Today’s News - Wednesday, January 13, 2010
• Architectural aid relief charity Article 25 calls on architects to aid survivors of Haiti earthquake.
• Betsky muses on Dubai 10 years from now: "as illogical as Phoenix or Las Vegas," it "will have turned from mirage to home sweet home for millions."
• An in-depth look at beleaguered Buenaventura, Colombia's "tangled web of competing interests" hampering its efforts to build its future (one plan to relocate waterfront slum dwellers might not be such a good idea).
• A study finds the walkability factor is affecting real estate prices (and calculate your own "Walk Score").
• A most interesting Q&A with Anthony Flint: forget Jacobs vs. Moses - "the city of the 21st century will be the reinvented city."
• Rochon visits Broadway's pedestrian plazas and Barnard College's Diana Center: "Toronto, are you watching?"
• It's architects vs. AIA Hawaii, defending plans for elevated rail in Honolulu.
• King cheers on some fantastical notions for obsolete Bay Bridge span (or just leave it as a bird habitat, perhaps).
• Pearman asks, "What recession? The cultural-buildings juggernaut rolls on," and looks at what's in store for the next decade.
• The highs and lows for historic places in 2009.
• Photos shot from Los Angeles City Hall six decades apart offer dramatic evidence of the city's transformation (terrific slide show!).
• New revelations about Bauhaus members' cooperation with the Nazis; much was "an act of survival."
• Jacobs experiences first-hand the High Line-straddling Standard: a "voyeurs' delight" - in fact, "the whole neighborhood suddenly sprouting up...promises to be a hot spot for exhibitionism and voyeurism."
• Q&A with Rockwell re: Crystals interior at CityCenter and how designing in Las Vegas differs from working in other cities: it's "a totally unique place where over the top flamboyant extravagant design is a part of the city."
• Two blind architects - one in San Francisco, the other in Lisbon - find each other and a niche for their talents and new sensibilities.
• An architect helping to build homes in North Korea sees "a rare opening for international cooperation."
• Non-profit Out2Play wins city grant to transform empty lots into playgrounds for 70 NYC schools.
• Call for Entries: Marketing Now 2010 Marketing Excellence Awards for AEC Firms (U.S. and Canada).
• We couldn't resist: architecture's "Avatar" - an animated short movie where none of the architecture is actually real (and it's really amazing!).

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Architectural aid relief charity Article 25 calls on architects to aid survivors of Haiti earthquake: ...the reconstruction effort will play a vital role in the coming months.- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Instant Metropolis: Phoenix meets Hong Kong, Instant Urbanism, Go Go Architecture—none of it quite describes Dubai...A hundred years from now, when the oil is all gone, this will be one large metropolitan environment that, though as illogical as Phoenix or Las Vegas, will have turned from mirage to home sweet home for millions...its oil-based boom, will be just a memory. By Aaron Betsky- Architect Magazine |
A City in Search of Good Fortune: Buenaventura holds a special, troubled place in the Colombian psyche...even as Buenaventurans work to improve their collective condition, they are caught in this tangled web of competing interests that exploit the city for profit (legal and illegal) yet fail to invest in the its future. By Quilian Riano & Dk Osseo-Asare/DSGN AGNC [slide show]- Places Journal |
Street Corners vs. Cul de Sacs: ...the mantra “location, location, location"...'walkability,” a concept supported by self-styled “new urbanists” who advocate denser cities designed for the pedestrian and mass transit...A study...looked at the sales of 90,000 homes in 15 markets to estimate how much value was associated with something called the Walk Score. -- C.E.O.’s for Cities; New York Times |
Interview with Anthony Flint, author of “Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took on America’s Master Builder and Transformed the American City”..."The trick is to support our cities with policies and investments...It’s going to take creativity and innovation, particularly in public finance. The city of the 21st century will be the reinvented city."- The Dirt/American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) |
Urban walkway: Everyone but the cabbies loves this: In a grand New York experiment, great swathes of Broadway have been closed to cars since May. Toronto, are you watching?...the arrival of Barnard College's Diana critical to the gracious reinvention of Broadway...New York is a city of risk takers...betting on a more civilized future... By Lisa Rochon -- Janette Sadik-Khan; Jan Gehl; Weiss/Manfredi- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Honolulu rail project architects defend plan for elevated route: ...distanced themselves from a position taken by the American Institute of Architects' Hawai'i chapter. -- Next Design; Group 70 International; Media Five Architecture; Urban Works; Pacific Architects; AM Partners; Ushijima Architects; Yamasato, Fujiwara and Higa- Honolulu Advertiser |
Design fantasies for obsolete Bay Bridge span: ...a handful of designers see much more, an icon ready for a bold new life...As fantastical as these notions sound, they're products of a recent graduate course at UC Berkeley's College of Environmental Design. By John King -- Frederic Schwartz; Marc L'Italien/EHDD [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Recession, what recession? The cultural-buildings juggernaut rolls on: You know them when you see them, the great public buildings. It's all to do with unshakable confidence...The question is - will the Tate Modern's £215m extension have it? And what else is going to happen over the next decade? By Hugh Pearman -- Herzog & de Meuron; 3XN; Bennetts Associates; Charcoalblue; Keith Williams; David Chipperfield; Mecanoo; Bernard Tschumi; Heneghan Peng; SOM; Tadao Ando; Norman Foster; Frank Gehry; Zaha Hadid; Jean Nouvel [images]- (UK) |
Best & Worst 2009: Highs and Lows for Historic Places...we look back on the most crushing losses and uplifting restorations of historic buildings throughout the country. -- Walter Gropius; Paul Rudolph [images, links]- Preservation magazine |
L.A. then and now: A city's changes in sharp relief: Photos shot from Los Angeles City Hall six decades apart offer dramatic evidence of the metropolis' transformation. [slide show]- Los Angeles Times |
Members of the Bauhaus movement cooperated with the Nazis, too: ...Ehrlich's collaboration with the Nazis was "an act of survival."...New revelations notwithstanding, there is a big gap between Bauhaus' progressive ideas and Nazi theory...the institution's heritage is much more complex than what is familiar... -- Franz Ehrlich; Walter Dejaco; Fritz Ertl; Ludwig Karl Hilberseimer; Ernst Neufert- Ha`aretz (Israel) |
Voyeurs’ Delight: At the Standard, André Balazs’s High Line–straddling hotel, the show occurs on both sides of the glass...not simply a function of the guests’ depravity but a quirk of the building’s architecture...the whole neighborhood suddenly sprouting up around the High Line promises to be a hot spot for exhibitionism and voyeurism. By Karrie Jacobs -- Polshek Partnership; Neil Denari; Della Valle Bernheimer; Shigeru Ban- Metropolis Magazine |
Q&A with Crystals interior architect David Rockwell: ...pushed for public spaces, natural light at CityCenter- Las Vegas Business Press |
Blind architects have a real feel for the site lines: Unable to see their designs or those produced by others, blind architects get more in touch with their other senses. As one says: 'There is this great palette of textures.' -- Christopher Downey; Carlos Mourão Pereira; Eric Brun-Sanglard/The Blind Designer; SmithGroup; The Design Partnership- Los Angeles Times |
South Bend architect helping build homes, hopefully peace, in North Korea: Effort aims to house farmers...a rare opening for international cooperation in the isolated nation. -- LeRoy Troyer/The Troyer Group; Fuller Center for Housing; Paektusan Academy of Architecture- South Bend Tribune (Indiana) |
70 schools to get new playgrounds: New York City grants $12 million to nonprofit dedicated to transforming empty lots into playgrounds...ontributes to the PlaNYC goal of having every New Yorker live within a 10-minute walk of a park or playground. -- Out2Play- Crain's New York Business |
Call for Entries: Marketing Now 2010 Marketing Excellence Awards for AEC Firms (U.S. and Canada); deadline: January 29, 2010- ZweigWhite |
Coming to a CAD Station Near You: Architecture's "Avatar": If buildings can be characters in movies like those, why can't they star in films all their own?...My pick is Hiroshi Teshigahara's Antonio Gaudi...And now there's this: The Third and the Seventh, a totally animated short movie by Alex Roman (real name Jorge Seva) [links to videos]- Fast Company |

-- Coop Himmelb(l)au: House of Music, Aalborg, Denmark
-- TEN Arquitectos: Xochimilco Masterplan & Aquarium, Mexico City |
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