Today’s News - Thursday, March 25, 2010
• In Maryland, an ambitious proposal reflects a national movement to re-engineer older neighborhoods built around America's love affair with the car (but some worry it still will bring too much traffic).
• Hawthorne on NYC's Sadik-Khan sweep through L.A.: "we have entirely lost sight of the fact that a department of transportation can play a central role in improving a city's civic design and its quality of life."
• Big plans floated for San Francisco's Pier 70 (RFQ coming in April).
• CABE says new school buildings are better, but the design of school grounds is not; offers six case studies that get it right.
• Nouvel x 3 (again): Rose calls him "one of the most imaginative, agenda-setting designers on the planet...destined to take over the world in a good way."
• Rosenbaum gets him to talk about his MoMA/Hines tower: it's going to be "more like a skyscraper": it's too bad the "height and (along with it) the architectural interest" has been cut back.
• Doha's "insanely ambitious plans" include his "desert rose."
• Dyckhoff wants "the old Libeskind back."
• Filler says Hadid gets "preposterously premature acclaim" while the designation of "world's foremost female architect...rightfully belongs to Denise Scott Brown, a truly towering figure in the modern history of the building art."
• Calatrava's "Architecture of Dance" sets for NYC Ballet make a pointe.
• How the power of architecture changed a Brooklyn community.
• Kamin on rumors that Smith + Gill have beat out SOM to design kilometer-high tower in Saudi Arabia.
• An eyeful of Hungary's 2010 Shanghai World Expo pavilion - it includes the world's first self-righting object.
• An eyeful of an Anglo-German team's winning design for a graceful pedestrian bridge in the heart of Vienna.
• Brussat at his most brutal re: a new school - a "Frank "O!" Gehry wannabe concoction of tinny slants and glassy slashes."
• ASLA issues a call to engage in National Landscape Architecture Month in April.
• The MIPIM Awards Winners 2010 (sadly, no images).
• eVolo 2010 Skyscraper Competition finalists (images included - some pretty wild stuff).
• Why do some of the world's best architects have websites that "suck" (something we've wondered about for a long time)?

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With development plan approved, the future of White Flint [Maryland] begins to take shape: ambitious proposal to transform a large segment of Rockville Pike...into a vibrant, grand boulevard lined with villages where residents can live, shop, walk and play...plans for the 430 acres...are part of a national movement to re-engineer older neighborhoods built around America's love affair with the car...although some worry it still will bring too much traffic.- Washington Post |
New York has the edge in learning to share the road: ...Janette Sadik-Khan...swept through Los Angeles...The welcome was hardly surprising...we have entirely lost sight of the fact that a department of transportation can play a central improving a city's civic design and its quality of life. By Christopher Hawthorne- Los Angeles Times |
Shipping News: Big plans floated for San Francisco's Pier 70: In April, the Port Commission of San Francisco will issue a request for qualifications to redevelop one of the city’s last major pieces of waterfront. The plan for the 65-acre to restore its historic buildings but maintain its working industrial shipyard... -- ROMA Design Group; Carey & Co.- The Architect's Newspaper |
School grounds are more like car parks: CABE has warned that while the standard of proposed new school buildings is rapidly improving, the design of school grounds is not...parking for teachers and visitors dominates many proposals, while play areas are often uninspiring...published six best practice case studies on school grounds. -- Farrer Huxley Architects; Aedas; Hyland Edgar Driver; PB&R Design Services; Capita Percy Thomas/Fira Landscape [links to case studies]- HorticultureWeek (UK) |
Jean Nouvel: today the Serpentine, tomorrow the world: One day he's designing the 2010 Serpentine pavilion, the next the National Museum of of the most exciting names in architecture – and he's of the most imaginative, agenda-setting designers on the planet...destined to take over the world in a good way. By Steve Rose [images]- Guardian (UK) |
Nouvel on the Redesigned MoMA/Hines Tower: "More Like a Skyscraper": ...City Council's action did nothing to ramp down the building's excessive density in this midblock, partly residential location. It only reined in the excessive height and (along with it) the architectural interest. By Lee Rosenbaum- ArtsJournal |
Nouvel’s Desert Rose: ... insanely ambitious plans for Doha’s cultural infrastructure crept a little closer toward reality with the unveiling of Jean Nouvel’s design for the new National Museum of Qatar...“Everything in this museum works to make the visitor feel the desert and the sea" [images]- Metropolis Magazine |
Daniel Libeskind in the Dragons’ Den: The architect’s global brand is still churning out his trademark angular buildings, but they have lost their meaning...the Grand Canal Theatre...another Libeskind showstopper, Ireland’s first and...only piece of “starchitecture”...garnished with theatrical razzmatazz...Stop the roadshow. I want the old Libeskind back. By Tom Dyckhoff- The Times (UK) |
The World’s Foremost Female Architect: Preposterously premature acclaim has posited...Zaha Hadid...has yet to produce a body of built work commensurate with her hyperbolic reputation) as the world’s foremost female architect. Instead, that designation rightfully belongs to Denise Scott Brown, a truly towering figure in the modern history of the building art. By Martin Filler -- Venturi, Scott Brown- New York Review of Books |
Making a Pointe: Architect’s dance sets reach the sky: "Architecture of Dance," may not be as big a task as building a plaza or a bridge, but five sets are still plenty of work. -- Santiago Calatrava- New York Post |
How the power of architecture changed a community: The Saratoga Avenue Community Centre is not only beautiful to look at...It’s quite an improvement from the barren, derelict lot on which the centre was built...sense of pride the building has given the local community... -- George Ranalli [images]- Telegraph (UK) |
Smith and Gill, selected to design kilometer-high tower, which would be world's tallest building, in Saudi Arabia: If the story turns out to be true...will have bested the firm they left, the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), for the prized commission... By Blair Kamin -- Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture- Chicago Tribune |
Hungarian Mathematical Model is Key to Pavilion Design at 2010 Shanghai World Expo: ...the Gomboc is the world’s first self-righting object. -- Gábor Domokos; Péter Várkonyi; Tamás Lévai [images]- (Hungary) |
Anglo-German team of Knight Architects and Knippers Helbig has won the international competition to design a new footbridge in the centre of Vienna: ...gently curving bridge creates a new ‘topographic element’ which contrasts with its historic surroundings. [images]- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Heed the warning of Hoyle Square:’s latest architectural monster, the Providence Career & Technical High School...The new school — the Frank “O!” Gehry wannabe concoction...will not, I hope, be the focus of a battle for its preservation when the official preservation interest kicks in at age 50. I hope it is long gone by then, and today I officially donate $1 to open a fund to demolish the $90 million aesthetic atrocity... By David Brussat -- S/L/A/M Collaborative [image]- Providence Journal (Rhode Island) |
Are You Ready for National Landscape Architecture Month? Chapters, firms, and individuals will engage the public and students this April to educate them about the profession. Be among them.- LAND Online (ASLA) |
The MIPIM Awards Winners 2010 -- ASSAR Architects; Behnisch Architekten; Karl-Heinz Schommer/Marcel Wanders; A2RC Architects; OP Architekten- Fox Business |
2010 Skyscraper Competition - 10 Finalists: ...floating skyscrapers in the Maldives, contingency arks for flooded cities, green ribbons for Paris, and genetically modified buildings. [images]- eVolo Magazine |
Why Can't the World's Best Architects Build Better Web Sites? Though it's not the slickest-looking online destination, usability is what makes Architizer such a welcome, needed tool for the industry. Why? Because most architect Web sites suck. By Alissa Walker- Fast Company |
INSIGHT: Iconic Architecture in the Digital Age: New technologies are helping to transform architectural surfaces far beyond the traditional canons of architecture. By Carlos Ferré- ArchNewsNow |

Herzog & de Meuron: VitraHaus, Weil am Rhein, Germany |
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