
• Washington, D.C. "isn't exactly a hotbed for new design," but Industry Gallery could change that.
• Venturi and Scott Brown's Las Vegas road show now parked at MOCA Pacific Design Center in L.A.
• "The Essence of Things" at VitraHaus is an extra incentive to travel to Weil am Rhein, Germany.
• The 15th Architectural Biennial of Macedonia shows off contemporary architecture in Slovenia (great pix).
• Makovsky sits down with MIT's Mitchell to talk about "Reinventing the Automobile" and how to make urban mobility more sustainable.
• May's "Buildings without Architects" is "a knowledgeable and encompassing" guide to vernacular architecture.
• "Beyond Modernist Masters" uncovers the wealth of new Latin American architectural practices.
• "Architects in Albany" celebrates the "songs of the architect's soul writ large in granite and brownstone."
• A new monograph celebrates Palafox Associates' "two decades of architectural glory" that brought Philippine architecture to international attention.

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Book Review: Keeping the Architectural Profession Professional: "Architecture from the Outside In: Selected Essays by Robert Gutman"...essays by a penetrating sociologist of architecture pose the kinds of tough-minded questions needed now to keep architectural professional on-track.By Norman Weinstein- ArchNewsNow |
A new wrinkle: Frank Gehry's concept for Eisenhower memorial sets aside popular curvilinear style: ...will be a mix of traditional and contemporary elements, but none of them scream Frank Gehry...was not an obvious choice to memorialize one of this country's least flashy presidents...paradox, and perhaps brilliance... By Philip Kennicott [image]- Washington Post |
Renzo Piano project gets go ahead: The 47th attempt to regenerate the opera house ruins in Valletta was given planning permission yesterday, paving the way for construction to start soon on highly-controversial City Gate project...includes the contentious partially-roofed theatre. -- Bernard Plattner [image]- Times of Malta |
Downtown federal courthouse project on track: ...after two decades’ worth of stops and starts...will fundamentally redefine the space in which the federal courts conduct business in San Diego. -- Michael Palladino/Richard Meier [images]- San Diego News Room |
Unveiled: Abuja Gateway: Ehrlich designs iconic entry for Nigerian capital...a soaring abstract form that was inspired by the traditional bow harp and the looms on which Nigerians weave colorful fabrics. -- Ehrlich Architects; Triad Associates [images]- The Architect's Newspaper |
Daniel Libeskind's New Theater Opens, Offers Hope to Cash-Strapped Dublin: Grand Canal Theatre, a razzle dazzle production in its own right...[he] was bubbling with bonhomie at the opening, happy to be part of a good-news story in an era of economic gloom. -- Martha Schwartz Partners [images]- Fast Company |
Town hall revamp reinvents past for Milton’s future: Many small towns are in rush to destroy their heritage; Milton has made a point of saving it...1800s castle-like jail and courthouse transformed into hub of suburban community. By Christopher Hume -- Ventin Associates [images]- Toronto Star |
Ayn Rand move over: In Pune, India, shantytown residents 'design by consensus': Two Stockholm-based architects visited with shantytown build lower-income homes... -- Filipe Balestra; Sara Göransson; Prasanna Desai- Christian Science Monitor |
Imagining a More Watery New York: "Rising Currents: Projects for New York’s Waterfront" at the Museum of Modern Art reflects a level of apocalyptic thinking about this city that we haven’t seen since...the 1970s...asks us to rethink what the city could be...facing up to its future. By Nicolai Ouroussoff -- Guy Nordenson; Catherine Seavitt; Adam Yarinsky/Architecture Research Office (ARO)/dlandstudio; Matthew Baird Architects; Kate Orff/SCAPE Landscape Architecture; nARCHITECTS- New York Times |
Why @ Is Held in Such High Design Esteem: Museum of Modern Art has deemed it to be such an important example of design that the @ has been officially admitted to its architecture and design collection. That’s as good as it gets in the design world... By Alice Rawsthorn- New York Times |
Cars and the City, Imperfect Together: "Cars, Culture and the City" at the Museum of the City of New York explores the city’s role in the history of the automobile and the car’s role in shaping the city...gave the auto industry a stylishness it could not have found anywhere else... [images]- New York Times |
Pratt Presents Sustainable Architecture Exhibition: “Envelopes”...through May 5 at the Brooklyn design school’s West 14th Street gallery....inspired by early 20th century biologist Jacob von Uexküll, who studied how living beings relate to and perceive their environments. -- HouMinn Practice; Philippe Rahm; Weathers [images]- Interior Design magazine |
Is Washington, D.C., Ready for an Onslaught of Contemporary Design? ...isn't exactly a hotbed for new design. But that began to change this winter, with the opening of Industry Gallery..."Hands On" featuring the work of Dutch designers Tejo Remy and René Veenhuizen/Atelier Remy & Veenhuizen...founder Craig Appelbaum [and his] big gamble. [slide show essay]- Fast Company |
MOCA takes a historic trip down the Vegas Strip: "Las Vegas Studio: Images From the Archives of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown" through June 20 at MOCA Pacific Design Center...features original photos and films that date from around 1968... [images]- Los Angeles Times |
New exhibition invites design fans to visit VitraHaus: "The Essence of Things. Design and the Art of Reduction" represents an extra incentive to travel to Weil am Rhein in Germany. -- Herzog & de Meuron; Gerrit Rietveld; Le Corbusier; Charles and Ray Eames; Max Bill; Dieter Rams; Shiro Kuramata; Jasper Morrison- Independent (UK) |
Exhibition of contemporary architecture in Slovenia 1999-2010 will be presented at the 15th Architectural Biennial of Macedonia “BIMAS 2010" March 25 – April 11... -- Joe Plecnik; Ofis architects; Sadar & Vuga arhitekti;. Bevk Perovic arhitekti; etc. [images]- Zavod Big (Ljubljana, Slovenia) |
A Complete Rethink: William Mitchell and the MIT Media Lab take on one of urban America’s hidden foes: the car..."Reinventing the Automobile: Personal Urban Mobility for the 21st Century" to make urban mobility more sustainable...and why designers need to start thinking more holistically. [images]- Metropolis Magazine |
"Buildings without Architects: A Global Guide to Everyday Architecture" by John May: ...serves as an introductory guide to vernacular architecture..."most simply defined as the architecture of the people, designed and built by communities, families, and individual builders" offers a knowledgeable and encompassing presentation.- Dexigner |
"Beyond Modernist Masters: Contemporary Architecture in Latin America" by Cambridge architect and lecturer Felipe Hernández...challenges traditional views about the nature and future of Latin American studies from the past 15 years...uncovers the wealth of new architectural practises amongst the younger generation... -- Giancarlo Mazzanti; Alberto Kalach'; Alejandro Aravena- Media Newswire |
Albany buildings reflect dreams, hopes for future: "Architects in Albany" celebrates capital city's architecture, where brick, stone, marble show civic riches...songs of the architect's soul writ large in granite and brownstone. -- Walter Hunter Van Guysling; Edward Durell Stone; Wallace K. Harrison; Russell Sturgis; Henry Hobson Richardson; Leopold Eidlitz; Marcus T. Reynolds; Richard M. Upjohn; Percival Goodman; Patrick C. Keeley- Times Union (Albany, NY) |
Two decades of architectural glory: “Architecture, Planning & Design: Palafox Associates The First Twenty Years” is something to herald because it finally answers the call for a substantial volume on Philippine architecture...Felino A. Palafox Jr. is one of the few who have brought our brand of architecture to international attention.- Manila Bulletin (Philippines) |

Herzog & de Meuron: VitraHaus, Weil am Rhein, Germany |
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