Today’s News - Friday, January 22, 2010
• Haiti on our minds: a round-up of initiatives proposed by the architecture and design community.
• Betsky says, "If we are going to help build a better world in such places...architects will have to be part of that process."
• Calys queries AfH's Sinclair to find out just what he and his organization are doing.
• An in-depth look at how Calatrava just might be able to "make Americans care about infrastructure."
• England's most hated building is about to bite the dust: "No one wanted it before it was built and no one wanted it after it was built" (and that was only 12 years ago).
• An eyeful of plans for 8 skyscrapers "trying to capture the title as the next tallest tower."
• NYC's urbanSHED competition winner offers a "lighter, friendlier alternative" to 1950s-era design for construction scaffolding (something we won't try to avoid walking under - what a concept!).
• P.S.1/MoMA's Young Architects Program winner will have poles dancing this summer.
• Galway, Ireland, wants to join the bandwagon with other cities finding innovative ways to use vacant buildings.
• A vacant Tower Records store in NYC is the latest in a wave of arts venues popping up in empty retail spaces around the country.
• Call for Statement of Interest: NEA Mayors' Institute on City Design 25th Anniversary Initiative grants.
• Weekend diversions:
• Boddy's "Vancouverism" show puts the emphasis on buildings and materials "to bring back the credit for Vancouverism to architects and engineers."
• Iovine visits Yale's "What We Learned": it's easy to see why Venturi Scott Brown's thinking continues to give pause for a new generation.
• "Mega City Network" at Korea's National Museum of Contemporary Art "implicates that big-scale developments may not be the solution in a mega city like Seoul."
• In Berlin, Wasmuht's "Supracity" never loses sight of the human scale.
• Two "young and opportunistic artists" have found a way to make the most of the Queens Museum of Art's ambitious renovation.
• Page turners: Weber's "The Bauhaus Group" is a must-read, "combining gossip, art, and architectural criticism."
• "Miami Modern Metropolis" is "smart, thoroughly-researched and visually exciting."
• Two we couldn't resist: Betsky says go see "Avatar" in 3D: "This will be our world, this is almost already our world" that "can perhaps only survive as apps that have not yet been invented."
• Education by stealth in a new video game that immerses you in Renaissance Italy (especially the urban and architectural elements) - without the tourists.

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How Are Architects Responding to the Haiti Disaster? Here is a look at some of the more immediate initiatives proposed by the architecture and design community. -- Architecture for Humanity; Article 25; USGBC; Clinton Foundation Haiti Relief Fund; Habitat for Humanity; Engineers without Borders; Partners in Health/Solar Electric Light Fund; SEED; ShelterBox [links]- Metropolis Magazine |
Haiti: If we are going to help build a better world in such places...architects will have to be part of that process...One of the things architects can to offer their ability to synthesize an understanding of what it means to dwell communally...we are in dire need of clear visual and analytical models that can stand against the dead-end urban policies that pervade most urban developments. By Aaron Betsky- Architect Magazine |
Haiti earthquake: SF's Architecture for Humanity makes a difference: I caught up with AfH’s executive director, Cameron Sinclair, to find out just what he and his organization are doing. By George Calys- San Francisco Examiner |
How Santiago Calatrava's Buildings Marry Engineering With Biology: And they may just be beautiful enough to make Americans care about infrastructure...has devoted a surprising 90% of his work to civil-engineering projects..."Bridges and stations are very strongly related to the development of a city."- Fast Company |
England's most hated building to be demolished: Bournemouth council to spend £7.5m razing leisure complex which topped poll of buildings in need of demolition...also known as the Imax, caused an outcry when it opened in 1998. [image]- Guardian (UK) |
Top 8 Skyscrapers That Will Push the Limits of Design: This month, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai climbed higher than any other previous structure ever built. But architects won't rest there. Here are eight building plans trying to capture the title as the next tallest tower. -- Eric Kuhne; Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill; Kobi Karp/Thornton Tomasetti/EDSA/Miapolis; Woods Bagot; Takenaka Corporation; Eloy Celaya/ECE Arquitecturas; Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM); Omero Marchetti {slide show essay]- Popular Mechanics |
The Decorated Shed: NYC unveils designs for new sidewalk sheds: urbanSHED design competition winner Urban Umbrella, designed by Penn student Young-Hwan Choi, could replace the old construction sheds with lighter, friendlier alternative. [images]- The Architect's Newspaper |
Shaking Up P.S. 1: SO-IL Solid Objects Idenburg Liu has been selected as winner of this year's Young Architects Program, with the firm's Pole Daince many ways a metaphor for these uncertain times. [images]- The Architect's Newspaper |
Arts group proposes innovative way to use vacant buildings in the city: ...disused buildings around Galway city should not be allowed to lie empty and idle...The idea of using vacant buildings as gallery spaces has been running successfully in America, Australia, and Britain. -- Average Arts Initiative; Swing Space; Caretaker Project; Renew Newcastle Project (via Archiseek)- Galway Advertiser (Ireland) |
Running on Empty: Artists explore abandoned spaces, including a former Tower Records store in New York..."Never Records"...the latest in a wave of art galleries and theaters popping up in empty retail spaces around the country amid the recession. -- No Longer Empty; ArtSpace; Phantom Galleries LA- Wall Street Journal |
Call for Statement of Interest: NEA Mayors' Institute on City Design 25th Anniversary Initiative: ...will award a limited number of grants, ranging from $25,000 to $250,000, to showcase and celebrate the goals of the MICD; deadline: March 15, 2010- National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) |
Throwing the world a few curves: "Vancouverism: Architecture Builds The City" celebrates...the internationally admired architecture of the city 'that no one else does'...The emphasis...on buildings and materials, rather than city planning or urban fabric, stems from Trevor Boddy's efforts to bring back the credit for Vancouverism to architects and engineers.- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Lessons From Las Vegas: "What We Learned: The Yale Las Vegas Studio and the Work of Venturi Scott Brown & Associates"...easy to see why their thinking continues to give pause...a new generation is beginning to grapple with "Learning From Las Vegas." By Julie V. Iovine- Wall Street Journal |
Korean buildings that captivate world: ..."Mega City Network," which introduces Korean architectural trends of the past decade, is currently running at National Museum of Contemporary Art..."implicates that big-scale developments...may not be the solution in a mega city like Seoul..." -- Peter Schmal; Kim Seong-hong- Korea Herald |
Finding a New Way to View and Capture Berlin: "Supracity" at Berlin's Haus am Waldsee...Corinne Wasmuht...never loses sight of the human scale. Even in a...triptych-like work named in honor of its seven-meter length, she can capture the discreet hum of real people's lives. [image]- Wall Street Journal |
For Former World’s Fair Ice Rink, Fragments of an Afterlife: While the Queens Museum of Art is undergoing an ambitious renovation, two young and opportunistic artists have found a way to make the most of the transition...Daniel Bozhkov: Republik of Perpetual Reconstruction and Rebuild” and “Duke Riley: Those About to Die Salute You” [images]- New York Times |
Book review: "The Bauhaus Group: Six Masters of Modernism" by Nicholas Fox Weber supplies human dimensions to six art, architecture Modernism icons: Combining gossip, art and architectural criticism and very readable biography...a book that everyone interested in modern art and architecture should read.- HuntingtonNews (West Virginia) |
Book review: "Miami Modern Metropolis: Paradise and Paradox in Mid-century Architecture and Planning" edited by Allan T., thoroughly-researched and visually exciting...wonderfully sharp and digestable essays... [slide show]- Dwell |
The Avatar of Architecture: If you want to experience architecture beyond building, go see Avatar 3D...This will be our world, this is almost already our world, this is a world in which the notion of framing, founding, fixing, and staging can perhaps only survive as apps that have not yet been invented. By Aaron Betsky [images]- Architect Magazine |
Time Travel Gets Closer to Reality: "Assassin's Creed II" allows you to immerse yourself in Renaissance Italy, without the tourists...The game's producer-authors...hired Renaissance scholars to advise on period garb, architecture, urban planning...offers a kind of education by stealth. History matters more if your life depends on it...- Wall Street Journal |
INSIGHT: Redeveloping Downtown Pittsburgh - The Last 20 Years: Many factors have led to an interesting take on the traditional tension between central city decline, suburban competition, and revitalization efforts to bolster Downtown's primacy in the region's economy and identity. By Michael A. Stern, ASLA, LEED AP- ArchNewsNow |
Beyond the Egg-crate Museum: Reflections on the Bloch Building: Q&A with Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Director/CEO Marc Wilson re: life at Steven Holl Architects' Bloch Building - three years after opening. By Norman Weinstein- ArchNewsNow |

-- Sanaa & Imrey Culbert: Musée Louvre-Lens, Lens, France
-- Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes: Voestalpine AG, Linz, Austria |
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