Today’s News - Wednesday, January 20, 2010
• We lose Sarkisyan, a champion of Moscow architecture who campaigned against rampant post-Soviet development.
• Anderton sits down with an impressive panel to discuss whether design and architecture can help Haiti rise again - "can good design trump political mayhem?"
• What will it take to rebuild Haiti: "use this as perverse chance to build back better."
• A call for Sydneysiders "to take ownership of their city, rather than wait for an urban messiah" in fighting urban blight.
• Environmentalism as a substitute for religion: "Let us save the planet, by all means," but let's "temper our fervor to more reasonable levels."
• A new U.K. study says homeowners are wasting money on "eco-bling" that makes little difference to the environment (needed: more engineers).
• Architects struggle with the tight schedules of low-income housing.
• A new affordable housing conference in July plans to come up with some solutions.
• A Portuguese team wins Re:Vision Dallas; other entries have created "a bank of ideas from architects to pull from" (like a development constructed from recycled airliner fuselage - great slide show).
• A special report on 21st-century school design, NYC's School of One pilot program, and a great round-up of case studies.
• A new school in Harlem is the "pride of 103rd St. - the product of its stubborn and visionary founders and the building's equally stubborn and visionary architect."
• Finch offers reasons to be cheerful: "Even in hard times, there are opportunities that architects should pursue."
• Adrian Smith is "creating high tension in high places," claiming SOM is denying him credit for the Burj Khalifa.
• Q&A with Helmut Jahn re: CityCenter: "definitely very exciting, and to some degree rewarding, to work in a group of architects like this than to work with lesser people."
• Anne Guiney takes the lead at the Institute for Urban Design.
• On the anniversary of Sir John Soane's death, AR revisits 1978 article, "The furniture of death."
• Deadline reminder: Next Generation Design Competition: One Design Fix for the Future: January 29.

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Obituary: David Sarkisyan, Champion of Moscow Architecture, 62: ...director of the Shchusev State Museum of Architecture in Moscow...became famous for his campaigns to preserve architectural monuments against rampant post-Soviet development.- New York Times |
DnA/Frances Anderton: Will Design and Architecture Help Haiti Rise Again? A look at the architecture past, present and -- possibly -- future in Haiti's heart. Is there a design solution to the desperate need for low-cost housing in overpopulated cities? Can good design trump political mayhem? -- Patrick Sylvain; Cameron Sinclair/Architecture for Humanity; Ted Bardacke/Global Green; Alejandra Lillo/Graft/Make It Right; Joe Osae-Addo/Constructs- KCRW (Los Angeles) |
After the Destruction: What Will It Take to Rebuild Haiti? "Earthquakes don't kill people. Bad buildings kill them...use this as perverse chance to build back better." -- Cameron Sinclair/Architecture for Humanity; John Mutter/Columbia University's Earth Institute; Peter Haas/Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group (AIDG); Brian Tucker/GeoHazards International- Time Magazine |
By George, this blight has to stop, for Sydney's sake: One thing on which Sydneysiders can agree is that the increasingly squalid bits of our city are signs of urban blight that is spreading before our eyes...need to take ownership of their city, rather than wait for an urban messiah. The revival of any city is always driven by creative, community-minded citizens finally fed up with the squalor. -- Joe Langley/Sinclair Knight Merz- The Age (Australia) |
Green Guilt: Environmentalism, as a substitute for religion...[it] is a much better hang-up than worrying about the spiritual pitfalls...Even if it's neurotic, it's still doing some good. every other ism, has the potential for dogmatic zeal and obsession...Let us save the planet, by all means. But let's also admit...we have a natural propensity toward guilt and indignation, and let that fact temper our fervor to more reasonable levels.- The Chronicle of Higher Education |
Homeowners wasting money on 'eco-bling' which makes little difference to the environment: ...warning came at the launch of a major report from the Royal Academy of Engineering into the future of green industry will struggle to meet Government targets...because of a lack of engineers and a failure to understand energy use of buildings. -- Doug King- Daily Mail (UK) |
A Question of Time: Architects struggle with the tight schedules of low-income housing...puts undue pressure on a client to stick with a set team, even if that team isn’t up to par. -- Michael Maltzan; David Baker; Pugh + Scarpa; Koning Eizenberg; Daly Genik; Stephen Kanner; Leddy Maytum Stacy- The Architect's Newspaper |
Pugh + Scarpa Helps Launch Affordable Housing Conference: Invited Architects to Brainstorm with Developers...Affordable Housing Design Leadership Institute, a two-and-a-half-day conference that will address design challenges in affordable housing.- Architectural Record |
A New Vision for Dallas: If all goes as planned, a self-sustaining, mixed-use project conceived by Portuguese architects will be constructed on a city block...the winners of Re:Vision Dallas...development could serve as a model for cities everywhere...entries have created "a bank of ideas for architects to pull from"... -- Atelier Data/MOOV; Little; David Baker + Partners/Fletcher Studio; Standard architecture; Morris Architects; PI.KL; Ming Tan; Downtown Architects; Estudio Ame/MCP Arquitectura; Tsui Design & Research; Rickenbacker + Leung; HKS; SOMC Asia; Cooper Carry; Behnisch Architekten; Egbert Chu/Zachary Colbert; Konyk [slide show]- Architectural Record |
Schools of the 21st Century: a special report on design for education facilities. In some parts of the nation, school construction is one type of building that is moving (if not galloping) along in spite of the recession... + School of One + case studies -- American Architectural Foundation; John Weekes/Dull Olson Weekes; John Pflueger/Cuningham Group;Schwartz/Silver; Johnson Fain; Hickok Cole; Allied Works; Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn; Orcutt | Winslow [images]- Architectural Record |
Portland architect chairs new school design: ...selected by the American Architectural Foundation to chair a design process for the School of One, a new education model developed by...the New York City Department of Education. -- John Weekes/Dull Olson Weekes; Craig Mason/DLR Group [images]- Daily Journal of Commerce (Oregon) |
The Pride of East 103rd Street: A new middle school in Harlem is the product of its stubborn and visionary founders and the building’s equally stubborn and visionary aesthetic that’s both fun and dead serious, which is precisely how the school sees itself. -- Peter Gluck and Partners [images]- Metropolis Magazine |
Reasons to be cheerful: Even in hard times, there are opportunities that architects should pursue...architects are resilient, and good at adapting to changed circumstances...This is a time for the profession in general (including schools of architecture), and practices in particular, to think about what it is they could be providing over the next decade. By Paul Finch- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Architect defends his stature: Burj Khalifa designer: Old firm denies me credit..calling it "deception by omission." It's creating high tension in high places..."It's not illegal. I wouldn't say it's unethical. Is it breaching professional courtesy? Yes." -- Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill; Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM)- Chicago Sun-Times |
Q&A with Veer Towers architect Helmut Jahn: Tilt perfect tip-of-the-hat to Las Vegas...CityCenter, working with other architects, and the importance of sustainability..."definitely very exciting, and to some degree rewarding, to work in a group of architects like this than to work with lesser people."- Las Vegas Business Press |
Institute for Urban Design appoints new Executive Director: Anne Guiney, former editor of The Architect's Newspaper...succeeds Olympia Kazi...departing to become the Executive Director of the Van Alen Institute.- Institute for Urban Design (NYC) |
Sir John Soane - The furniture of death: On the anniversary of his death (20 January 1837)...a march 1978 article by the late architectural historian John Summerson (1904-1992). [images]- Architectural Review (UK) |
Deadline reminder: Next Generation Design Competition: One Design Fix for the Future; deadline: January 29, 2010- Metropolis Magazine |
Beyond the Egg-crate Museum: Reflections on the Bloch Building: Q&A with Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Director/CEO Marc Wilson re: life at Steven Holl Architects' Bloch Building - three years after opening. By Norman Weinstein- ArchNewsNow |

-- Sanaa & Imrey Culbert: Musée Louvre-Lens, Lens, France
-- Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes: Voestalpine AG, Linz, Austria |
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