Today’s News - Monday, March 22, 2010
• ArcSpace brings us an eyeful of H&deM's VitraHaus.
• Jevons' Paradox, the Piggy Principle, and the perils of efficient energy use: we'll just use more of it, or Kunstler et al. vs. Lovins (great links).
• DOT's Policy Statement on bike and pedestrian accommodations: "This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized."
• An impressive planning study for Manhattan's Greenwich South could be a model for future development - if policy-makers "are ready to recognize that nothing's more expensive than getting it wrong the first time."
• MoMA's "Rising Currents" offers alternatives "that both confront climate change and, in the best sense of the word, exploits it."
• A Winnipeg architect cheers three starchitects' projects in his city: it could be a very good thing for local talent.
• Shanghai World Expo x 2: the "exteriors range from breathtakingly innovative to dull, big boxes, albeit colorfully painted" + Bostwick's take: Britannia rules, unlike other "middling entries" (few architects identified, but links to terrific slide show).
• Hawthorne on the connection between Raimund Abraham and the London embassy competition (he'll take what's behind Door #1).
• Moore cheers a new hospital by Foster: it "could revolutionize patient care."
• Hadid and Broad break ground in Michigan: "This building should get a speeding ticket," says Giovannini.
• Nouvel shelves Paris skyscraper project (at least until "the economic crisis has eased").
• Saffron hopes Steve Wynn takes a look at Philly's guide to waterfront development and comes up with an artful casino rather than another "big-box blah."
• Campbell sizes up Bostonians' pick of the city's ugliest buildings: "give them a new face or a new use, and treat them with disrespect - not with murder."
• A most interesting panel debates whether socially-minded design really makes an impact.
• A Philippine architect returns home with Taliesin on her side to cultivate and encourage new professionals.
• Call for entries: Architect magazine's 4th Annual R+D Awards; Eco-Structure's Evergreen Awards 2010; and Rockefeller Foundation 2011 Bellagio Center Residencies in Italy.

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Herzog & de Meuron: VitraHaus, Weil am Rhein, Germany |
Jevons' Paradox and the Perils of Efficient Energy Use: Energy, transportation and urbanism are inextricably entwined, but as far as I can tell, no one has asked the founders of biofuel startups what kind of world they envision if they succeed. The assumption is more of the same. Only more of it. By Greg Lindsay -- James Howard Kunstler; Urban Land Institute (ULI); Amory Lovins/Rocky Mountain Institute [links]- Fast Company |
'Sea-Change' Coming To Transportation Planning: That's what Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood wrote...reflected in the DOT's Policy Statement on bike and pedestrian accommodations..."This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized." [links]- PLANetizen |
From the Ground Up: An award-winning planning study for Lower Manhattan may act as a model for future development...Greenwich South as not just a connector but a tabula rasa...perhaps local and national policy-makers...are ready to recognize that nothing’s more expensive than getting it wrong the first time. And that the best way to fill any hole is from the ground up. By Marc Kristal -- Architecture Research Office (ARO); Beyer Blinder Belle; Open; Alliance for Downtown New York; Guy Nordenson [images]- Metropolis Magazine |
Hope Floats: Architects find promise in New York’s rising sea levels: The old Band-Aid defenses don’t work, as New Orleans made abundantly clear. "Rising Currents" floats an alternative that both confronts climate change and, in the best sense of the word, exploits it. -- Adam Yarinksy/Architecture Research Office (ARO); Guy Nordenson; Matthew Baird Design; Scape Landscape Architecture; LTL Architects; nARCHITECTS; dlandstudio [images]- Metropolis Magazine |
Star power elevates skyline: Global architects beautify city: Do the benefits of importing 'starchitect' designers outweigh the lost opportunity for local architects? The answer may be yes, if we can capitalize on this unprecedented injection of creative thinking in our design community. By Brent Bellamy/Number Ten Architectural Group -- César Pelli/Pelli Clarke Pelli; Antoine Predock; Bruce Kuwabara/KPMB- Winnipeg Free Press (Canada) |
Shanghai Aims to Attract the World: At World Expo, the U.S. pavilion and others rush to finish by May 1...exteriors range from breathtakingly innovative to dull, big boxes, albeit colorfully painted...Ironically, for an Expo that promotes the buildings' energy-saving features and emphasizes the concept of sustainability, almost the entire set of exhibits will be thrown away. [slide show]- Wall Street Journal |
Eye Candy: British Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010 Is Part Cleopatra Jones, Part Pinhead: Unlike middling entries from the U.S. and Canada, Thomas Heatherwick's British pavilion rocks. By William Bostwick [images, links]- Fast Company |
Raimund Abraham, the London embassy competition and the connections between them: How should an architect approach the task of designing a building to represent his home country abroad? If it's a portal to a national subconscious we're looking for, I'll take door No. 1. By Christopher Hawthorne -- KieranTimberlake; Thom Mayne/Morphosis; Pei Cobb Freed; Richard Meier/Michael Palladino- Los Angeles Times |
Circle hospital: It looks like a five-star-hotel, but Norman Foster's Circle hospital in Bath could revolutionise patient care...the idea of a humane architecture could be taken much further...but it is still a triumph to have these good things at all. By Rowan Moore -- Spencer de Grey/Foster + Partners- Observer (UK) |
Breaking new ground: Broad Museum builders put down their pens, pick up their shovels...“You don’t go into a Zaha Hadid building with the idea that you’re going to come out the same" is a crouching beast of angular steel plates like nothing else on the planet...“This building should get a speeding ticket"...Joseph Giovannini said...Hadid isn’t the only 800-pound gorilla in this gallery. There’s also Broad...- Lansing City Pulse (Michigan) |
Jean Nouvel shelves Paris skyscraper project: Signal Tower...part of an ambitious plan to rejuvenate La Defense, the drab business district on Paris's western edge. "The project will become a reality once the economic crisis has eased"...had been touted as the most important architectural undertaking since the Eiffel Tower.- Expatica |
An artful urban casino or more big-box blah? Pennsylvania's new casinos take the architectural term decorated shed very much to's casino meets Costco...So what are the chances that the South Philadelphia casino formally known as Foxwoods will turn out any better now that...Steve Wynn has attached his name to the project? By Inga Saffron -- PennPraxis- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Ugly is in the eye of the beholder: Readers vote for Boston buildings they’d rather not see: I’m against tearing things down just because we happen not to like their looks. What you do with ugly buildings is live with them, add to them, give them a new face or a new use, and treat them with disrespect - not with murder. By Robert Campbell- Boston Globe |
The Humanitarian-Design Debate: A panel discussion asked the question, Is socially-minded design really making an impact? ...humanitarian design is more than just a passing, fashionable trend. How it will evolve and shape the future of design and design practice, though, is still very much up for debate. -- Emily Pilloton/Design Revolution Road Show/Project H; Matt Miller; John Bielenberg/Project M; Julie Lasky; David Stairs; Valerie Casey/Designers Accord [images, links]- Metropolis Magazine |
Philippine Taliesin Shelter project: The New ‘Bayanihan’: Hoping to cultivate and encourage new professionals, Lira Luis has spearheaded the alliance of...Taliesin Fellows and Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, the University of the Philippines College of Architecture, and the University of San Carlos College of Architecture...The end-result will be the country’s first entry in the LEED roster of green structures in the residential category. By Marcos de Guzman Jr.- Philippine Daily Inquirer |
Call for entries: Fourth Annual R+D Awards: ...honor innovative materials and systems at every scale...purposefully open to building technologies of all types; deadline: April 23- Architect Magazine |
Call for entries: Rockefeller Foundation 2011 Bellagio Center Residencies for Scholars and Creative Artists, Lake Como, Italy; projects related to one or more focus areas: Social & Economic Security, Basic Survival Safeguards, Urbanization, Climate and Environment, and Global Health; deadline: May 7- Rockefeller Foundation |
Call for entries: Evergreen Awards 2010: competition recognizes excellence in building design and environmental performance; open to professionals practicing in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico; deadline: July 1- Eco-Structure magazine |
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