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Today’s News - Thursday, March 25, 2010

•   In Maryland, an ambitious proposal reflects a national movement to re-engineer older neighborhoods built around America's love affair with the car (but some worry it still will bring too much traffic).

•   Hawthorne on NYC's Sadik-Khan sweep through L.A.: "we have entirely lost sight of the fact that a department of transportation can play a central role in improving a city's civic design and its quality of life."

•   Big plans floated for San Francisco's Pier 70 (RFQ coming in April).

•   CABE says new school buildings are better, but the design of school grounds is not; offers six case studies that get it right.

•   Nouvel x 3 (again): Rose calls him "one of the most imaginative, agenda-setting designers on the planet...destined to take over the world in a good way."

•   Rosenbaum gets him to talk about his MoMA/Hines tower: it's going to be "more like a skyscraper": it's too bad the "height and (along with it) the architectural interest" has been cut back.

•   Doha's "insanely ambitious plans" include his "desert rose."

•   Dyckhoff wants "the old Libeskind back."

•   Filler says Hadid gets "preposterously premature acclaim" while the designation of "world's foremost female architect...rightfully belongs to Denise Scott Brown, a truly towering figure in the modern history of the building art."

•   Calatrava's "Architecture of Dance" sets for NYC Ballet make a pointe.

•   How the power of architecture changed a Brooklyn community.

•   Kamin on rumors that Smith + Gill have beat out SOM to design kilometer-high tower in Saudi Arabia.

•   An eyeful of Hungary's 2010 Shanghai World Expo pavilion - it includes the world's first self-righting object.

•   An eyeful of an Anglo-German team's winning design for a graceful pedestrian bridge in the heart of Vienna.

•   Brussat at his most brutal re: a new school - a "Frank "O!" Gehry wannabe concoction of tinny slants and glassy slashes."

•   ASLA issues a call to engage in National Landscape Architecture Month in April.

•   The MIPIM Awards Winners 2010 (sadly, no images).

•   eVolo 2010 Skyscraper Competition finalists (images included - some pretty wild stuff).

•   Why do some of the world's best architects have websites that "suck" (something we've wondered about for a long time)?


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