Today’s News - Tuesday, March 23, 2010
• An architect muses on architecture in the digital age (and why it's a good idea for architects to get with it).
• Nouvel x 3: he's tapped to design this year's Serpentine pavilion; per Dyckhoff, it "will either prove there's life in the old dog yet, or put dancing shoes on a corpse. Either way it'll be a show not to miss."
• Ouroussoff waxes poetic (again) about the master's Qatar museum: it may be his "most overtly poetic act of cultural synthesis yet."
• Russell sits down for a chat in his "insect eye condo" on Manhattan's 11th Avenue to talk about everything (except Qatar): unlike many Pritzker winners, "he likes to design housing."
• Gehry visits his Ruvo Center in Las Vegas and likes what he sees: "It took my breath away...some people may think it's over the top. I don't think so."
• Bernstein visits CityCenter, designed by a "Rat pack" of starchitects: can it move sin city's design standards "beyond the ersatz"; if it fails, it "could impact what gets built, far beyond the Las Vegas Strip, for decades" (great slide show).
• Asymptote's 166 Perry St. is NYC "deserves celebration...a sculptural marvel filled with nuances and hints on how to live in a new age."
• King on the rumor mill swirling around SFMOMA's search for architect: insiders say there's no short list, but "rumors and speculation are more fun, and both are heating up."
• Jahn and Amtrak (with some big names hoping to get on board) on different tracks for Chicago high-speed rail: "both plans are insufficient."
• Carter Craft's preview of MoMA's "Rising Currents" is a must-read (especially if you can't get to the show): with so many good ideas, the question isn't "whose scheme is the best?" but, "when do we bring the Cost Estimators in?"
• An Inverness architect calls for a change in attitude if the city wants to get off the Carbuncle Award nomination list: "it is because those who have the power to address the problem are the ones creating it" (that includes architects).
• NYU's 20-year expansion plans extend well beyond Greenwich Village, but neighbors and preservationists remain skeptical.
• ICC opens the first public version of the International Green Construction Code to public comment; aims to unify green building standards.
• A Canadian architect says it's time to get beyond shooting for LEED medals, which has "become more important than the original purpose of this green building evaluation system."
• A British architect on the misuse of claims that buildings meet passivhaus standards.
• Efforts underway to rebuild Haiti's cathedral; next step: finding an architect who can turn that vision into an actual building.
• Some more (great) eye candy from Shanghai Expo as "the greatest show on Earth" gets ready to open.
• Archial's Littlemore explains plan to "exploit the architectural group's most famous brand" as Alsop Sparch: "I've not asked Will Alsop whether he minds, he may or he may not."
• Brad McKee named editor-in-chief of Landscape Architecture Magazine (a great fit - our heartiest congrats to all!).
• One we couldn't resist: eyefuls of amazing feats of animal architecture (amazing, indeed - architects: take heed!).

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INSIGHT: Iconic Architecture in the Digital Age: New technologies are helping to transform architectural surfaces far beyond the traditional canons of architecture. By Carlos Ferré- ArchNewsNow |
Jean Nouvel, the Prince of Wales's bête noire, picked for Serpentine pavilion: Tom Dyckhoff said that the commission was intriguing at a time when “wow factor architecture” was supposed to be past — a giant red flash across the park, with a macho cantilever, and throbbing colour — will either prove there’s life in the old dog yet, or put dancing shoes on a corpse. Either way it’ll be a show not to miss.” [image]- The Times (UK) |
Celebrating the Delicate Beauty of the Desert Landscape: Jean Nouvel’s design for the National Museum of Qatar may be that French architect’s most overtly poetic act of cultural synthesis yet...its relationship to I.M. Pei’s Museum of Islamic Art...form the beginnings of a conversation about cultural identity... By Nicolai Ourousssoff [images]- New York Times |
Jean Nouvel Builds Insect Eye Condo, Abu Dhabi’s Domed Louvre: ...onlookers have been scratching their heads watching a jigsaw-puzzle jumble of rectangular windows rise from the street...23-story 100 11th Avenue...Unlike many Pritzker Prize architects, he likes to design housing..."This kind of architecture is made simply to enjoy, to feel." By James S. Russell- Bloomberg News |
Gehry likes what he sees with new Vegas building: Getting his first look at the nearly complete Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, he declared himself satisfied. "It took my breath away...some people may think it's over the top. I don't think so." (AP) [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
City on the Strip: The new Las Vegas CityCenter was designed by a Rat pack of star architects. Can their high-modern megaproject move sin city’s design standards beyond the ersatz? If [it] fails...will be seen as proof that Americans don’t like modern architecture. Which could impact what gets built, far beyond the Las Vegas Strip, for decades. By Fred A. Bernstein -- Daniel Libeskind; Helmut Jahn/Murphy/Jahn; David Rockwell; Rafael Viñoly; Pelli Clarke Pelli; Foster + Partners; Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF); Bentel and Bentel; Karim Rashid; Adam Tihany; HKS; Leo A Daly; Adamson Associates; Gensler; Ehrenkrantz, Eckstut & Kuhn [slide show]- Architect Magazine |
Reflect on this! 166 Perry St. is NYC's 'most interesting new residential building': ...a kind of optical allusion, on a far West Village street, that deserves celebration...a sculptural marvel filled with nuances and hints on how to live in a new age..."This building was made for the city, not the architectural press." -- Hani Rashid/Lise Anne Couture/Asymptote [image]- NY Daily News |
Rumors grow over SFMOMA's search for architect: Design flair is a must, but so is experience at crafting large cultural facilities that are technologically and urbanistically complex. Those are the facts. Rumors and speculation are more fun, and both are heating up...insiders say no short list exists... By John King -- David Adjaye; Enrique Norten/TEN Arquitectos; ; Peter Zumthor; Mario Botta- San Francisco Chronicle |
Talking Tracks: Makeover for Chicago's Great Hall, as Jahn floats an alternative...both plans are insufficient. By Alan G. Brake -- Burnham & Root (1927); Murphy/Jahn; SOM Chicago; KlingStubbins; Wallace Roberts & Todd; Goody Clancy; Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn; Lucien Lagrange- The Architect's Newspaper |
A Deep Pool of Talent: What Will “Rising Currents” Yield? Waterfront planner Carter Craft offers a preview of what to expect, and what to look for, when MoMA’s new design show opens: the question is not at all “whose scheme is the best?” Rather, when do we bring the Cost Estimators in? There are dozens of good ideas here. The challenge is, who will build some of them to see how they work? -- Architecture Research Office (ARO)/dlandstudio; Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis (LTL);Matthew Baird Architects; nARCHITECTS; Scape Studio [images, videos, links]- Urban Omnibus |
Op-Ed: Change of attitude will prevent bad architecture: ...concerning the nomination of our city [Inverness] for the Carbuncle Award. If the question remains unanswered why recent or planned developments...cannot match the quality of those in other British and European towns, it is because those who have the power to address the problem are the ones creating it. By Ivan Flores Clemente/HRI Architects- The Inverness Courier (Scotland) |
N.Y.U. 20-Year Plan Seeks Big Expansion in Village and Beyond: New York University’s proposals, which include a new tower near Washington Square Park, have already been met with skepticism from neighbors and preservationists...would expand physical plant by 40%... By Robin Pogrebin -- SMWM; Toshiko Mori; Grimshaw Architects; Olin Partnership; Cooper, Robertson & Partners; Michael Van Valkenburgh; Polshek Partnership- New York Times |
New Construction Code Aims to Unify Green Building Standards: The International Code Council released the first public version of the International Green Construction Code...IGCC is open for public comments until May 14...Once the code has been finalized, it will be available for municipalities to adopt as their own local and regional building codes, and can be harmonized with existing codes.- |
Search continues for sustainable architecture: LEED has raised awareness of many important issues concerning sustainability in Canada. Unfortunately the silver, gold or platinum medallion has become more important than the original purpose of this green building evaluation system. By Graham Murfitt, MRAIC- Daily Commercial News (Canada) |
Passivhaus: What's in a name? A lot actually, if you are claiming that a building meets a certain standard without the certification to verify it...if there was ever a need for quality assured construction it is now. The old adage “you can not manage what you cannot measure” would seem particularly true here. By Mark Siddall/Devereux Architects- Building (UK) |
Effort to rebuild Port-au-Prince cathedral gets a guide: A coordinated plan to rebuild the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti's world-famous Cathédrale Sainte Trinité (Holy Trinity Cathedral) in Port-au-Prince is getting underway...a multi-step, multi-year and multi-million-dollar effort...the next step will be helping the diocese solicit an architect that can turn that vision into an actual building...- Episcopal News |
The textures of Shanghai's Expo: World fairs are a good laboratory for experimenting with architecture and the upcoming expo in China is no exception...pavilions that resemble giant dandelions and baskets are fabulous buildings that 'look like they can't be built'...a look at what visitors can expect when the doors to the greatest show on Earth open in May. -- Thomas Heatherwick; Foster + Partners [slide show]- Ottawa Citizen (Canada) |
Alsop’s new look: Chris Littlemore...the boss of Archial, is planning to exploit the architectural group’s most famous brand for its relaunched international business...Alsop intended to extract maximum value from the Alsop name..."I’ve not asked Will Alsop whether he minds, he may or he may not."- Building (UK) |
Bradford McKee Named Editor-in-Chief of Landscape Architecture Magazine: Veteran design journalist to lead profession’s flagship publication.- LAND Online / American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) |
Amazing Feats of Animal Architecture: Some animals are born architects. They have an innate ability to build structures that are often difficult by human standards. Structures found in nature can even be a source of inspiration for architects... [images, videos]- Huffington Post |

Herzog & de Meuron: VitraHaus, Weil am Rhein, Germany |
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